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Autocomplete as an Interface (2015) (benkuhn.net)
288 points by fanf2 on Jan 16, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 191 comments

You know, I realize I'm the weird one here, but: when writing code, I almost always turn off autocomplete. Sometimes you basically have to have it on (when the language is demands it) but I usually turn it off. It's too much visual noise, too distracting. It's a thing that pops up that demands your attention. If I want to type

    if (myVector->empty()) { 
autocomplete will pop up a window like 4 times while writing. For no real reason: i can type "empty()" on the keyboard faster than I can look at a screen and choose "empty()" from a list, and having having the list pop up is distracting.

In fact, I strongly disagree with this:

> If I were writing a sophisticated user interface today—say, a programming language or a complex application—autocompletion is one of the primary constraints I would design it around. It’s that important.

Ugh, no, I don't like this at all. This is what leads to nightmarish Java type names ("AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean") that makes this language practically demand auto-complete. A programming language should be easily typeable on a keyboard without having to resort to auto-complete for everything.

I used to think this way, too, so I don’t think you’re weird. At my old workplace, everyone else was a Java IDE wizard, and I was used to good old-fashioned text editors. Aren’t you distracted by that widget appearing while you’re typing, I thought? Is it really faster for you to hit the Down arrow three times instead of just typing ‘empty’? Do people not learn the libraries they’re using anymore‽

But over time, something changed, and I’m now a big fan of autocomplete interfaces. There was something wrong with my initial assumptions, and I think that’s the same assumption you make when you say this:

> i can type “empty()” on the keyboard faster than I can look at a screen and choose “empty()” from a list

You’re right, I can type ‘empty()’ faster than selecting it from a list. I have the muscle memory already there, and I don’t need to stop and look and think about which method I’m autocompleting.

The reason I still use autocomplete is not that I need my IDE to tell me that there’s an ‘empty’ method there as if that’s something I don’t already know, but to tell me that my assumption that ‘myVector’ has an ‘empty’ method is correct!

I occasionally write code like this:

    auto myVector = someFunction();
    if (myVector->empty()) { 
Only to find that ‘myVector’ is not actually a vector, but an optional<vector> or another type entirely that requires me to do something else to get the vector I want. At this point, if I start typing ‘empty’ and the autocomplete widget does not appear, I immediately know that I’m not dealing with the type I thought I was.

Once I started programming this way, having the window appear was not ever a distraction, because I expected it to appear. In fact, the only distraction was when it stopped appearing, when I’ve made a mistake!

This. I find it's even more valuable with the explosion of 3rd-party libraries and packages--I'm constantly interfacing with code I didn't write, and autocomplete is _way_ faster than context switching to look at the docs/source of a library.

Interesting, but why not just have the autocomplete as a pane on the side so that you can focus, in the 99% case where you do have a good grasp of your dependencies?

That would certainly be a viable middle ground, but I simply don't find the in-editor popup to be distracting. I find a good many things distracting while working, but I actually like the autocomplete popups.

I don't think the main problem is that they're distracting, in the drawing attention away from what you're writing sense. I think the main problem is that, for an unfamiliar editor, the autocomplete takes an unknown subset of keystrokes, meaning that common things like inserting a newline or navigating vertically can interrupt your train of thought.

Once you get familiar with a particular editor then these problems become less acute. What remains is the obscuring of other lines of code which can be fixed by making the autocomplete box only appear when you press tab.

Yeah, really! Who would want to read the docs of a library!?

I think you meant to ask who would want to memorize the docs and never ever need confirmation they are remembering correctly?

I always read the docs first. And then usually skim the source code (when available). But that doesn't mean I've memorized every method name and signature.

> The reason I still use autocomplete is not that I need my IDE to tell me that there’s an ‘empty’ method there as if that’s something I don’t already know, but to tell me that my assumption that ‘myVector’ has an ‘empty’ method is correct!

Exactly, autocomplete is an excellent discovery tool. I may not even be aware productModel->hasConfigurableOptions was a function, or Product\Model\Configurable\Options was a model until I check with autocompletes.

VB6 had a feature where if you typed a previously defined name with the incorrect case it would autocorrect it for you. I used to type my identifiers with purposely incorrect casing so that the autoformatter would confirm that I had selected the correct variable or method name. I really liked that feedback.

Not that I'm saying that was a great workflow. But I liked the subtle feedback as I typed. I've also used autocompleters in the fashion you describe. Syntax highlighting can also provide this kind of feedback and I feel like these tools could probably morph into a single, more cohesive tool that provides a smoother experience than the pop-up window.

I rely on prettier (AST based JS+ formatter) in the same way. I intentionally add to little or too much space to get subtle feedback on if there is a syntax error in my (deeply nested) code.

I do the exact same thing with Prettier. I get a little spark of joy every time my code snaps back into place :)

It sounds like you're using autocomplete as a substitute for a tool you'd like, but doesn't exist.

Yes: what I really want is an autocomplete wired directly into my brain. Then I just have to intend to start working and my code writes itself, without having to lift a finger.

Welcome to the management track!

Ok, I'm curious! What might such a tool look like or do? Did you have something specific in mind?

I could imagine two tools: 1. A tool that parses the text and draws red underlines on all the errors, this exists but (at least for C++ in VS 2017) it is quite slow. 2. A tool that automatically populates and updates types of variables and functions.

Both of these could be achieved by somehow decoupling the front-end (as in before semantic analysis) of compilers and making them output the AST in some standardized tree-structured format like XML.

Doesn’t the Language Server Protocol already do this, just via JSON instead of XML? I believe at least some LSP backends (e.g. clangd) just reuse a compiler AST and feed the data to your editor?

Code completion (not auto complete) was always meant for discovery and never to help save on typing, at least in textual environments. The idea of immediately showing you what some symbol can do without using the mouse is very powerful.

ehhh. Only if your API is incredibly simple. You still have to roughly know that some operation exists and what that likely name is for the operation. Otherwise you're scrolling through a list of hundreds or even thousands of possible matches.

If you know you have an array and you know what you want to do with that array but don't know the name of the operation you want to do with that array, then completion as a form of discover sucks. No one is likely to stumble upon, say, JS's ".some()" method without having prior knowledge that this function exists and have it do exactly what they want.

Yes, you still have to know kind of how it was named and kind of how it was used. It is just the rest of the details you can forget (or likewise, don't need to remember). It is really useful when you have to use libraries that are kind of similar but not exactly.

Anecdotally, I use Typescript and code completion is exactly how I discovered Javascript's "some" and "every" methods. It involved lots of scrolling because I didn't know it would be named like that, but based on the presence of other list comprehension methods I had a good suspicion that they were there somewhere...I still often mistakenly write LINQ-named "all" and "any", but the online type checking quickly snaps me out of it. Code completion can actually be improved to deal with these cases with more utility, by not only matching on the parts of the member's name, but a system could also match on synonyms to parts of what you typed as well (or document aka's in the interface that play no other role than hooking into code completion).

Nobody is suggestion autocomplete replaces basic API knowledge, reading the docs, etc. What they’re saying is autocomplete saves having to remember every facet of the API precisely.

It’s like a rounded edge on plug pins, you still have to know where the plug socket is to plug something in but the rounded pins mean You don’t need to be millimetre perfect when inserting it because the plug will slide along the curve and guide itself into the socket.

That’s the point of autocomplete, it’s about enabling developers to focus on remembering the important stuff while the IDE helps guide them around the more granular bits that are still syntactically important to the compilation of software but don’t really matter to the logic you’re writing.

Code completion does replace a lot of doc use cases, like autocomplete in a shell reduces the need to go to man pages. But ya, code and auto completions are like HUDs for more structured experiences based around text editing.

Shouldn’t the fact he’s using it and likes it be proof it exists and not a substitute tool?

In addition to his workflow, I want to add that I really appreciate having the parameters and types displayed when calling a function or method. Sometimes it’s unavoidable asking yourself questions like “which way round are those arguments?” or “is that a signed/unsigned integer?” Sure you can look at the code behind the function you want to call but having the IDE prompt that saves you navigating away from the code you’re currently writing. That’s a massive win for me. Particularly for projects that require less active development

> Ugh, no, I don't like this at all. This is what leads to nightmarish Java type names ("AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean") that makes this language practically demand auto-complete.

You have it the wrong way around. Naming like that comes from the structure of the application, which just happens to benefit the ability for autocomplete tools to understand it.

