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With all due respect. No one is asking to go into your house. They just want to push a stroller on the publicly funded sidewalk in front of it the same way you want to drive your car on the publicly funded street in front of theirs.

(Edit: I see you removed the hateful part of your post, Ill keep this here though.)

The point about a mosque sounds like either you live near clueless Jerks or you believed a made up rumor. I dont know any religous Jews that care about whats inside or outside the Eruv except their homes and perhaps local hospitals or nursing homes to visit ill and elderly when they cant drive.

Just to set the record straight, there was no hateful part of my post.

I was referring to the uproar from the residents near where I live (which is part of an eruv) about a mosque being set up there, as reported by major press outlets:




The point I was going to make was that they appear to care deeply about what is inside the eruv (e.g. a mosque). You say it is just about pushing a stroller around and they don't care about what is inside my house etc, but we can see that if someone tries to set up a mosque inside their self-declared jewish area (i.e. eruv) and it is literally national news due to the level of anger and racism.

From your very first link, "but a minority of comments have been Islamophobic, leading a local rabbi to denounce “threatening and misleading” language that echoed historic antisemitism."

So basically, you said Jews care about whats inside the Eruv because a small minority (of jerks) who are outright denounced by rabbis, and the majority of Jews reject... must mean Jews are islamophobic and want to keep a mosque outside of an eruv...

My perception is that your making assumptions about many people and communities based on a few news stories about a few bad actors. There are layers of potential bias in these stories and even if you investigate further, it clearly doesnt support your contention.

Edit: I changed language from calling this hateful since I was wrong to make broad assumptions. The author is likely not hateful but rather making assumptions that I disagree with...much like I was. Hopefully we can both walk away from this exchange slightly more open minded.

Please stop talking like this - first you are accusing me of using hateful language, now accusing me of "hating" on things and not wanting jewish people to live near me etc. Please keep your assumptions about who I am and what I think to yourself.

I can't reply to your initial post, since it's flagged dead, but from a Jewish Halacha (legal) point of view, your home is not included in the Eruv anyway.

Only the public properties are included.

For example a common walkway in a condo needs an eruv (since it's owned by all the condo members together it's considered public [joint might be a better word] property, not private). This common walkway is NOT included in a city eruv, only city owned property is. (And the owners of the condo will need to make their own eruv.)

You are right. I am sorry for using such forceful language. I do not know you or your motives and will edit my posts. My only request is that you take a minute as well to consider why I perceived your comments the way I did, and you ask yourself some tough questions about your own assumptions.

I cant edit my post above this...but I want to correct that the person I was responding to did not delete a hateful comment. Just an assumed accusation I assumed was hateful but was in fact just an assumption based on a premise I do not agree with and feel was unfair. Not hateful but unfair in my own opinion!

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