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Gitlab ‘rethinking’ third-party telemetry (gitlab.com/gitlab-org)
623 points by EMM_386 on Oct 24, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 422 comments

This thread follows on yesterday's: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21337594

The negative comments seem largely focused on issues with telemetry per se (which is a big deal, especially in the enterprise), but, for my company, I see an even bigger problem. There is no way that I would host a solution that includes third-party scripts. This is simply not negotiable. I don't care how good that third party's "data protection" is -- the ability to serve up that script means that anyone who compromises the third party, even just a temporary compromise of their front end, has the keys to the kingdom.

If you want to collect telemetry, fine. Do it on a first-party basis, distill it down into one file a month, and let admins upload it if they like. But the third-party script is a complete nonstarter.

> There is no way that I would host a solution that includes third-party scripts.

At least for now, it appears that the self-hosted versions of GitLab (both CE and EE) will not be getting telemetry scripts. This is only for gitlab.com (again, for now). See the table on their ticket[1] for the issue

1: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/growth/product/issues/164

From that link, it doesn't exactly sound like they've ruled out the possibility of adding this tracking to EE too however - and reading between the lines, it sounds like they'd prefer telemetry to be enabled by default if & when that does happen?

We are not adding Pendo or Snowplow JS snippets to self-hosted versions at this time. We are carefully considering the appropriate opt-out functionality for telemetry that will work best for our customers, and we will clearly communicate to those customers when any change is made.

Right. That basically says "We're going to back off until people stop paying attention, then ram in the anal probe".

> opt-in by default

So ... opt-out?

Thanks :) Comment edited to (hopefully) clarify the language.

it seems pretty clear they intend to add it to EE eventually. Every single time they talk about it, they say, "we're not considering changing EE at this time".

> At least for now, it appears that the self-hosted versions of GitLab (both CE and EE) will not be getting telemetry scripts.

Yes, for now. But I think everyone can realistically expect that it will be included there eventually.

Those of us who find this unacceptable should probably start planning their mitigation strategy now.

The entire nature of self hosted is that it is for companies or people who want more control. It’s Seems ill advised and unlikely for gitlab to force telemetry on those users.

> It’s Seems ill advised and unlikely for gitlab to force telemetry on those users.

I would have thought that the way they rolled this out was obviously so ill-advised that they wouldn't have been likely to do it, but they did.

Also, they initially were going to include the self-hosted installations in this as well, but backed off due to the outcry. So even though it's also obviously a bad idea, they were provably likely to do it, because that was their explicit plan.

Also, it's a red flag in any security review. Every time we answer security questionnaires this comes up. I'm stunned they would consider adding this to hosted software.

Or just opt-out, if they ever add it, and if it is not opt-in at that time.

Yes, for those who really need to stay on Gitlab.

Where my thinking is at right now, though, is that Gitlab has just tangibly demonstrated that they don't deserve a great deal of trust, and so I'm not inclined to trust any opt-in or opt-out choices.

Even if they're effective at the time they are introduced (which I don't really doubt they would be), I am not comfortable in relying that they won't change the deal in the future.

Opting out now won't matter in the future when they reset the default and then reset everyone's configuration "to let you make the choice with new information" or whatever spin they want. Then you miss that new choice in your automatically-deployed update and... well then what?

I guess if we’re making up things that could happen, why bother even giving them credit for providing a choice at all?

Indeed there is little point to care about a choice when the trust for them to uphold that preference doesn't exist anymore.

I agree completely that a company's most precious asset is the trust of their customers. If you fundamentally lose / abuse that trust, eventually you will have no more customers.

Source control is a particularly good example when it's the core IP of your company at stake, and engineers--who can sometimes be a bit prickly about these things--are making the decision on which product to use.

In this case the reaction to me seems overblown, as Gitlab AFAIK has been a well run and particularly transparent company. I felt the same way about the recent reaction to Gitlab saying they want to stay out of the politics of passing moral judgement on every repo they are hosting, which to me seemed exactly right. To be clear, I'm not and have never been a Gitlab customer, so I'm not basing any of this on any personal experience the quality of their product.

Now speculating on how they might do something in the future which impacts self-hosted instances, assuming the worst, and declaring it will mean switching providers... I think the comment would be better off just saying something like; "I'm looking at the way Gitlab is handling this issue and it makes me no longer trust them with my data, so I will be going elsewhere" -- just without the rank speculation.

> let admins upload it if they like

If that was the approach to telemetry, I think most users wouldn't have a problem. But currently the word alone makes us rethink about using the product at all.

Indeed. Back when Windows asked me if I wanted to send info about an error to Microsoft so they could improve Windows, I pretty much instinctively clicked yes. Now that they collect the information without my permission, I block it at the network level.

