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A lot of commenters are focusing on the RPA part, but what seems to be more novel (to me at least) is the passive discovery of what could be automated with RPA. That seems like a generically hard problem, good luck!

The domain is called "Process Mining.

For example, Rapid Miner: https://www.rapidminer.com

There's also a Coursera:

https://www.coursera.org/learn/process-mining ‎ ‎

There is a good research paper that compares Process Mining to what we do, Desktop Activity Mining: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/05a4/f2258a48aaaa2b2686f72f...

Here is the most popular open-source process mining platform:


And thank you for sharing!

Thank you, a great point! We have witnessed so many automation/RPA initiatives put on hold/buried because of the complexity or cost of process discovery, that's why a lot of R&D efforts are focused on this specific stage of automation lifecycle

It’s called process mining and it’s one of those stealthy use cases that nobody knows about but is a multi-billion dollar market.

What we do is a bit different from Process Mining, our approach is known as Desktop Activity Mining, but from a helicopter view it's pretty much the same

Thank you!

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