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I was reading through the Twitter dev mailing list, and found this poignant observation from a poster:

    The most telling change in the Terms of Service occurred in sentence 
    #2 or paragraph #1 under section Rules of the Road. 

    It used to read: "We want to empower our ecosystem partners to build 
    valuable BUSINESSES around the information flowing through Twitter." 

    It now (since March 11, 2011) reads: "We want to empower our ecosystem 
    partners to build valuable TOOLS around the information flowing 
    through Twitter." 
- https://groups.google.com/d/msg/twitter-development-talk/yCz...

It's not so much poignant (or any such emotional response) as it is interesting. And it doesn't really strike me as interesting either. It just seems like a rewording to be more inclusive.

To me, "businesses" imply "people that make money", "tools" implies "people that make money, produce public services, etc".

'Businesses' make money for the business owners, 'tools' make money for Twitter.

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