Take a look at your enterprise DNS and/or proxy logs and see how many times secure.gravatar.com is being referenced. It's leaking all sorts of info via HTTP Referrer (looking at you Atlassian).

Let's not call it "telemetry", let's call it what it is: spyware.

Malware is even more impactful and still technically correct since it is a superset of spyware.

I worked on a project that involved customizing an open source document management system for government use. One of my first assignments was removing the built-in/hard coded tracking baked into Alfresco:


This is spot on, in fact, GitLab’s telemetry service provider (Pendo) offers the ability to self host their scripts (although they don’t encourage this model).

It would be nice if GitLab provides more transparency on how they are deploying these third party services.

There are technical solutions that allow a site to include 3rd party JavaScript for tracking/analytics while keeping it completly sandboxed so you don't have to trust the JS.

One large website I know includes a sandboxed <iframe> from a different domain on all logged out pages that pulls in 3rd party scripts for marketing purposes. Special data you want the 3rd party to have needs to be passed to the iframe with postMessage from the parent, but the key feature is that compromised 3rd party JS won't be able to wreak havoc on your site.

Here's some info on that approach: https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Third_Party_J...

That makes sense but I don't think any third party would pay to be included in a iframe and fed such a limited amount of data, and if you aren't paid for it why bother making all of your users mad in order to do it?

I think we have different use cases in mind. I'm thinking of services which are free or which companies pay for to gain access to. Things like Facebook/DoubleClick for ad-retargeting and Google Analytics.

Agreed that this does nothing for users that don't want to be tracked, but at least it reduces the risk of the site being compromised by untrusted JS.

My bigger problem is that gitlab wouldn't allow me to register user account with yandex email, saying 'email is not from an allowed domain'

I wonder what was the cost difference between SaaS solution and implementing telemetry themselves, which wouldn't upset most users.

What's the difference to you between a second-party script, and a third-party script?

With the second party (Gitlab in this case) I have a contact, give them money regularly, and have other such leverage in case they screw up. Third parties generally could not case less what damage they may cause.

But what's the difference? You PAY gitlab in both instances and your leverage is the same. Do you want to be involved in reviewing their motherboards for spyware chips as well?

If you are self-hosting the product, you can control changes to the environment. If you are pulling in third-party scripts on the fly, then that control is gone.

Ah I guess the real problem is 'on the fly'.

The problem is that the resource the URL points to resides on a system that's neither under your control, not under counterparty's.

No difference really, but fourth party scripts are the worst :-/

Damn right. I think most companies should start to filter 3rd party data collection on the network level.

> There is no way that I would host a solution that includes third-party scripts.

How is this different from allowing corporate users to access web apps that have google analytics running? We've seen some enterprises block GA, but they are in the minority.

The difference is the third party script has complete control over the page it’s on. So if the page is your gitlab instance, the third party has complete control over your repositories and probably your complete infrastructure. Just introduce some malware to the build scripts and you’re in.

GA is the same in these ways, isn't it?


In what universe would javascript running on a webpage be able to access (nevermind modify) the filesystem on the server.

As the parent comment describes: You're using Gitlab as a web interface to change code on your servers. Javascript running on the page of that web interface can do almost anything you can do with that page, by producing the same events.

(actually, browsers have a bunch of tools to restrict that, so it's not 100 % if engineered properly. But if it's just "include some scripts"...)

Hey, I'm building an on prem solution and had a question regarding this. Would it still be a problem if the third party was someone like segment whose open source analytics library you're using? https://github.com/segmentio/analytics.js

Their problem was third party scripts and you are asking if a third party is okay? Am I missing something here?

Well from what I understand it's that third party scripts are a problem because they may behave maliciously and gain access to parts of the application. If the third party script is an open source project, doesn't that mitigate this?

Doesn't prevent a malicious/compromised third party from serving code other than what's in the source. I think an acceptable mitigation might be subresource integrity though, so you can lock it to a known-good version of a script?

> So, for users who have integrations with our API this will cause a brief pause in service via our API until the terms have been accepted by signing in to the web interface.

What a fucking botched way to do this. Breaking all automation at a moment notice. They should have announced the change long ago. Make an advance clear deadline for accepting the ToS and then after the deadline blocked the API.

These are the sort of stunts that happen when you relinquish more and more control of your technology and its ownership to external sources that also happen to be for-profit businesses. All hail EaaS (Everything-as-a-Service) models.

I entirely agree with you and your sentiments, but I'm not sure why many are even remotely surprised by these sort of escapades. The more dependent you are on an external business for some function and the more that business realizes it, the more they're going to use their leverage against you to their advantage to achieve their goals (not yours).

