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Please stop talking like this - first you are accusing me of using hateful language, now accusing me of "hating" on things and not wanting jewish people to live near me etc. Please keep your assumptions about who I am and what I think to yourself.

I can't reply to your initial post, since it's flagged dead, but from a Jewish Halacha (legal) point of view, your home is not included in the Eruv anyway.

Only the public properties are included.

For example a common walkway in a condo needs an eruv (since it's owned by all the condo members together it's considered public [joint might be a better word] property, not private). This common walkway is NOT included in a city eruv, only city owned property is. (And the owners of the condo will need to make their own eruv.)

You are right. I am sorry for using such forceful language. I do not know you or your motives and will edit my posts. My only request is that you take a minute as well to consider why I perceived your comments the way I did, and you ask yourself some tough questions about your own assumptions.

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