If you've ever worked on enterprise software, with hundreds of classes across a half a dozen domains, you'll know the structure comes from a need for organisation and discoverability, and without that organisation you would have a harder time finding the parts of the application you need to be aware of. Autocomplete is just a convenient way to search the codebase for what you want. But that structure is the real hero.

I don't think there's anything inevitable about AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean. This absurd design pattern has its roots in Java's misguidedly restrictive approach to abstraction, which all but requires classes and inheritance to be the primary units of abstraction. More graceful abstractions are unergonomic or impossible since Java was not designed e.g. for higher order functions. The requirement that everything be in a class and the ontological awkwardness that often ensues when some conceptually non-object-y entity must be coerced into an object results in a lot of incidental complexity.

> ontological awkwardness that often ensues when some conceptually non-object-y entity must be coerced into an object results in a lot of incidental complexity.

Is it really that hard to create a Helpers class with static methods?

I'm back on Java now after a rather long detour and I say I happily accept the verboseness of it for

- the niceness of having a IDE that can almost replace pair programming

- an ecosystem were dependency resolution works

> an ecosystem were dependency resolution works

My coffee just shot out my mouth.... What?

Java --> Diamond dependancies --> Install fickin' maven plugin to print dependency tree --> pray that clashing dependancies converge at some version combination, and that does not cause another issue in a different pair of dependancies (and that I don't have to rewrite my project too much).

I really like that nodejs can handle diamond dependancies.

sidenote: I do like the simplicity of Java code though too.

I think the real trick is avoiding trickery in the first place.

If you got yourself in a weird situation with Maven, either you have a seriously interesting project or you should admit you are probably doing something you shouldn't be doing and should take steps to fix it.

Just this week I've been cleaning up some old Java project and as often a major part of it has been to cut down the pom file by 50%.

It is now upgraded, faster and easier to understand and upgrade :-)

That’s just simply not true. Diamond dependencies are an all too common occurrence in java if you are writing anything serious. It doesn’t happen everyday but when it does it’s a serious PITA. It’s not a “you’re doing something wrong” but a “someone did something weird somewhere but now it’s up to you to solve”. You just pray it’s someone in your company who was the careless one.

Or you just have dependencies in your chain which require different versions of guava, or Jackson, or Lombok, or any of the other very common dependencies that still get changes

I disagree, there is nothing particularly different about "enterprise software" that requires a different naming scheme than other software. This is simply a cultural habit, and this cultural habit is supported by the fact that this same community uses IDEs that have good autocomplete feature. You can write enterprise software without naming your classes that long and be absolutely fine, and I argue this is not a trade-off it's merely a convention.

Enterprise software gets a lot of cargo-culted software patterns thrown into it, for better or worse. That's why you end up with names like that. The software design is convoluted, not the naming convention. The word Factory in WidgetFactory represents a software structure, not just the fact that it makes widgets. You're probably right that it's a cultural thing to use all those patterns though, but not for nothing.

I disagree that there's nothing different about enterprise software, the needs are inherently different to a product-owner/single-purpose software platform. By enterprise software, I really mean enterprise frameworks that are used across many projects and many teams. Patterns are simply a shared language of concepts. The need for strict structure so anyone can work on it or extend it without messing the whole thing up or introducing new concepts or legacy code is what drives the patterns.

You could absolutely build super simple large scale software without all those concepts, but then you get yourself a boutique app that only your team is familiar with. Which is fine for a single product owner platform, not fine for a framework with hundreds of devs working on it who all need to collaborate without ever talking to eachother.

Eh. Maybe not enterprise (it is extremely custom software for courts) but I was sold on the idea of DDD by someone who has to deal with one single word from the dictionary having 14 different meanings to the customer.

And since the wording is pretty much directly defined by laws and regulations you better get used to it since unlike in small businesses you cannot just argue with the product owner that these two mean the same.

I'm a bit confused - isn't autocomplete utterly benign if you don't use it? Using Visual Studio I've never had to autocomplete unless I wanted to, so I've lost no time by having it on if I just want to trudge through, but there's plenty of times I can auto-complete away whole expressions by typing a letter or two and then hitting tab.

Regarding nightmarish Java type names I'd rather the name for things be the fully written out description (like "httpClientFactory") than something that's easier to type - at a glance I know what it is and does, and autocomplete is smart enough that I can type "h" and tab and it has the variable there already. And if I don't know what it does, all that takes is a "h", a tab, and a ".", and now I have access to all its functions with descriptions, saving me a context switch and jump to the documentation.

I'd argue that it's not benign. I think there are very real costs.

First off all, "misuse" of autocomplete can be very annoying. Some autocomplete system autocompletes when you press tab, some when you press enter. Many times I've been typing a thing, finished the line with the autocomplete window still open, pressed enter to go to the next line, and instead have auto-complete enter a bunch of stuff I don't want. These kinds of annoyances go away if you learn the system properly, so it's not a huge deal, but it's there.

More serious is the visual noise. I type while looking at the screen, and having a window pop up like that is distracting. It forces attention to itself since it's right next to the cursor (which is where I'm focused), and you have to process it. There's a reason people build elaborate "distraction free" practices, and we all know that being distracted by sudden inputs can break "programming flow". Auto-complete does this for me. It's not that I can't work with it, I just feel much more focused when not using it.

Like, imagine if auto-complete was enabled when writing just regular English. Every time you get half-way through writing a word, a window pops up suggesting that the ending of the word "parli" is probably either "parliament" or "parlimentary". That would be super-annoying, right? There's a reason Microsoft Word doesn't have autocomplete in this way, and it's how I prefer to program.

Third, I do think there's a more insidious effect of over-reliance on auto-complete. I genuinely think it leads to bad practices when designing a language, because you come to rely on it. Type names and lines become longer and you start to use more inline namespaces.

I think of C++ chrono library as an example of this. It seems like a library entirely designed to be used with autocomplete, because no sensible human without autocomplete would design a library like this:

    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    // .. do stuff
    auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::nanoseconds>(end - start).count();
I think (but am not sure) that's the correct std::chrono way of measuring a duration and get the results in nanoseconds. That's just an example, and you can argue with it, but I feel like auto-complete encourages this style of programming, and I don't like it. I don't like to type it, and I don't like to read it.

Again: I know I'm the weird one. Tons of programmers I've worked with and respect love auto-complete, and for good reasons. But I think there's a downside that most people don't consider, but maybe should.

I personally see your first two arguments the exact opposite way.

The visual display functions a bit like subtitles on TV: I don't really notice it's there, until it can help me. Just like subtitles help when I don't immediately understand something, autocomplete helps when typing something takes a bit longer than I'd like it to or when I'm not entirely sure what I want to write.

The "misuse" of autocomplete always continues to affect my workflow, because I can never ignore it. When it's wrong I have to explicitly opt-out from having it do the wrong thing, instead of quickly opting in to the right thing when it makes sense. It's a lot like auto-correct on phones, correcting words that weren't wrong in the first place. The fact that the popups capture arrow keys makes this effect significantly worse.

After some configuration I now have Emacs set up to handle this perfectly. Enter and movement commands always work like they normally do, never depending on the state of the autocomplete popup. Whenever it's there I can quickly make use of the autocomplete popup using Alt. It never does the wrong thing, because I would have to consciously tell it to do the wrong thing. When it's opt-in, autocomplete for regular English is actually a delight. I notice myself quickly auto-completing long words that take longer to type out.

I fully agree with your third argument. In my experience libraries and language ecosystems that fully expect autocomplete, like Java, tend to become overly verbose. The length of a name or expression affects the reading cost, but autocomplete mostly removes the equivalent writing cost. This then allows programmers to quickly give up on finding better names, or clearer ways of doing things.

Subtitles are very distracting for some, if they're on I I can't help it and end up reading instead of listening and watching the movie attentively.

I personally am in the affected by visual noise camp. But it appears that some aren't that bothered by it.

You dismissed your first argument, and I agree, it's just a matter of learning the system - I mean, I don't think anyone here can genuinely argue that VIM is bad because it's hard to learn.

Regarding the autocomplete, GMail does do this. It was a bit jarring initially but now I either accept the option or continue on as if it didn't exist.