That's exactly what we see happening here. When businesses (or any entities) buy-in to external resources like this, always consider: how much leverage those managing that resource have against you, how critical the function is for you, and how many resources it will take to migrate away from that external resource at a moment's notice if you need to. This is a continuous iterative process that should be going through every developer's head with every design choice, external license, "cloud" service, proprietary internally hosted licenses, etc.

The profit motive isn't the issue. Even if you don't relinquish control to a VC, you'd still [likely] have a profit motive yourself.

The issue isn't profit. You might say the issue is greed, but more importantly, the issue is a lack of regard and compassion for your customers, and a lack of understanding of the danger this puts you in [of losing your customers and, with them, revenue and profit].

User empathy, if you will.

> but I'm not sure why many are even remotely surprised by these sort of escapades

I don't think people are surprised that these things are possible in the context of "EaaS". It's surprising because they're causing massive problems for their users by making the change so quickly. The relative gain of waiting one month before the change wouldn't hurt them that much, but it would help their customers a great deal. So the surprise is seeing how indifferent they seem to the users. (I know they're revising the decision now. Maybe they can avoid most of the bad PR.)

The free or partially free dev tool industry is extremely competitive and you need a lot of goodwill to stay alive. They're completely free to screw their users, and their users are completely free (except for some lock-in) to hop to the next provider. I don't understand why they would throw away that goodwill.

But maybe I'm wrong and the friction is higher than what I expect.

> But maybe I'm wrong and the friction is higher than what I expect.

It may be for a lot of users. But some people are GitHub refugees and only started using Gitlab relatively recently. I am one of those, and haven't been using Gitlab for long enough to have any serious friction against moving away from it.

> This is a continuous iterative process that should be going through every developer's head with every design choice, external license, "cloud" service, proprietary internally hosted licenses, etc.

The nature of tech trends will ensure that developers never look beyond marketing material that espouses how easy and cool the new shiny tech is.

I'm watching developers go all in on serverless as if the generous and copious amounts of free compute that cloud providers are granting on their serverless platforms will always flow like water.

> The nature of tech trends will ensure that developers never look beyond marketing material that espouses how easy and cool the new shiny tech is.

Not all developers. Some of us have been around the block enough times to be automatically suspicious of marketing material that leans too hard on the "easy and cool" messaging.

> ....external sources that also happen to be for-profit businesses.

Pretty sure a not for profit organization would have even less interest in pleasing their users.

Maybe, but a cooperatively owned and managed business would have complete interest in its members and their values.

What interest do they have other than that?

Depends, it could be just to disrupt all other competitors on cost and not care how miserable the actual experience is for the customers.

Many not for profits exist mainly to stroke the directors’ egos and pay them a fat salary without doing much actual good (e.g. most political non-profits like the Clinton foundation).

Generally, they do have much more interest in pleasing their users. Not only do not-for-profits typically have some kind of explicit charter, it's usually for some social benefit, like "helping users". If anything; they're too helpful, and won't bash users over the head if they're being truculent, making them slow and crufty. Additionally, not-for-profits do need some kind of revenue (typically), and that tends to come from donors, which are usually... users.

If you merely mean free stuff, not literally, not-for-profit... yeah, free but for-profit is pretty much a disaster waiting to happen.

Rant: Those business models by and large should probably be hit with the ban-hammer, immediately. Of course, given the complete and utter submission of congress and indeed the very organization of democracy to vested interests, the chance of actually seeing a functioning, efficient market in our lifetimes is essentially nil.

It's ironic that traditional communism succumbed perhaps partially due to game-theoretical inherent inefficiencies, and capitalism patted itself on the back without ever really looking in the mirror. So, yay, we get to be the human guinea pigs proving that markets aren't actually intrisincally efficient at all, only efficient within their constraints, which is pretty much worthless given how hard we've collectively been trying to saw the legs out from under this construct. Capitalism is itself one big tragedy of the commons.

What bothers me is how screwing users is becoming the new standard. For me trust in society is what enabled first world economies in the first place, instead of business being killed by people constantly looking for ways to screw you. I’m not naive, I own a business, and bad intentioned people exist and you must protect yourself, but assuming the worst in every transaction is not a normal way to think for society.

For my experience usually clients trust me, and I want them to succeed with my services, and contracts and lawyers are here only for the worst case.

I can’t put my finger on it or express it clearly but free market excuse « dissatisfied users can move, this corporation is responsible only for profit, everyone must lawyer up » don’t look like it’s the good direction for society. I don’t see why free market would be incompatible with an individual sense of responsibility towards society, instead of looking for loopholes to screw people. Maybe it’s a consequence of being global and having not community roots.

> For my experience usually clients trust me, and I want them to succeed with my services, and contracts and lawyers are here only for the worst case.

