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Really, REALLY tried to love InfluxDB. But its systems requirements, performance, and features are poor compared to things like TimescaleDB.

Influx is really shitting the bed with how they're handling the InfluxDB 2.0 release. The docs are a mess, and the migration tool seems like the result of a weekend hackathon. They're leaving a lot of customers with long term metrics in a tough spot.

If you're thinking about using Influx for long term data storage, look elsewhere. The company continuously burns customer goodwill by going against the grain, and bucking the ecosystem by trying to control the entire stack.

(I'm the VPE at Influxdata).

I appreciate this sentiment. We've been focused on a building a SaaS version of Influxdata and are committed to a paired open source version of that. The open source version has been lagging as we work on the SaaS side.

However, we are committed to shipping a GA version of the OSS 2.0 stack around the end of Q3 that offers an in-place data migration capability from 1.x OSS.

We've spoken about this publicly in other forums. You can google "influxdays London talks" to hear Paul Dix (CTO/Founder) talk more about our OSS plans.

Classic "two masters" problem.

This was from the CTO last week: "This work won't be landing anywhere until sometime next year and it'll be landing in our Cloud 2 offering first." So the OSS is definitely a second-class citizen. And now that they've dropped all DevRel activity, don't expect much attention for OSS Developers and users.

Quite the contrary, we're finishing up packaging of the OSS version now to make it as easy as possible for you to get it and we're assembled a new team focused on getting OSS 2.0 released.

We continue to support all users, including OSS users, in our public Slack and Discourse, as well as Github. We have not "dropped all DevRel" activity.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Influx laid off pretty much the entire DevRel team in the last 6 months, but ok.

This is true, and has certainly been painful for us and puts more work on those of us who are still working on community and devrel, but we're still doing it.

In fact we've got one of our Developer Advocates doing a live broadcast right now over at https://www.influxdata.com/time-series-meetup/virtual-2020

Well, guess I know to never use Influx as a startup

Why is that? It takes minimal effort to get it up and running and you can either self-host or use the SaaS offering on any of the major clouds. There's even a free tier on the SaaS your startup can use that won't cost you a dime until your usage becomes significant.

Because the VPE sounds like the corporate sort of person who would not prioritize the things I'd want them to as a customer.

That kinda hurts.

There are 100k's of happy InfluxDB users -- untold millions of completely open source Telegraf deployments doing meaningful work for people -- integrated into our products and our competitors' products. We make the vast majority of our codebase public under liberal OSS licenses.

And we'll keep listening and learning how to do more.

... off to see if I can change my internal slack handle to @corporatetool. Unless there's a policy against that ;-)

Hey, yeah, sorry, I've been meaning all day to go back and fix that. Really wasn't right.

Just struck a nerve that reminded me of some leaders at a previous gig who made things a little less sensible.

I apologise, and you definitely don't deserve it :-(

I don't think anybody who knows Ryan would describe him as "the corporate sort of person" :)

He was giving you an honest assessment of what was going on, not sugar-coated or wrapped in corporate speak. The work he described on our SaaS offering was directly tied to what our current and potential customers wanted.

Your issue is that they are prioritizing paying customers over giving you a free product.

I don't think that's fair given they are still a startup.

Just to add to what Ryan already said, we don't plan on dropping support for InfluxDB 1.x anytime soon, and will continue to improve the migration path from 1.x to 2.0, so you won't have to upgrade until it's right for you.

Now of course our goal is to help everyone upgrade to 2.0 and beyond, but we know that we made a lot of changes and improvements in 2.0, this isn't a minor upgrade. We will focus first on what we need to do to help 80% of our users upgraded, then the next 80%, and so on, until we've got you all covered.

Meanwhile new users can benefit from starting off on 2.0 as soon as it's available (or get the beta which is already out) and not have to wait.

(Source: I'm the Community Manager for InfluxData)

Im on the same boat, I tried very hard. Went through a few version upgrades with data incompatibility and other issues. Used it for personal projects as well as for different projects at work. I truly regret ever recommending it to different teams at work.

I ended up moving away from it to TimescaleDB and I’m pretty happy so far.

I use InfluxDb on number of big gov production services, and never had a single issue with it. I use it for all metrics (applicative and infrastructure).

Its easy to deploy and its x-platform. Not sure what are all the comments here about - maybe for really huge loads which I don't have experience at, I usually use separate influxdb per service.

We had major issues with scaling InfluxDB. We use clickhouse (graphite table engine) now and it is more than order of magnitude more resource efficient.

What about storage? We are running influxdb and we are looking for alternative. But a point where Influx is good is storage.

TimescaleDB provides such community features as compression, which allows to save space a lot, and continuous aggregates, which gives performance and save space if used together with retentions.

Tried VictoriaMetrics?

The author compares with other storage engines comprehensively from time to time.


You mean storage efficiency? Seems that unless the aggregation is happening before being stored, it would be unfair to compare influxdb with other databases that are tasked with storing per-record granularity.

InfluxDB is pretty good if you don't need to do any advanced querying like grouping by month or formulas. Its strong points are low diskspace footprint and very fast queries even over long periods of time.

Have you looked at Flux? You can do some really incredible things with it, both inside of queries and also in tasks/alerts. Check out https://www.influxdata.com/blog/anomaly-detection-with-media... for an example

Yes I have looked at it and it's unusable for my application because it is orders of magnitude slower than InfluxQL. Fairly logical if you think about how Flux works, it's very hard to optimize a query engine with a language where every step is supposed to be discrete.

There are actually multiple optimizations to Flux already underway. The language runtime can "push down" some of these operations to the storage layer where they can be performed more efficiently.

Is that really true? Do you have any reference for that, I’m curious how different it is. FWIW I use InfluxDB and haven’t really thought it was a huge resource hog.

InfluxDB may require big amounts of RAM when working with high cardinality data. It works OK with up to a million of time series. Then it starts eating RAM as crazy [1]. How many time series does your InfluxDB setup contain?

[1] https://medium.com/@valyala/insert-benchmarks-with-inch-infl... .

Does any of those matter for small-scale monitoring (say <= 10 hosts)? I've got influx sitting pretty much idle in that kind of environments and any data preprocessing / collation in grafana works just fine.

Arguably system requirements matter more for small scale deployments. I shouldn't need a server with multiple SSD volumes and 8GB+ ram just to monitor a couple raspberry pi's.

EDIT: okay, I get it. You don't need 8GB ram. I was just going by the hardware requirements in their docs: https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.8/introduction/insta...

... and it doesn't need that. I'm running telegraf+influx+grafana along with other services on a small rpi without issues.

Running TICK stack here collecting metrics from around a dozen different hosts (more if you count network devices like switches) to a central server with a default retention policy on spinning rust. InfluxDB process is currently sitting at 600MB RSS.

You don't need 8GB ram to run a small scale deployment of influxdb.

I'm sure this is true, but the documentation does explicitly say "Each machine should have a minimum of 8GB RAM" with absolutely no caveats about scale, so I think people can be forgiven for taking a quick look and moving on because they don't want to provision that.

That's a valid point, I've brought it up internally to improve the docs to explain what type of load this requirement is expecting. If you'd like you can create an issue for this in Github (https://github.com/influxdata/docs.influxdata.com/issues/new) to be involved in the discussion and change.

While we're working on this page, also check out https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.8/guides/hardware_si... which gives a better breakdown of resources requirements based on expected load

Sure, if you're really not doing anything with it, then any database would work fine for you.

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