I'm not sure what your argument for the third is - that it leads to code that relies on auto-complete? Isn't that in fact an optimization? Those lines don't seem particularly egregious to me. I don't know much C++, but I could see exactly what it was doing with those lines of code by being able to read the variables. Is it verbose? Yes it is. I don't take the idea that coming to rely on a tool is a necessarily a bad thing. C# visual studio debugging is head and shoulders above Console.WriteLine() - is it necessary? No, but it's greatly sped up the development process. Same with not having to go to the command line each time I want to compile and run my application.

I understand you understand you're an outlier, and I know you're just making personal arguments, but it kind of feels a bit "old man yells at cloud" - and that's not bad, I just thought there was value in debate.

> ...but it kind of feels a bit "old man yells at cloud" - and that's not bad, I just thought there was value in debate.

Yes, that is a very accurate description of how I feel when making this argument :)

> regular English

It looks like the trend is toward autocomplete suggestions for English too. On my phone keyboard, there are autocomplete suggestions to choose from when typing, and GMail now has Smart Compose [1] to do the same thing.

[1]: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/may/09/gmail-sma...

On the phone it makes sense because input is very constrained. On a keyboard/doc in a language you are fluent in, it is a distraction.

Re: editor trying to be helpful but getting in the way

Sublime Text often inserts "matching" quotes and parentheses. But it doesn't always do the right thing, so I usually have to go back and erase it. But then it erases the original one, too. So I have to move the cursor, add a space, and then erase it.

And when the feature does do what I wanted, it's only saving me literally 1 character --- ~0.1 seconds at my typing speed.

I really have problems with Sublime Text's autocomplete, to such an extent that I can't quite be sure whether it's a net gain or loss. If I was sure either way, it wouldn't be a problem, of course — I'm pretty sure it's easy to turn off altogether, if that's what you want.

A common example is copying some PHP source code into a new file, then entering "<?php" at the very top of the file. If I'm working quickly and do the natural thing (i.e. hit ENTER afterwards), I end up with "<?phpversion" and I either have to manually delete it, or do a cmd-z dance. Or I have to remember to press RIGHT after "<?php" instead of ENTER.

Many other similar examples (quote characters often seem to cause a problem). But, on the other hand, I know I've made use of autocomplete to help me type a long constant name which happened to be in the same file. So ... swings and roundabouts.

It isn’t doing the quote matching to save on your typing, but to keep your scanner from providing the wrong tokens to the parser of your compiler that is running all the time while you are typing.

'Only' quoting: 'Serious visual noise'

'I think there are very real costs.'

First off all, "misuse" of autocomplete can be very annoying. Some autocomplete system autocompletes with you.

IN ORWELLS REALITY: It isn’t doing the quote matching to save on your typing, but to keep the scanner from providing the wrong tokens to the parser of a compiler that is running all the time while you are typing.

So... 'Human Interface' ? ^^

If you want the compiler to be useful while you are typing, then the designers of your tooling have to do something. You can argue that they are doing the wrong thing, you can argue that having the compiler running while you are typing isn't worth it because you don't need the feedback, but don't misidentify why they are doing it; they aren't doing it to help you save a millisecond on typing, that isn't the concern at all.

Like, imagine if auto-complete was enabled when writing just regular English. Every time you get half-way through writing a word, a window pops up suggesting that the ending of the word "parli" is probably either "parliament" or "parlimentary". That would be super-annoying, right?

iOS does this and I assume Android does also. In fact, it’s based on what you type frequently. For instance, I use some phrases so often that I get autocomplete suggestions for them as well as company specific acronyms.

> I type while looking at the screen,

you should try typing with closed eyes. after some time you see the code directly in your mind.

I tried this once. I can do it easily with natural language but it's much harder to do with code (even code you're familiar with). I think this is because so much of writing new code is back-and-forth:

start writing loop, realize I need another variable, go back and initialize the variable, back to where I was, oh this should be brought out into a function, ah this function should is now getting quite large I need to split it, back to where I was, oh that should be an array not a map etc.

I like Visual Studio's 'jump back to where I was' (Ctrl+-) feature because it leaves a trail of bread crumbs across the many files I'm working in of what I've been doing and what's left to be done to implement feature x.

> I tried this once. I can do it easily with natural language but it's much harder to do with code (even code you're familiar with).

hm, that's interesting. I generally know pretty well the code I want to write before writing it. The question is what is the fastest way to get it from mind to buffer.

No one would design an autocomplete for written language because we remember the words we are going to use, and anyways, if we forget them, there is no hierarchical namespace to browse and navigate.

What autocomplete has enabled are deep and broad namespaces in programming languages that do support such a concept. Yes, you are definitely correct that the massive namespaces designed today are only possible because of autocomplete: libraries can cram in more functionality because developers will be able to use autocomplete to find it. But what’s the alternative? Less functionality in the libraries so they can be used with autocomplete turned off? There is some merit to that point of view, but simplification can only go so far before you are just missing things you wanted to use in some niche use case.

> No one would design an autocomplete for written language

Er... that happens all the time: various word processors, text messaging, etc. Even Google's autocomplete (which is a rare example of autocomplete being really good) is essentially this.

Ya, I should have written it differently. These aren’t the same things, really. One is about discoverability and the other is about handling input method deficiency. I remember auto completion being really great when using T9 to text on old Nokia handsets, but not because I didn’t know what words I could write.

The right word for that would be code completion or more specific brandings of intellisense, which is completely different from things like T9.

Perhaps not hierarchical namespaces, but there is the knowledge that 'next word must be a verb', 'that verb requires an object', etc.

There is, but the space is vast for those. A better analogy might be a possessive, like the King’s crown, or perhaps an operation, the president’s impeachment. But we usually use language to communicate, not to design and build, so you aren’t gaining much when you already know what was done or to be done and are just communicating that. Instead, think of auto completion as a planning aide to help you remember what things have and can do.

The right word for that would be code completion or more specific brandings of intellisense, which is completely different from things like T9.

What's often missing from these discussions is the impact on human memory.

Back when I started programming, I never used syntax highlighting. It just wasn't a thing for a large part of my early years. Text mode VisualBasic and QuickBasic didn't have it. Nor did GW-BASIC, QuickC, Pascal, I could go on...

I was at the point where I could write C code and have it compile the first time. No syntax errors, no compiler errors, full -Wall and -pedantic.

After using an IDE for awhile, I noticed my ability to get things right diminished. I gave up knowing things for relying on technology.

One area I notice this the most is spelling. I used to be able to spell. Now I critically depend on browser or editor highlighting of errors, or throwing a word into Google to see what Google tells me. And it's not just new or complex words. It's words that I used to know how to spell. If all I had were pen and paper, I would be helpless.

Some will say technology frees you to memorize other more important things. But the downside is you give up agency. And very well may just become that much more of a replaceable cog in the machine.

I tend to agree with this line of thinking. I've been almost exclusively a Vim user for the past 15 years and feel like, if anything, it's made me a better programmer because I do spend a lot of time reading docs and code, refining my mental model of APIs, and often, thinking through problems before I start typing since I know that all of the characters in the file will come from strokes of my fingers.

There are certain classes of autocomplete bugs that just can't happen when you're typing every #include/import/require that I find myself continually cleaning up and writing static analysis for.

I spend far more time reading other people's code than writing it. Autocomplete doesn't provide any assistance there.

In what way does vim help here? It has all kinds of Syntax highlighting and autocompletion, and it's not like you can't disable it in other browsers.

Not only this -- but it renders you quite useless if you ever have to use a different environment. Sometimes that's because you have to use a different language that doesn't have as much tooling, sometimes its because a product gets discontinued, or your employer forces a different IDE, etc.

I definitely had this experience with CodeWarrior back in the day. I really loved that IDE. But then when Mac OS X came out and Objective-C became the native language, the tools weren't there yet, and I had to either program "alone" without autocomplete/fancy dynamic highlighting/etc, or use Project Builder (the predecessor to Xcode), which was lacking in all these departments. I found myself much slower, and not for the obvious reason of "of course, I'm missing all these great tools", but as you say, slower at things I knew I used to be fast at. It's kind of like discovering that no, you don't like broccoli, you actually just like the melted cheese on top. That was a big moment for me deciding to focus on generally applicable skills vs. IDE-specific skills.

Interestingly enough, I think this legitimately doesn't apply to a lot of people because they spend most, if not all, their career in one domain. In that environment I think learning IDE-specific things makes a lot of sense. I discovered that this wasn't for me and move around a lot, so its nicer to not be dependent on those things.