That you genuinely want your clients to succeed is probably why they trust you -- you earn that trust.

I'm of the same mindset. I genuinely care about the well-being of my customers and will always work to enhancing that (even to the point of recommending competing products if they are a better solution for a particular customer). I've never lost business in the long term by doing that -- even customers I refer to competitors remember me and have an increased level of trust in me, and more often than not will do business with me in other ways.

But I have an old-school attitude towards business. My goal is not to gain as much money as quickly as possible, but to build a solid business that is sustainable and profitable over the long term. In my experience, that attitude naturally aligns my business practices with societal responsibility.

Yeah it's bizarre. Why rush it like this? It feels like an artificial internal deadline to roll out the "feature", and they realized it violated the ToS at the last second.

I think the purpose is to force users to "agree" to the new terms due to a sense of urgency.

So this is an outage then.

Decided to post a top-level comment because I think it's very important that Gitlab do a "root cause analysis" of why they made such a poor decision. Just saying "we're holding off for now" is not going to convince me that you guys have not lost your compass.

For reference, there was a very telling comment by user jahlove about how Gitlab could be so out of touch (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21349591):


> But someone up the chain of command thought we could get away with it

That person is Paul Machle (CFO):

"I don’t understand. This should not be an opt in or an opt out. It is a condition of using our product. There is an acceptance of terms and the use of this data should be included in that." [1]



That GitLab comment thread is very telling. Basically, here is what happened:

1. It's clear engineers had concerns about the feature, wanting it to at least have an opt-in.

2. But then the CFO, who clearly does not anticipate the backlash this will cause, basically just gives an "tough shit" response.

3. What's scariest IMO, though, is that the Scott Williamson, VP of Product, then replies "@cciresi if we follow Paul's guidance and just make this part of our terms and conditions, are we covered legally?"

I've seen this at many organizations in the past. It's generally called the HiPPO problem - the Highest Paid Person's Opinion. The CFO wanted this done (obviously for financial reasons, he's the CFO after all), but the VP of Product, who should be more "in the weeds" in terms of having the pulse of the customer, instead deferred to the CFO and tried to appease his desire.

Gitlab, I think your organization is off track. You need to make a broader statement that shows you have a real understanding of the problem than just "Oops".

It might have been better to simply reference the discussion without singling out the person involved. At the end of the day it was an organizational decision. It's to GitLab's credit that there's enough transparency to even see this; I don't think it's too cool to turn that into a finger-pointing tool. As a developer, we don't do this with bugs. Perhaps bad business decisions are not any different.

(For the record: I don't know this person, I am not this person, I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone at GitLab at all.)

I understand your viewpoint, and to be honest I was on the fence about posting names, but I decided to for 2 important reasons:

1. First, the info is totally public and easily viewable in any case.

2. I think there is a danger in just saying "It was an organizational decision." When everyone is "responsible", then no one is. And in addition, both of the people mentioned are senior execs at the company. Having to deal with public scrutiny is one reason they get paid more.

I do give GitLab a lot of credit for being transparent, and for (at least for now) backing off this decision. But I hope they are able to do a deeper root cause analysis of what went wrong. While obviously on a whole other order of magnitude, Boeing didn't fuck up because MCAS was a faulty piece of software, they fucked up because they let financial concerns take precedence over engineering ones.

EDIT: one other thing, since I brought up 2 folks who I think made poor decisions, I should have pointed out Lukas Eipert (@leipert), who was the engineer who originally brought up his strong objections. Even more telling, when Eipert was asked to re-review the code change, he explicitly asked to be taken off the review - his sentiment was clear.

The whole point of transparency is to facilitate accountability, so it does not help to shy away from accountability in service of encouraging transparency. Of course, transparency is definitely something to laud, but it's only half of the ideal.

You're putting pressure on the norm that organizations should be sharing this sort of thing. If the norm were strong, the pressure wouldn't keep people from sharing similar things in the future. But since the norm is weaker we need to be careful to nourish it, not pushing it harder than it can stand.

(I wrote more about this: https://www.jefftk.com/p/responsible-transparency-consumptio...)

This is a person in a C-level position. It's very much inherent in those positions to take responsibility in situations like this. If the comment had been made by a random fellow team-member without any authority, I would have been more inclined to agree.

The difference here is that bugs generally lack motive and agency. Bugs are often unintentional.

When faced with bad intentions, it is imperative that a community name offenders. It is, as others replied, an important distinction for accountability.

A CFO concerned about valuation and experienced in negotiating contracts should be thinking:

1) Fortune 1000 companies and the government will never accept this. I need to make sure the product team is designing a way to allow these customers to shut this off.

