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I'm less concerned than everyone else about this, but I do think it's ridiculous that we have one week to opt out and we can't even preview what you're going to make public right now.

I’m having a similar gut reaction. I just got the email and had I missed it (which is entirely possible since Triplebyte has been bombarding me with erroneous newsletters), I’d have a by default publicly visible profile. Just went in and turned the visibility off.

The roll out of this needs to be handled better, with extra care given to privacy settings, and verbiage on the profiles.

For example, Triplebyte has the following language - ‘I am currently open to new opportunities’, heh, yeah, please, show that on my public profile while I have an existing job.

A robust technical assessment site focused on tech is good, especially if it is nuanced in assessing people (not hard cut offs, finding strengths and weaknesses on a spectrum, etc), but please, take good care of privacy and clear communication.

Right! How can you share anything about your desire to find a new job without recruiters seeing it? And then, how do you make sure that the platform somehow excludes your current employer's recruiters? As with Ashley Madison, where you might find your spouse looking for you. So the privacy concern is a bit overdone, but nonetheless, the company's behavior is a bit shocking. If the CEO thought the users' profiles were as good as public, why not communicate that well to the users to begin with and later float the idea of making profiles truly public?

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