Sometimes that's because you have to use a different language that doesn't have as much tooling,

Which popular languages these days don’t have a dedicated IDE, plug ins for popular IDE’s and/or support for the language server protocol?

sometimes its because a product gets discontinued, or your employer forces a different IDE, etc.

I wouldn’t work for a company that forced an IDE on me.

In that environment I think learning IDE-specific things makes a lot of sense.

Visual Studio Code works with multiple languages as does Visual Studio.

> Which popular languages these days don’t have a dedicated IDE, plug ins for popular IDE’s and/or support for the language server protocol?

Most new languages until someone implements it. Again, this is very dependent on what you like to do. If you like trying bleeding edge stuff then you’ll probably run up against this.

> I wouldn’t work for a company that forced an IDE on me.

Sure, sometimes it’s kind of out of their control (or understandable). For example Xcode at Apple. Or if you work in a dev feature that needs to work with some tool or something. Again, my position is that it’s probably fine for most people.

> Visual Studio Code works with multiple languages as does Visual Studio.

OK, it’s interesting you bring up a fairly new entrant as proof this (at least I’m the Mac). Again, my interest is in trying lots of syntax extensions and stuff that usually just breaks these sorts of things. As I mentioned before, if you’re doing application development on a specific set of established languages for a very long time it’s probably the right move.

For example Xcode at Apple. Or if you work in a dev feature that needs to work with some tool or something.

Now you’re giving me flashbacks. I worked for a company where the founder wrote his own VB like IDE/Compiler/VM for Windows CE. I hated every minute of that job until I got the chance to work on the actual compiler written in C++/MFC.

agreed. i have too also noticed people who don't like IDE's tend to have more wide-spread knowledge (ever since a sys|network admin use an IDE?) they also move around more.

When I first started, I spent all of my time writing C at my keyboard with few interruptions.

Two decades later, at any given time, I’ll be writing C#, Python, Javascript, yml for CloudFormation, a litany of third party external dependencies, internal libraries written by developers on multiple teams, etc.

Not to mention “polyglot persistence” dealing with Mysql, DynamoDB and ElasticSearch. All that and Zi purposefully avoid the front framework of the week.

The scope of what I am expected to know changes.

When where you the most productive?

It depends. Being able to do the entire stack yourself saves the communication overhead of working with a group of people.

But on the other hand, for the good of the company, it’s often good to sub optimize the individual for the good of the team. You usually don’t want only one person knowing the entire feature and while you will lose out on individual productivity, you can get features out sooner if you have more people working on it.

On a personal level, I love having not to wait on other departments/props to get my work done especially in a dev environment.

What does that mean ? If you felt better and personally were prouder of the work done back in C with no autocomplete but the business was deriving more value from your work with autocomplete, how should One answer? Or more importantly, what if the requirements are so much more today that if you adopted the same tools as 20 years ago you’d fall behind?

I admire those who stick with their old tools and forgo modern ones so they can stay sharp. They tend to miss the forest for the trees though.

I wasn’t implying one way or the other and I don’t think that the parent post was either.

The point I was making that when I was writing C day in and day out and mostly just working with a combination of my own code and my companies vote libraries, it was easy to use just a text editor and the command line to build.

But things have gotten more complicated since then. No one could be expected to know the hundreds of functions that make up the entire AWS SDK or all of the options that you need to specify for a typical CloudFormation stack in yml. Of course now it’s even better with the Cloud Developer Kit that lets you generate yml programmatically using a static language - with autocomplete.

Once a code base reaches a million lines of code it gets difficult to keep it all in your head, and even if the software has a nice architecture with module patterns or what not, just the sheer amount of different methods and functions will slow you down. Sure autocomplete will help, but the best productivity solution afaik is to keep the code base small :P

google how linux kernel developers work.

> A kernel developer usually contributes both code and documentation to the Linux kernel. As kernel developers become experts in their particular subsystem, they contribute to patch review on the subsystem mailing list. Eventually, they may become the maintainer of a particular driver.

This sounds good to me. I'm not qualified to judge the quality of the linux kernel, but judging by the adoption, many features, and hardware support, they must do something right.

> I gave up knowing things for relying on technology.

Perhaps, it is not so much giving up knowledge but filling the first-level cache with other stuff, like the larger picture of the software you are developing or the ever growing number of abstraction layers below the code you are writing. And whether that is good or bad thing is an interesting question. I am not aware, that it has an definite answer, yet.

yeah. maybe that's why i get this feeling of being out of touch with software that was written with an IDE. you can see the difference come debugging time. C/Emacs you just know where everything is, just reading the logs (sans stack trace) is enough. Java/Eclipse ... you need to bring in the heavy machinery, and then good luck to you.

Autocomplete doesn’t have to be so intrusive, it doesn’t have to pop up a window over your cursor, it doesn’t have to grab CPU time making your keystrokes skip. These are really interface issues that can be fixed: you can shove the suggestions off to the periphery of the buffer, for example.

Autocomplete is and was never about saving on typing. It is an aide to help you browse and navigate large namespaces, it doesn’t enable long names, it enables deep and vast libraries. The complaint then isn’t about some straw man class name, but about the 200+ methods that can be called on that class.

I am in the same boat, but was recently told I program very differently than most people. I write a bunch of stuff that does not attempt to be syntactically correct (everything from while(???){ } since I don't know what the exit condition is yet, to straight up interlacing "a --> something --> b" or random ascii drawing of trees, in the middle). To me code is very similar to writing an essay, especially at the beginning, I'll have random lines all over the place as I develop the idea, and only reign it in to something that will actually run much later. For this reason, I also am totally OK without syntax highlighting often. My editor of choice has a bug where it often won't syntax highlight on the creation of a new file and you have to manually reselect the language. I actually like this and treat it like a feature: new files start in "brainstorm mode" and only "earn" syntax highlighting once they are sufficiently mature, at which point the environment becomes more constrained. This kind of accidentally mirrors the behavior of CodeWarrior which I used to love for C++: before the age of running a daemon in a parallel process to syntax highlight, CodeWarrior would only "know" the classes and methods you defined on the last successful compile. This was simple and fairly bullet-proof: no need to clear any weird caches or anything, no crashing background thread trying to highlight incorrect code, new classes were unrecognized until you hit compile.

That being said, even if I programmed with the intent of continuing to be syntactically correct during the entire process (which I do when I am editing an existing file usually), I still cannot stand autocomplete, or really anything beyond simple syntax highlighting, because I feel like everything about today's computing experience is yelling at me. Notifications constantly popping up, linters yelling about stuff I don't care about yet, and autocomplete acting like clippy telling me every possible method that starts with an S. I find it severely distracting. I wouldn't want Microsoft Word to tell me every verb that starts with "s" just because it knows that in this position of the sentence I must be typing a verb and I just hit an "s".

I'm right there with you. But there are alternative interfaces for auto complete. I personally prefer the "autosuggestion" style used in fish: https://fishshell.com/assets/img/screenshots/autosuggestion....

i threatened to quit a job because they forced fish on us. it is so distracting that i can't think when using it. they allowed a bunch of us to go back to bash.

I agree, and it's part of the heavyweight interfaces of a lot of these modern tools. For example, search is my primary cursor motion command in Emacs, because it's incredibly lightweight and typically faster than any other cursor move command. Whereas invoking search in many programs from word to IntelliJ will move the cursor and focus away from where you're working to some widget elsewhere, and often requires a confirmation to perform.

Incremental search is finally appearing in some browsers, bringing them into the 70s. But just as software itself has seemingly gotten slower as the machines have sped up, I feel like the interfaces have gotten significantly more cumbersome.


Not all auto completions are equal, I suspect you've only dealt with bad ones.

It's very tricky to get right and requires a lot of attention to detail in timings, human attention span, UX, and even psychology.

IDEA's auto completion is mostly good, in my experience, not sure if you've tried it.

> i can type "empty()" on the keyboard faster than I can look at a screen and choose "empty()" from a list,

Sure, but that's a five letter word with no camel case nor special symbols. Your observation stops applying very quickly as the code base grows.

Not mentioning that having to type all these letters and symbols (especially if you need to use the shift key) is pretty bad from a carpal tunnel standpoint.

> For no real reason: i can type "empty()" on the keyboard faster than I can look at a screen

I just checked my key sequence for writing that :

   if<ctrl+space><enter>myv<enter>.em<enter><down arrow>fill<enter>myv<enter><right button>;
At no point I had to "choose" from a list from screen - if I have to I just type the next letter until what I want is accessible under <enter>.

