“ Wie Tausende von seinesgleichen, machte er es aus der Vorstellung, dass ihm zu jeder Stunde der Weg in den Tod offen stehe, nicht bloß ein jugendlich-melancholisches Phantasiespiel, sondern baute sich aus ebendiesem Gedanken einen Trost und eine Stütze.”
Excerpt from “Traktat vom Steppenwolf”[0] by Herman Hesse.
Paraphrasing: Like thousands of his kind, he [der Selbstmörder “he who commuts suicide”] doesn’t just use the idea that the door to his death is open at any time as a youthful and melancholic phantasy, but as consolation and a crutch.
Excerpt from “Traktat vom Steppenwolf”[0] by Herman Hesse.
Paraphrasing: Like thousands of his kind, he [der Selbstmörder “he who commuts suicide”] doesn’t just use the idea that the door to his death is open at any time as a youthful and melancholic phantasy, but as consolation and a crutch.
(I really can’t translate)
[0] https://sanelatadic.com/media/DIR_15301/96989bdc407a2ecbffff...