2) This is more risk than we will gain from tracking individual customers. We can't afford to indemnify our customers against these third-party tools. How will we address GDPR, CCPA and future regulations if we don't allow an opt-out?

An organisation cannot make decisions. At the end of the day, it is always a person. In this case, maybe it was the wrong person. What is the trouble in questioning this process?


Personal attacks aren't allowed on HN. They just make threads worse. Please don't.


This is not cool.

Yes, I did copy the posting of Paul Machle's name, and as a senior executive (likely worth at least 10s of millions at Gitlab's last valuation), he has a lot of responsibility here, and he should own up to his mistake.

But the point is still not to "blame" it on one or a couple people. If you look at that GitLab comment thread, it's clear that many GitLab employees had strong objections to the change: "I hereby declare my highest degree of objection to this change that I can humanly express." and "I agree with @leipert moral wise, I'm not happy with this change". So the question is why the company made the decision that ignored the right people and followed the wrong people (hint, it's HiPPO).

Firing Paul Machle won't fix GitLab's problem. GitLab needs to figure out how to change its culture so that it listens to the right people, even if they're not the highest paid.

I sincerely believe that our society would be a much more just place if C-level executives were held accountable for profit motivated decisions that harm the privacy and security of their users.

He is choosing to go override his engineers moral and legal objections in the hopes that it will make his stock go up in value by a few percentage points. This kind of greed motivated behavior is at the heart of nearly every evil brought upon society by silicon valley.

Do I expect my post to actually affect Paul Machle in any way? Probably not, but I really hope it does. Society will be better off without these greed-at-any-cost types having positions of power.

Imagine the backlash if we started posting things like "See this engineer here! They caused the bug that resulted in downtime and a loss of $10mm for the company" and attempted to Google-shame them for posterity.

I can't agree with the comparison. An accidental & unexpected software bug is not the same as an intentional, calculated, executive level business decision.

I think the officers should be scrutinized more than a lower level engineer. They are the leaders and set the tone fore the company culture

I agree with hn_throwaway_99, this is very concerning as to what path the company is on. But, I'll give them credit for realizing the error & trying to correct it.

That being said, I love GitLab's product. We use it in my workplace, but we self host the comunity edition, so this wouldn't have effected us.

I dont imagine I will ever be more than a CE level user, even in personal projects, but I can imagine the panic this caused for many companies on the hosted enterprise version.

Thanks, we started our retro 3:44pm Pacific, slightly before your post.

We looked into making it public at 4:05pm but by then it already had confidential security information and customer names in it.

There will be multiple lessons, right now we've identified 15 points to evaluate and 9 people contributed to the document.

this is about it and it's not much of a secret anymore internally, but what do you do? this is just the MR you found, but they're everywhere. unfortunately Sid has known about the HiPPO problem for some time but is preoccupied with everything else and for some reason just won't do anything about it (if it's not gotten to his level many times, someones hiding it from him), and people are getting sick of the tone deafness and surprise when things go wrong. GitLab used to be a mission and values driven company, but now values apply to directors and below and everyone else just kinda does what they want, lean on their title to pressure people, and when there's pushback they say you're blocking efficiency and results, then complain about you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you can see everyone was against this and raised red flags at every step for the past 5 months but of course that didn't mean anything and the rollout was horrible. the people working at GitLab are about as dedicated to your trust and success as it gets, but execs are eyeing that IPO really hard and everything else is whatever. also no offense to Scott but you can't run this like a big corp and a good place to start to improve the product as the new head of product is to fix the backlog of hundreds of functionality deficits and bugs and talk to your customers to see what they need, not get tracking. i don't know how we teleported to this place where getting tracking is a priority because otherwise you can't find ways to improve the product because the last i looked there's a backlog of really critical things going to like version 13

"Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair".

Why is this so important? It's important because a lot of that trust is ideological. I trust that the developers of 'git' itself won't be adding telemetry behind the scenes. I trust that the developers of 'cgit' won't be adding this stuff.

Because we're on the same page; despite the fact that theoretically the next commit that hits the repo could be the one that sends my keystrokes.

The first time you pull this sort of stunt you've instantly erased all of that good will and now you're forcing people to comb through your releases and conditions with fine teeth because you've shown yourself to act against user interests.

This doesn't scale.

That's why the backlash is bigger than you expect, not necessarily because of the magnitude of the change, but because you've positioned yourself as a threat.

The pushback from users made them rethink this change, here's a pending merge request to the blogpost: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/merge_requests/...

""" UPDATE: Thanks for the feedback. There were many more concerns than we expected. We’re going to process the feedback and rethink our plan. We will not activate product usage tracking on GitLab.com or GitLab self-managed for now. We'll make sure to communicate in advance on our blog when we do have a new plan. """

You can tell a company has totally lost their heads up their asses when you get the, "Whoa! We totally weren't expecting <product decision> to upset so many people!"