It's most certainly faster for me to press a single enter when it does than the four remaining letters, and the parentheses

I agree, personally, but I am sure it is a minority perspective. I worry it might just be my unwillingness to change habits and workflow. If I am writing down functionality I usually want to complete my thought first, sometimes even in meta-code, then go back and make it proper. Like you say, autocomplete interrupts with several micro-decisions per line.

But I grew up coding in Notepad, so most editors feel like another part of the complexity stack I have to manage. Other devs seem to code with autocomplete almost like they are coding with a visual programming language. They use the mouse a lot more or keyboard combos if they are really efficient, but they anticipate autocomplete results and select variable names quickly, partly with a mental inventory of variable name options.

I think there are clear strengths to both methods. Pro-autocomplete devs seem to naturally follow the single responsibility principle (SRP) while I find that level of scaffolding obscuring at times.

Most auto complete that I've seen implemented in the last decade has timing attached to it. So if you are typing empty(), it's not just going to pop up. Rather, it waits for a pause, an indication that you aren't sure.

I also don't know of a single language that requires auto-complete for everything. I do know languages that make more use of it, but I also don't now of a single language that benefits from not having some form of autocomplete. Even your myVector example could benefit from autocomplete (either having a better name them "myString" or "myInt" or me just typing 3 keys instead of 8 for completing myVector.

Do bad interfaces exist? Sure, I don't know of a single UI element that can't be done poorly or messed up.

> if you are typing empty(), it's not just going to pop up. Rather, it waits for a pause, an indication that you aren't sure.

That's a negative experience for me. If I'm pausing, it's because I need to think about something.

In that instant, a suggestion distracts me.

The chances of the suggestion being relevant to my pause are pretty low.

The best option is when you can invoke the autocomplete/docs on demand - using a convenient shortcut.

> That's a negative experience for me.

Sure, I wasn't talking to you. I was referencing another user and a specific element of their comment. I also wasn't giving an exhaustive list of all the options available in modern autocomplete features.

> The best option is when you can invoke the autocomplete/docs on demand - using a convenient shortcut.

Autocomplete has that as well. Seems like people are assuming that there is only one way to do things, which is silly. Instance, delayed, and activated. These all exist.

So yes, you can customize things to fit your easily distracted nature.

I find that the timing is actually worse, because then I start waiting for the menu to appear as affirmation for some assumption I made about the namespace. It’s also jarring that it appears out of sync with keystrokes. Turning off the delay and working on menu placement instead could provide for better PX, but it is something that can be user tested a lot, at least.

> I find that the timing is actually worse

That's fine. Amazingly, these things are customizable to fit everyones needs. Thinking there is only one way to do it is silly, but apparently a number of developers things autocomplete can be done only one way.

They aren’t really customizable that much. I don’t think there is a property in VS or VS Code to haggle with to reduce autocomplete timing to zero, and it still doesn’t deal with it being too intrusive to be used continuously. Each design decision has a cascading consequence, making customization very difficult.

