Woa—this is really beautiful! I need to give this some serious thought since I’ve gone heavy on the idea of not having dependencies, not using modules, not requiring Node, etc. You’ve definitely given me something to mull over here. Well done :)
Not requiring external libraries is by large a good thing.
I am not sure if I agree with other parts, though. Personally, I consider ES6 a huge improvement when it comes to code clarity and readability. It makes it easier to write, and less error-prone. Right now it is supported by major browsers, desktop and mobile: https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/.
I like TypeScript and stuff (https://p.migdal.pl/2020/03/02/types-tests-typescript.html), but I appreciate the no-Node philosophy (especially in the case of no dependencies).
If you want to continue developing it, I can connect you with Unitary Fund and Quantum Open Software Foundation.
Side note: I really appreciate the music notes analogy.
For reference, here’s some of my original reasoning: https://quantumjavascript.app/contributing.html#JavaScript_s...