Like really? Considering what people use your product for, you honestly didn't expect this to upset people? Great. Your product team is hopelessly out of touch.

That statement is for PR purposes; you can't take it at face value. Let me attempt a translation into plain English:

"I, personally, totally expected this, as did everyone who I talk to on a daily basis. But someone up the chain of command thought we could get away with it, and forced us to try and push this change. I'm going to use the pronoun 'we' to refer to the company in the abstract, and not anyone on the immediate team I work with, because I jolly well can't be throwing my boss's boss, who happens to also be a commisar from the large company that recently acquired us, under the bus."

> But someone up the chain of command thought we could get away with it

That person is Paul Machle (CFO):

"I don’t understand. This should not be an opt in or an opt out. It is a condition of using our product. There is an acceptance of terms and the use of this data should be included in that." [1]

[1] https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/merge_requests/14182#no...

Ouch, that whole thread under there is painfully oblivious:

> @cciresi if we follow Paul's guidance and just make this part of our terms and conditions, are we covered legally?

Earth to GitLab: You are not yet big enough to be at the "are we covered legally" stage. You are toast if that is your mindset.

When someone raises an ethical question and instead of addressing ethics, the company calls in the lawyers to address whether it's legal... your company is likely on the wrong track.

To be fair I’d say half the time I’m summoned into a discussion like that it’s because the person asking fully expects and wants me to say no to the proposal. Raising an issue with the plan of action set forth by someone more senior can be tricky to navigate politically.

On the other hand, if you need to find a hill to die on, this is probably a good one.

AKA "well it's not illegal," a lousy lower-bound.

Having been in a few of these kinds of discussions inside companies, it's super-fascinating to find one that is open to the public! It shows what is always true: that any "corporate decision", seemingly made by some sort of AI machine, was actually made by one specific (usually unidentified) person. Popcorn moment for sure.

Man, that reply in particular left the biggest impact on me. The fact that this c-level exec is making decisions like this in such a ham-fisted way would scare me away if I were a customer. There are a chain of repercussions as a result of this.

Twelve thumbs down and one middle finger. (I'm not a native speaker of emoji and I'm not sure what the 8 ball means). These are from employees?

Sure, but that just changes it to "someone up the chain of command is hopelessly out of touch". Still doesn't bode well.

Which large company was it that recently acquired GitLab Inc.? I must have missed that.

Nah, you didn't. I was mistaken - I thought I had read something about that recently, but it looks like it's just that they raised another round of funding last month.

Funding rounds are changes in ownership structure.

I suspect the think was more along the lines of: let's slip it in and hope nobody notices or at least the ones that notice don't raise a hue and cry about it.

And now that it's turned out to be false, the dominant strategy is to offer a half apology along the lines of "We're sorry, we didn't expect that it'd be such a big deal".

Incidentally, it's quite reminiscent of the Grace Hopper quote: "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission."

> "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission."

When people use that quote, I try to be charitable and assume that they don't intend its literal, face-value meaning.

But if they do, my response is: I will not forgive you because you're not truly repentant. This is all part of a strategy where you see what you can get away with, and you show no signs of repenting that overall strategy.

Hmmm... maybe I'm a hardass.

I don’t think that really applies to companies that are still living by the grace of their popularity.

Gitlab is heavily dependent on developers pushing their product to the enterprise, because any executive would be far more happy with Atlassian (e.g. cheap and it works)

> I suspect the think was more along the lines of: let's slip it in and hope nobody notices or at least the ones that notice don't raise a hue and cry about it.

"let's slip it in and hope nobody notices" == "mgmt heads up their asses"

That places them on the "companies I probably wouldn't be happy working for" list. Certainly there are folks there who tried to speak up about it who were likely railroaded.

That's the vibe I get on just about every one of Gitlabs new screed posts on here recently. Hopefully there actually is some employee consensus on decisions, though.

As a rule, the structures around product teams tend to discourage asking if it's better to not ship a thing. When you measure a team by what (and how many things) they ship, they are always going to default to shipping things.

The structure thing is spot on. Decisions like this tend to get made when management has found a way to essentially silence any feedback (by making feedback pointless). This is why I cringe whenever I hear the phrase "leadership team". Whenever I hear that phrase deployed it's almost always to diffuse responsibility for a bad decision so no single person has to answer for it. Which amusingly is the opposite of real leadership: real leaders actually accept responsibility for the decisions they make.

This is absolutely true. It's absolutely what killed Digg with Digg V4 IMO.