Happily, there are some settings like that. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/intellisense

``` // Controls the delay in ms after which quick suggestions will show up. "editor.quickSuggestionsDelay": 10, ```

Neat! I've actually never had a problem with the delay in VS Code, and 10ms is basically the way I like it anyways (immediate).

Some people might still be annoyed by the code completion menu placement, which isn't configurable (yet).

>This is what leads to nightmarish Java type names ("AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean") that makes this language practically demand auto-complete.

I suppose this is really just a matter of opinion, but it seems strange to argue that autocomplete is bad because it can be so useful that you'll definitely want to use it. Sure, it's a separate argument whether "Factory" and "Bean" are useful, but long, verbose, meaningful names are good in my opinion. A random example taken from the React source code: `attemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority`.


Without knowing anything about React or what Hydration is, I’m suspicious of this name - “AtCurrentPriority” doesn’t sound like useful information, everything should happen at current priority otherwise what does the concept of a “current” priority mean?

In a shell you don’t list files in the current directory with “ls —in-current-directory”, because the current directory is what you get if you don’t specify anything.

Similarly, in a language with exceptions and a library with error results, “attempt” is a non-description; everything is an attempt by default, the interesting things might be things which somehow can’t or mustn’t fail.

This smells like it ought to be “Hydrate” and then have a version which can be specified at some other priority if that’s needed.

There are lots of developers like yourself. I always refer to this as the John Henry Programmer.


Just bang away at keyboard as fast as you can, hitting keys tens of millions of times over a lifetime.

Humans are tool builders. At some point, the tools will mature to the point where sudden bursts of typing at 100 wpm will become irrelevant.

>Humans are tool builders.

But they don't always build useful tools ! And more notably, useful tools don't necessarily become widespread, and widespread tools aren't necessarily useful

And of course widespread tooling is often not actually best-in-class

But so human advancement is not sufficient reasoning -- it's not uncommon that doing nothing at all is more optimal than doing the thing we did (eg the recent flight boarding article on frontpage, which described the common back-to-front, and front-to-back, load orders being worse than random load -- the optimal solution is quite convoluted)

Somewhat less serious suggestion, not aimed at OP, but this whole thread:

How about everyone with less than two years experience with both IDEs and editors stand back so we grown ups can sort this out ;-)

On a more serious note and as someone who has been on both sides of the fence:

How about we accept that people are different? Some people like Mac, some like Linux and some - gasp - enjoy their Windows desktop.

That said, and as someone who has extensive experience from both sides, I think that if people put the same effort into learning and configuring their IDE as they put in learning and configuring vim then that might very increase productivity a lot more than last ten years worship of vim.

(And: do learn a bit of vim. It comes in really handy sometimes, just don't fall for the idea that some people sell that you cannot become a good developer without using it all the time.)

But they're customisable, if you can be bothered. I have set up a few as is, and some defaults are really handy too!

For example, `err.nn` expands to ``` if err != nil {

} ```

And that's a default for GoLand. I have set up a few custom ones that are pretty handy as well, which frees up time from typing, to actually thinking through and solving problems, as well as making any necessary verbosity easier to deal with.

While most variable names are kept short, I do go for 2-3 word variables when necessary, and have some pretty long winded function names that, IMO, improve readability by a mile, like `GetNonEmptySliceElements()`.

Perhaps you would benefit from a customizable latency on autocomplete, similar to what I've implemented when building autocomplete form fields. You don't want stuff popping up with every key press or even as someone is still typing and presumably understands what they want to type next.

If you could customize the lag after ceasing to type a key and match it to your normal typing cadence I imagine your experience and utility from IDE autocomplete would be much greater.

Auto-complete is at least very helpful in two regards: - "Don't make me think". I don't want to wast my brain bandwidth on remembering the details of tens of thousands of the methods/properties/functions, but instead on the logics/architecture/communication of the app I'm building. - Method/property discover-ability, especially for new classes/interfaces/libraries.

I almost always turn off autocomplete

I treat it like eye candy: Just some fun, animated blandishment that makes me feel all 1337 while banging out code.

What would be nice is if the auto-complete window could be detached from the cursor and float in a corner of the editor, so I can look at it for those times when I have a brain fart and can't remember which parameter comes first in a function.

Emacs + company + posframe to the rescue.

I prefer autocomplete to only appear when I ask for it. Often that is ctrl+space. It's a good compromise between the two extremes.

>Sometimes you basically have to have it on (when the language is demands it) but I usually turn it off. It's too much visual noise, too distracting

With a proper tool you can configure if autocompletion pops up automatically or only if you request it with a hotkey. Check your tool if it can do this. If not then look for a better one.

Choosing an item from a list is not the right way to use autocomplete. IMHO, autocomplete is a good way to make sure you don't have typos. I never choose from a list. I always type enough letters to make sure the current one is the one I want and then hit tab.

You're doing it wrong.

The way most people use it is they type enough letters to be specific enough then hit tab to fill in the rest.

For example in intellij I'd type something like "my" then hit tab immediately.

I think it depends which objects you're manipulating. I remember that autocomplete was the best thing since sliced bread when trying to manipulate UI objects in VB6

Easily typeable often comes in conflict with easily comprehendable. I would much rather see long descriptive names than a lot of comments.

In vim, you have to ask for autocomplete (^n).

I wish more engineers cared about auto complete. A lot of software people I know say "just use vim" or "just remember things" and I feel these view points really stifle progress.

Just recently I've been trying to use Bazel for for a personal project. When you use gRPC you don't get any auto completions on generated code. I haven't been able to locate anyone who cares about this because they use some text editor configuration that doesn't have autocompletion so this is basically never going to get fixed or have traction.

If more people prioritized type hinting and IDE friendliness I feel a lot of interesting tools would take off

> I wish more engineers cared about auto complete. A lot of software people I know say "just use vim" or "just remember things" and I feel these view points really stifle progress.

They are not very well versed in vim if they don't know about the autocomplete capabilities of it.

The most basic form is matching with ctrl-n in insert mode. http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/insert.html#i_CTRL-N

This can be beefed up by coupling it with ctags and even goes up to 11 with full language server protocol support by using coc.nvim.

Never let anyone tell you can't do that in vim. Most of the time, they are wrong.

Vim can be used to do that, but not by me. After 12 years of using vim through MIT and various software engineering jobs, I've accepted that it would take a person of my mental abilities waaaaaay too long to set up.

Or, can you recommend a good book on vim package management and debugging?

In my experience, there are people that like building their development from the bottom up and others like going from top down.

It's perfectly fine to get a full featured IDE. If you miss the vi stuff, most IDEs nowadays have pretty good vim emulations (and thanks to to neovim, many have even perfect vim emulations).

Nevertheless, for an intro into vim plugin management, a good book is "Modern Vim by Drew Neil".

> "Modern Vim by Drew Neil"

I took a look at that on Amazon[1], but the reviews seem to indicate that it gives a surface-level walkthrough of some of the available plugins. I'd need something that gives me a mental model I can use for debugging.

[1] https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07DFBWVMB/ref=dp-kindle-redirec...

Are you using gRPC with Go bindings? There is work underway for rules_go in Bazel to expose generated types like your gRPC and Protobuf classes.

You can follow this issue for updates: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/512

Unfortunately I'm using python, Java, node, and C. I don't know much go and I don't get many changes to use it at work.

This is a very poorly constructed argument that's repeated over and over. There is nothing in vim that makes you not be able to use autocomplete. If you want autocomplete you got it. I'm an emacs user and I have a lot MORE features including MORE autocomplete features than my coworkers using IDEs.

I could not agree more to this article. Not only am I a happy IPython and zsh user, but also like searchable menus (also refered to as "OSD search" or similar in non-Mac OS X contexts).

My feeling is that we experience a revival of keyboard-based searchable/explorable GUIs due to two reasons:

(1.) Many people use notebooks where both hands rest on the keyboard (in contrast to an external mouse where one hand permanently rests).

(2.) Desktop searches, or virtually any kind of search with a fast index took over (clearly pioneered by Apples Spotlight). That's the Google spirit of searching for things instead of clicking menus.

This is probably one of the changes where in the retrospective we can say "the 2010s" brought us. :-)

IPython dev here,

Thanks to you (and the author) for being happy users of IPython; but if you don't have complaints you are not using it enough :-) We do our best to provide good completion; but most of the work is thanks to Jedi (Dave Halter) for the completion and prompt_toolkit (Jonathan Slenders) for the UI , at least in terminal.

There is a lot of improvement that could be done to completion (time and funding missing), and we are always looking for Feedback and Pull Requests.

Side Note while I agree about the statement about Julia and bar(foo) vs foo.bar(); nothing prevent the completer to add text not at the cursor position. Having foo)<tab> suggesting to prepend `bar(` is a possibility.

(also hijacking top comment...)

One of the most jarring problems with ipython is scoping of list comprehensions. I loose access to certain objects while writing more elaborate list comps all the time. I'd be really happy if that got fixed at some point...

> if you don't have complaints you are not using it enough

I'm a daily user. I wish there were a way to enable the autocomplete and doc display that ptipython has. In both the terminal and jupyter it would be very helpful.

Thanks for the feedback,

In JupyterLab you can open the "Inspector" that should have the equivalent and show the doc for the current token under cursor.

I'd love to have time to implement that for IPython, or even have for the completer the documentation that pops up for the current highlighted option of the completer.

As IPython is now based on Prompt toolkit there is no reason not to have that; it's mostly a question of finding the time to implement it !

Helm makes Emacs so much more discoverable . It saves me an enormous amount of time by giving me discovery of feature and for the most part approaching DWIM.


Other people have shared improvements to Bash's default autocomplete behaviour; here's mine, specifically addressing the criticisms that you have to hit tab twice and the pollution of terminal history:

  # Complete unambiguously on first tab, then show completions
  set show-all-if-unmodified on
(These settings go into your ~/.inputrc file.)

This means that if I hit tab for the first time, Bash will autocomplete as far as the completion isn't ambiguous; single keypress, no history pollution.

If I then hit tab again, I get a list of the possible completions.

The other single biggest improvement over default behaviour for me is this:

  # Replace common prefix with ellipsis for completion
  set completion-prefix-display-length 2
This will make the list of completions omit the part they all have in common.

The combined behaviour is then like this: for a directory with a few files,

  $ ls
  file1  file2  file3
I can start typing:

  $ cat f
Now, hitting tab (just once) gets me the unambiguous part:

  $ cat file
Hitting it again shows me the possible completions with the common part replaced by an ellipsis:

  $ cat file
  ...1  ...2  ...3
  $ cat file

> Instead, for most people the killer feature of zsh is that it doesn’t re-output the prompt when you autocomplete

Actually, this, coupled with the "complete on first tab hit" is the reason I stayed away from zsh. I tried it a few times, simply because so many people are raving about how much better it is than bash, but never really switched and the autocomplete is one of the major reasons.

1. I like to see autocomplete as a history. I hit tab (twice, but I will get to that in a second) and see what my options are. I type another letter or a few and hit tab again. If I made a mistake, I can catch it by comparing the previous set of choices to the new one. With zsh, if I made a typo, all I get is an empty list and a sense of confusion.

2. Every once in a while (more often than I a willing to admit), I will hit tab for completion when I don't really mean to. Like I will type something like ls -l /usr/local/bin/<TAB>. Bash will beep at me to ask if I am really sure. Zsh will freeze and compile a list of hundreds of completions. Not much else to say about that.

Personally, I think neither bash nor zsh have the optimal behavior.

I agree with your point about the extra tab keystroke being useful before a giant list gets printed. I like that about bash.

But sometimes I hit tab too many times. I don't really count keystrokes, I just kind of mash the tab key until I get a list. And I don't need bash to print the list again if I hit tab an extra time. (This seems like it could be changed without breaking compatibility with anything. If you hit tab 3 times, don't print the list twice. Instead, only re-print the list if the string (that the completion is based off of) has changed.)

I guess I don't care too much either way about having the list in my scrollback buffer. I can see how it's useful to refer to it, at least while in the process of trying to use the completion.

> zsh will freeze and compile a list of hundreds

Recent zsh will (configurably) ask if you really want completion it detects there will be more than a smallish number of candidates

Still a pain for other completion sources though

> I like to see autocomplete as a history

Not sure if I understand correctly:

Ctrl-r shows command history, filtered by fzf as you type

I find that particularly useful for frequent stuff that I don't bother to put in a script. Optionally add some search keywords in a trailing comment.

(might be not zsh itself, but oh-my-zsh or so)

If you press tab twice in bash, it will display a list of completions and then another prompt below. If you hit tab again, it will generate another list of completions and another prompt. You should be able to still see the previous list of completions above. Zsh reuses the prompt and redraws the completion list, so once I hit tab, I cannot see what my previous completion list looked like.

This! I tried zsh after reading the article and it looks like I would probably end up with lots of subtle mistakes being autocompleted/corrected in.

You should probably try TabNine ('autocompletion with deep learning'). It is trained on a compendium of pre-existing code, and suggests really sophisticated completions. Sometimes it freaks me out how it suggests solutions, almost like having somebody code for me.

The downside of TabNine is that it removes predictability. With regular completion, semantic or not, if I have a long function name I can reliably write a couple letters of it and get the completion without even having to look at the suggestions.

One thing doesn't exclude the other. TabNine also supports semantic completion. I haven't yet tried it in PyCharm, but I don't think it entirely overrides the powerful built-in autocompleter.

Are the completions legally owned by you the user? Or are they provided under license?

The license only refers to the software, for what I understand, and doesn't say anything about the outputs. The completion runs on your machine unless you explicitly set up a cloud account. They explicitly explain how you can make sure your code never reaches their servers if you don't want it to. Even if they suddenly claimed IP on your code, I really don't see how that could be held up in court.

An issue could be if it spit out someone else's code character for character as a completion.

I presume the code used for training has been selected among code released with specific licences. Otherwise it would be a copyright violation anyway.

While IPython is cool, lets not forget autocomplete exists even in the default python interpreter

  Python 3.5.3 (default, Sep 27 2018, 17:25:39)
  [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] on linux
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> s=""
  >>> s.[TABTAB]
  s.__add__(           s.__getattribute__(  s.__lt__(            s.__rmul__(          s.encode(            s.isdecimal(         s.join(              s.rjust(             s.title(
  s.__class__(         s.__getitem__(       s.__mod__(           s.__setattr__(       s.endswith(          s.isdigit(           s.ljust(             s.rpartition(        s.translate(
  s.__contains__(      s.__getnewargs__(    s.__mul__(           s.__sizeof__(        s.expandtabs(        s.isidentifier(      s.lower(             s.rsplit(            s.upper(
  s.__delattr__(       s.__gt__(            s.__ne__(            s.__str__(           s.find(              s.islower(           s.lstrip(            s.rstrip(            s.zfill(
  s.__dir__(           s.__hash__(          s.__new__(           s.__subclasshook__(  s.format(            s.isnumeric(         s.maketrans(         s.split(
  s.__doc__            s.__init__(          s.__reduce__(        s.capitalize(        s.format_map(        s.isprintable(       s.partition(         s.splitlines(
  s.__eq__(            s.__iter__(          s.__reduce_ex__(     s.casefold(          s.index(             s.isspace(           s.replace(           s.startswith(
  s.__format__(        s.__le__(            s.__repr__(          s.center(            s.isalnum(           s.istitle(           s.rfind(             s.strip(
  s.__ge__(            s.__len__(           s.__rmod__(          s.count(             s.isalpha(           s.isupper(           s.rindex(            s.swapcase(

That's the case now, but it wasn't in 2015 when this post was published.

It seems to be enabled by default since 2013/Python 3.4:




Support already existed in Python 2, so it's sad that it took so long for it to be enabled by default.

And you can get similar results inside your favorite programmer's editor using something like Jedi:


I wonder if there is a measurable difference between software written in a very basic text editor vs an IDE. Differences like naming conventions, name length, number of files etc. I've always thought that an IDE, while wildly useful in some scenarios, pushes/allows for unnecessarily complex design choices.

Or maybe I'm just trying to justify why I use vim...

I've definitely noticed a difference.

I have been developing my current project using IntelliJ, which makes it easy to jump from function call to function definition.

Once I had to do some maintenance on a live copy using vim, where I don't know how to use those features, I decided to gradually redesign things to have fewer levels of nesting for easier maintenance.

The most significant difference in my experience is with dynamically typed languages. I started to write some code in Lua in a simple editor. It worked, but I was very slow, because I made many silly mistakes, mostly typos or trivial errors and those manifested only at runtime, requiring full restart of an application and repeating all actions until that code is run. Then I switched to IDE which highlighted silly errors and allowed autocomplete which eliminated typos and my productivity was few times better. I'm sure that it'll be the same with JavaScript or Python.

My experience with python is that the autocomplete in the REPL is good enough (autocomplete would be better but I don't like the idea of depending on specialized editor configs so it's not worth it in my mind.) If you don't know what fields your classes are then maybe your code isn't organized or documented well or you should be using type hints.

For really messy javascript or things you don't know well autocomplete helps though.

For me, I find that having a good autocomplete makes code easier to read because it makes long names easier to type correctly.

Compare "save-lisp-and-die" vs "s-l-a-d<TAB>". The latter is much easier to type and the former much easeier to read.

funny. we actually have an sdie macro ;)

I see no mention of emacs' dynamic completion, which I've been an addict of for several decades now. Rather than autocompletion based on some defined domain of possibilities, dynamic completion backward searches through the buffer to find completions. Keep hitting the key (I use Ctrl-/) and it will eventually search every buffer you currently have loaded.

I'm sure one could set up some automatic completions-generating target in a build system that could be fed into an IDE. Well, I'd certainly hope so. But emacs' dynamic completion works so well for me, with no work to get the full benefit no matter what I'm writing - code, a letter, financial docs, anything at all where I just want to hit Ctrl-/ to finish off that slightly-longer than usual term that I just used a few lines earlier.


The one genuinely great aspect of Ubuntu's defunct Unity environment was the "Heads Up Display" (HUD) that made searching and autocompleting through the File/Edit/etc. menus in every (supported) program as easy as hitting a hotkey and typing. I am a much bigger fan of Gnome 3 than Unity, but I think this should be resurrected as an option in every OS/DE.

Anecdotally, I hide the header in Google Docs/Sheets most of the time to save space, and have come to rely on the Menu Search field in the upper left (Alt+/, which works regardless of whether the header is shown) for things like renaming the doc, accessing conditional formatting, etc. Basically the few commands I use regularly which don't have a corresponding hotkey.

Prior 2015 discussion with good comments:


It's not just how zsh displays the completions. The fact that I can complete from the middle of the filename is quite important to me.

Yep. Also the fact that it can complete in more places. Git history, remote hosts for ssh, ...

In fairness Bash can do that as well. It's not a shell specific thing, autocompletion is just a shell script after all, the issue is whether someone has written those scripts (which they have for Bash) and if your package manager ships them (which some do but others do not).

However I do agree that Bash generally feels outdated these days. In fact autocompletion was the primary reason behind me writing my own readline API

In my experience, this is partly true but in general it’s hard to get it to work well and in the end zsh is more slick. Xonsh is another shell that also has better completion than bash and with even less effort. (It’s not as stable though...)

I agree that there are plenty of shells which make it easier to write completion scripts (even I've written one which would fall into that category) and there are plenty of shells and 3rd party libraries which provide a nice UI/UX for autocompletion than readline does.

...however Bash can still do the items you'd described earlier. In fact back when Bash was my primary shell (which is a few years ago now), it literally did do those things you described and it came already pre-written as part of whatever Linux package I was using. ie I didn't have to write those scripts myself.

But yes, I do agree Bash is pretty horrible at writing and using autocompletion compared to more recent shells. There no doubt about that :)

> Here’s why the high-bandwidth visual interface is important: The common thread in between the autocompletion in zsh, IPython, Xcode and OS X help is that it makes it easy to find hidden things.

The best I’ve seen in this regard of discovering hidden things is the Visual Studio C# auto suggestions which refractors your code to use modern language features. It’s quite magical, sometimes doing non-trivial refactors.

I find it a great way to get exposed to the ongoing evolution of C# without actively polling the language spec.

JetBrains pioneered that with IntelliJ for Java (and then for .NET with Resharper also) - it's great to see it spreading to other languages like Go and Rust too via the IntelliJ support!

Fish has one of the best auto completion out of the box, I love all you get for free with zero configuration. I used zsh before, which is great, but require so much configuration.

