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Thing is, there are still buggy whip manufacturers that have been in business since then. I don't know if Jedediah's Buggy Whips could have planned to survive the automobile, but they have. The New York Times I'm sure would like to be the buggy whip of journalism.

The Gray Lady is casting about wildly (probably before it really matters) in hopes of avoiding an uncertainty on par with the 1908 whip market.

> The New York Times I'm sure would like to be the buggy whip of journalism.

No, they don't. The few that are around are in an extremely niche business that most of the world does not need or care about. They're for hobbyists.

It'd be interesting to know if the buggy whip manufacturers from 100 years ago actually survived (I sort of doubt it, but don't know) or were recreated/re-formed to serve the niche/hobbyist market, which I think would require a different sort of business and mentality.

I did not invent "Jedediah's Buggy Whips," they are a real company that for all I've been able to find has been continuously in business since 1853.

Interesting. Maybe a small number of them managed to change with the times (my guess is they didn't call it "pivoting"), but I still can't seriously think that the NYT wants to be the equivalent of "Jedediah's Buggy Whips". Right now they're more like Ford (well maybe not that big, but they are at the very least national in their reach and relevance), and I don't think they'd like to take the step down in size and importance.

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