I can't possibly believe anyone who ever used Digg could have taken a look at Digg V4 and thought "Oh yes, a feed full of spam, just exactly what I come to Digg for". But the team had already invested a ton of work, and organizationally it would have been next to impossible to say "Shit, we fucked up, lets hold off". So at least I give GitLab credit that they backed off (for now).

This is... insightful.

It brings to mind a larger question of how we (as an industry) should be measuring developer and team productivity, though. “Story points” are largely designed to solve this issue, but in my experience they are quickly co-opted to mean something different to each stakeholder.

At a past employer, I experienced their trying to measure productivity by “net lines of code”. That didn’t work well, either. I prefer refactoring and simplifying to pretty much any other type of task, and it isn’t at all uncommon for me to end a day - or a sprint - with a negative NLOC. I see at a positive, as each LOC carries with it an ongoing cognitive and maintenance burden. Thankfully, that scheme didn’t last long :)

This is hitting too close to home. Currently on a team that does what’s on the task list without questioning anything—driving me up the wall.

This is a function of the organization, not the team.

If you hear ‘do it anyway’ after raising concerns one too many times, eventually you just do it.

Not necessarily. It depends on exactly what "it" is. I have quit jobs before because I was required to implement something that I considered an egregiously terrible idea.

Sounds pretty standard operating procedure for product teams in large software companies, actually.

Sad. But systemic to the industry.

Some bonehead got in charge and forced this through. People were screaming internally but ignored as trouble makers. So it goes.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm just making a generalization and am not affiliated with Gitlab.

This language is the classic "defuse, wait, and try again later" approach to shoeing in unpopular changes. They're still hedging their bets with this language, rather than renouncing the original ideas. Apologising for "bad communication" instead of bad changes is another classic deflection move they've pulled in other threads, too.

<disclaimer: founder of a GitLab competitor>

> <disclaimer: founder of a GitLab competitor>

IMO, if you want to compete with GitLab, you should introduce some higher pricing tiers targeted at businesses. These should be comparable to GitLab's pricing tiers and should not have "hacker" in their names. I also suggest that for these higher pricing tiers, you make it explicit that using the service for closed-source projects is OK.

This is good feedback, but I think the bigger issue is the alpha quality of the service. People who move now will have to be tolerant of some pieces being missing or under-documented, which often means a vote of confidence in the future of SourceHut more so than in the present. When the alpha becomes the beta, and then production, the pricing model will be re-evaluated.

Ideally, price it at the $20/month/person price that Gitlab has, because that seems to be the highest that I’m able to sell to Management.

Theoretically $100/month/person would still be a great deal, but the finance people don’t look at it like that. They just see the $97.5/month/person difference with Bitbucket.

> There were many more concerns than we expected.

Telemetry was always going to be a concern with services that promote themselves as "open-source" or "free-software". The subject is so important that it is one of the reasons that the mass exodus from GitHub to GitLab happened. So to say that "there were many more concerns than we expected" is complete bullsh*t and appears more like the VCs are puppeteering the founders with this talk here.

Like other companies that are at the mercy of VC funding, they will do anything to please them over the "community" to show that they are growing. So don't be fooled by this empty response.

Because of their fiduciary responsibility, the officers of a corporation must make decisions that increase shareholder value. Refusing to add profitable data collection to the product due to ethical concerns would be a violation of that duty to the investors.

This will keep happening until it literally becomes illegal to collect personal information.

This is a corporate lie that has been promoted relentlessly since the Reagan era. Officers of a corporation are responsible for the operation of the corporation in accordance with the law.

They are responsible to the Board of Directors of the corporation, not the shareholders. The Directors are responsible to the shareholders.

They have a responsibility of care (including a fiduciary responsibility) to operate the corporation in the corporation's best interest, not the shareholders, as directed by the Board.

That best interest can be measured in all sorts of ways as established by the Directors, which may include increasing shareholder value.

The practise of CEOs also being the Chairman of the Board, of executives being major shareholders, of bonuses being driven by share price, are all practises that should be eliminated, given that they are not in alignment with an executive's actual responsibilities and duties.

> Because of their fiduciary responsibility, the officers of a corporation must make decisions that increase shareholder value.

Drilling a hole in your ship may be immediately helpful because you are thirsty, but ultimately it’s not going to end well for you.

I’d say it’s well within the realm of reason to say a hard ‘no’ to investors in this case.

> There were many more concerns than we expected.

So they expected some, but still went ahead anyway?

There will always be concerns and complaints. I'm more surprised they didn't expect a firestorm given the way they explained the change, though. I wonder how many people actually reviewed the language.

Nothing wrong with that in general, you can't make everyone happy.

There will always be concerns from some people. Always.

Hahahahaha. I remember all the fuzz about MS buying github and perhaps forcing telemetry. Something along those lines.

People were so fast to live their stuff to Gitlab without bothering thinking about that business is business.