Fish autocomplete when navigating directory trees is a life changing thing.

this is so interesting. i kid you not, as soon as fish starts doing its thing my brain shuts down. i cannot use it not even for a minute. i've tried. i had to try because the assholes where i work forced it on me. so i threatened to quit. it worked ;) ... back to good ole bash.

there are zsh distros that come with good defaults such as oh-my-zsh.

For a better autocomplete experience in Bash (and other programs that use the readline library) I can recommend that you put some of the following in ~/.inputrc:

    set editing-mode vi # if you're a fan of VI-style editors
    set visible-stats on
    set colored-stats on
    set show-all-if-ambiguous on
    set completion-ignore-case on
    set colored-completion-prefix on
    set completion-prefix-display-length 1
    set menu-complete-display-prefix on
    tab: menu-complete
    "\e\t": menu-complete-backward
    "\e[Z": menu-complete-backward

> And the fact that Apple’s methods were designed for autocomplete means that the language is practically unusable in environments without it, which in practice means substantial lock-in to Apple’s proprietary dev tools since no one else invests as much.

This may be true as an effect. But these features in ObjC language (named arguments) and idioms (using them a lot, with verbose symbol names) both date from NextSTEP days, when the developer tool market was entirely different, and I doubt these language features were chosen with any thought whatsoever to this goal.

The author may not be implying otherwise, but some readers may take it that way.

From what I remember of the era, I think the motivations were more about clarity, and maybe some desire to "make code closer to human language." Why make class or method or argument or variable names cryptic abbreviations, when you can just spell them out? Won't this make the code much more readable and comprehensible, and as they knew then as well as now, code will be read many more times than it will be written.

Ruby idioms still lean in the direction of verbosity in symbol naming; perhaps both ruby and ObjC got it from smalltalk, a heavy influence to both. Which is interesting, because smalltalk also famously traditionally locks you into a particular difficult-to-write-an-alternative development environment; but at the time and place the choices were made that led to that, it also surely was not a "commercial" decision.

I switched from bash to fish mainly for its incredible autocomplete features. It's not 100% bash compatible like zsh, but doesn't need much configuration and has very good defaults.

Autocomplete is the main reason why I preferred Microsoft Visual Studio over other environments when I was in school; and then why I gravitated towards Microsoft tools as a professional.

It's not just memorizing: When working with a new or unfamiliar API, it's very easy to guess and navigate this way.

To be quite honest, when I work in environments without autocomplete, I feel like I'm learning slower then when I learn in Microsoft Visual Studio.

mostly i don't like autocomplete. but MVS implementation is superb. the closest i've seen to something usable (for me).

> I have 90 files open in emacs right now and I can find any particular one in five keystrokes. Imagine having 90 tabs open in Chrome—you could never find anything!

The Quick Tabs extension gives you autocomplete for Chrome tab titles:


Just type Ctrl+Q and you get a popup with IntelliJ-style autocomplete.

Another trick for Chrome tabs (unrelated to autocomplete) is to open a new window instead of a new tab when starting a new task. If I'm searching for information about a particular programming topic, I use Ctrl+N and do the search in a new window, then Ctrl+click or middle button click to open interesting search search results in new tabs in that window. Then when I'm done I can close that whole batch of tabs at once.

This may seem like an obvious thing to do, but I have seen people who never open a second Chrome window but just have dozens of unrelated tabs in the same window.

400 tabs in Firefox. No special plug-in. No problem.

And, to be fair I thought Chrome had copied the Awesomebar by now?


> If I were writing a sophisticated user interface today—say, a programming language or a complex application—autocompletion is one of the primary constraints I would design it around.

Early php did something like that just not for the same reason. https://news-web.php.net/php.internals/70691

Autocomplete, IMO is a crude effort to make text based interfaces more interactive.

While it does address some shortcomings of text based interfaces, text based interfaces are inherently flawed to provide enough feedback or context to the user. The only reason we are still using text based interfaces is that the computing system has revolved around UNIX and the command line.

The fact that autocomplete is needed for sanely using text based interfaces (especially the command line and programming languages) are proving that we need a better interface.

GUIs became popular due to providing the users instant feedback of what the user can and cannot do, providing context implicitly with the user interface elements. Autocomplete's corresponding features are flag/function name completion, context (like the current directory) based completion... but they really don't do their job well.

I do not have any ideas about what the interfaces of the future will be... but text based interfaces won't be the future. Hence autocomplete might become obsolete...

<Sorry for the useless rant :-(>

Text is generic. With interfaces you have to design abstractions that are suited to the application. Like code, great UI abstractions make solving problems easier and pleasant. Wrong abstractions do the opposite, leaving users powerless to accomplish their goals. Text both fills a gap for when no abstraction is present and provides a fallback when the abstraction isn't good enough or discoverable.

GUI and autocompletion aren't mutually exclusive. In fact I think they compliment each other well. See: your browser's address bar, google's search form, etc. If you're doing anything non-trivial with a GUI, chances are you're using a keyboard of some sort at the same time, and those interactions often benefit from autocompletion.

The reason we're still using keyboards, which are basically late-19th century technology, is because we've yet to figure out a faster and more precise method of getting words out of a human brain and into a machine. You could quibble over qwerty vs dvorak or chorded stenotype keyboards, but all share the premise of speaking using your fingers.

(Voice recognition isn't there yet and probably never will be if human-to-human interactions are anything to go by (it's common for humans to use text to communicate with each other when they need to be precise, even when both share a common spoken language.))

Well said

C got this right. We tend to resort to textual interfaces (CLIs and source code, searching instead of directories) because they have the expressivity and conciseness of language. No other tool such as Diagram languages works as good. As devs , our tools are keyboards and our eyes. The measurable goal is to reduce the time it takes to type and read code. Autocomplete makes code too verbose, keyboard makes it too cryptic. I tend to err towards brevoty, as i think it s important to be able to read code in large chunks fast. As such i think autocomplete is mostly annoying as it gets in the way. Languages should instead be laconic even if that means a little memorizing. I think C or python get the balance right and that should have a measurable productivity benefit

> I can point to exactly one tool that has approximately doubled my programming speed, and that’s the IPython notebook

My biggest issue with IPython notebooks is that it holds state between cells. Sure it makes things faster, but it also lends itself to bad programming techniques.

I am glad to see emacs mentioned. One of the cool things about it is that you can have completion your way. For example I made a package for when you are running shells in emacs it will send a tab character and then intercept the output. Then it displays it in an emacs pop up. Completely bypasses the issue of bash adding new prompts with every tab.


Along the same lines, I've been thinking a lot lately about how I'd love to have a voice recognition equivalent of a CLI. I see this as almost the only way to truly get away from keyboards.

Imagine how efficient is is to type "kubectl get pod my_pod" versus clicking around in a clunky web-based dashboard. Now imagine if your smart speaker's set of commands were as strict or well documented as most CLI apps.

I can't decide whether or not I like this idea. I feel like it would be weird to speak code into a computer, but maybe that's just because I don't already do it. It would be neat if it worked, though. Having played around with voice recognition before, I don't have a lot of confidence that the current state of the art could handle the precision required for code.

Now, if there were a way to use the same technology with [subvocal recognition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subvocal_recognition), that would really be something. I'd be onboard with more or less thinking my code and watching it appear on the screen, since that's what I do now, just with a few finger steps in between.

I like how "script"[1] works - you can write really simple interactive software and let script do the autocomplete and reverse lookup for you. Rob Pike even uses it in some of his presentations.


The one major issue with autocomplete is that—like with anything else in life—if you become too dependent on it, you will be crippled if (for whatever reason) the IDE or the autocomplete feature fails for any percentage of the time.

I speak from personal experience as this happens regularly in Xcode for large iOS projects. Xcode is notorious for its fragile indexing system. Symbols are often not correctly picked up, and autocomplete is notoriously unreliable when the projects get large. This happened often enough that it actually trained me to become much more comfortable writing code for long periods of time without relying on autocomplete at all.

If autocomplete/IDE indexing system lags behind or is unavailable for even 0.5% of the time, that translates to real time where the developer is waiting for the autocomplete list to appear.

With Python, Ruby, and other languages, one has a plethora of IDEs/editors/environments to choose from. However for Objective-C or Swift, the environment is severely limited. AppCode does exist, and it does have a much better indexer and autocomplete, but it is very different than Xcode and most iOS developers will not be able/willing to move to AppCode. And that's even before considering their licensing costs.

With most helpful aids, I would say that autocomplete is a gift and useful day-to-day, but to make it a central dependency during the development phase seems to be a mistake.

Autocomplete is the first step. Then you get linting, static analysis, autoformat on save, and code snippets. All built into your fancy IDE with plugins. You are super productive, you learn from its suggestions that you can quickly flip through, and your coworkers are happy that they only have to check your code for correctness and implementation, not style and edge cases.

this is like the self driving car myth. i just don't think computation extends this far. ie, a computer cannot do math in the sense of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entscheidungsproblem

If you're referring to formal verification tools (which help programmers mathematically prove that their program has certain properties). Then it doesn't need to extend into all the edge cases. Usually if the machine tells you it can't create a proof you add more checks to your code or pick the properties so that they're easy to prove. There's no need for completeness.

If you're referring to anything your parent mentioned, those tools already exist.

My 3 most life-changing developer tools are the Fish shell (because of its autocomplete), the TabNine autocomplete plugin, and a clipboard history manager which is essentially system-wide autocomplete.

So much this!

Autocomplete in early versions of IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans is basically how I learned to really program Java. After a 10 year break from serious coding, it's also how I caught back up :)

Autocomplete in IntelliJ was almost like being psychic. With very little typing, the code just magically appeared on the screen.

Based on the title, I thought this article would be about creating a context-sensitive API for generating autocompletions in some programming context. Like a Python API, etc.

Mods: can you add [2015] to the title?

Done now.

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