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Color me interested. Pragmatism where destructive array updates are concerned is a boon for the numerical stuff I'm interested in.

Remember that regular Haskell has pragmatic destructive arrays as well (e.g. repa, vector, hmatrix).

The primary interesting thing about DDC, in my view, is the effect types -- the type system can infer what kind of monadic effects you're using.

Yeah, I guess I came off as slurring Haskell a little bit. Sorry. Could you point me to any resources on how to use Haskell for numeric stuff? I've been thinking of doing a blog series on neutron transport with either Haskell or Common Lisp, but I'd like to peruse a few examples of idiomatic Haskell numerics before shooting my mouth off.

My colleague, Matt Sottile, has a nice blog on languages, functional programming, and scientific (often numerical) computing, http://syntacticsalt.com/

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