These fucking corporations or wannabe corporations doesn't give a fuck about you or your data. That's the fundamental mindset you need to have when sending them money for services.

Ain't no such thing as halfway crooks.

Github is already collecting limited client-side telemetry. Open the network tab in your developer tools and you'll see a request to collector.githubapp.com on every page load that includes details like your screen resolution.

If they collect it themselves, without 3rd party script, it's more secure than including 3rd party scripts in the page, which is what Gitlab seems to want to do.

Also, who knows what else they collect about you on the backend? I find it funny that people sometimes make such a fuss about front end metrics when they could be collecting way more on the back end (especially so if it's a closed source platform like GitHub, at least with Gitlab, I can look at the back end code and see what they're collecting).

Sidebar good news for anyone reading this: Since they use a different hostname that doesn't host any operational functionality, namely collector.githubapp.com, that host is already included in most DNS blocklists.

> These fucking corporations or wannabe corporations doesn't give a fuck about you or your data.

They don't give a fuck about individual users but they sure do care about their data.

> These fucking corporations or wannabe corporations doesn't give a fuck about you

Thanks for the redpill. /s I would however say that they had a good rep until now, in general, so perhaps they will reconsider if there's enough backlash.

Judging from the thread posted above, it looks like the people doing the real work actually do give a shit. It's their CFO that's the problem. Unfortunately, he and the investors seem to be calling the shots.

They give a fuck about your data, as they can make a buck off it. Your rights? Well what about their right to maximize their net worth?

Somebody at GitLab thought it was a bright idea to add telemetry to their cloud AND self-hosted enterprise versions. Needless to say, it's not about to go over well.

I currently use GitLab where I work; we chose it because our data is sensitive and a cloud service was not an option. This telemetry means that I won't be updating until this blows over. Frankly, whoever thought this was a good idea is a moron that doesn't seem to understand that users like my company chose GitLab because we didn't want this shit.

Engineers tried to resist, CFO insisted...


This was also a great comment by Candice Ciresi, the Director of Global Risk and Compliance, 3 months ago:

> Sorry, I am coming in late to the game here.

> Saying we want the UID for easy ID and deletion is one thing. If we actually intend to track and do something, then that is another issue. This former benefits the user, the latter benefits us. Because we stand to get a benefit, users should opt-in. We will also need to amp up our privacy policy. There needs to be full disclosure in what we gather, why we gather and with whom we share.


>I don’t understand. This should not be an opt in or an opt out. It is a condition of using our product. There is an acceptance of terms and the use of this data should be included in that.

Sounds to me as if the CFO is carrying water for investors.

Which points to where the problem might lie.

Why the CFO is calling the shots on critical architectural issues is a whole 'nother question.

It doesn't seem to me like he is calling shots on critical architecture. He asserted an opinion on something that would affect the revenue stream, which as CFO, is exactly his job.

Reading through the MR comments, it seems to me like that's the case with everyone. The CFO is pursuing profitable options, the legal & compliance teams are making sure everything stays in compliance, the engineers are building what is asked of them, the data analysts and product managers are asking for the data they need to get insights on product enhancement...

The big issue seems to be that everyone is so narrowly focused on just their job function that they are missing the forest for the trees. I also noticed a distinct lack of anyone from any type of customer advocacy teams (does GitLab have anything like that? Account managers, evangelists, developer relations, etc?) that probably would have been able to put forth actual data about if customers would be for/against this change.

> It doesn't seem to me like he is calling shots on critical architecture. He asserted an opinion on something that would affect the revenue stream, which as CFO, is exactly his job.

> Reading through the MR comments, it seems to me like that's the case with everyone. The CFO is pursuing profitable options, the legal & compliance teams are making sure everything stays in compliance, the engineers are building what is asked of them, the data analysts and product managers are asking for the data they need to get insights on product enhancement...

Ideally everyone should be would also be thinking about whether the feature is ethical, even if it's not "exactly their job", because there generally isn't anyone whose job is specifically to decide that.

That's precisely what I meant when I said they missed the forest for the trees.

The CFOs job is not revenue. That’s product, sales, etc.

Most parents learn this, and some dog owners.

If you want to talk to your spouse about the possibility of taking the kids to get ice cream or whether the dog has had a treat today you have to speak in code that the short mammals can't understand, otherwise you've all but promised it to them and have to deal with the consequences.

The problem is that for salespeople and business devs, the consequences of putting a bad idea in front of impressionable ears are too abstract and so they never learn. So they put an idea in front of a customer or the board about how they can make a shitload of money and the imaginary check has been cashed even before they've stopped for air.

Without some tough love these problems will be with us forever. Oh, you're going to have to walk back something you said? You'll be embarrased? Too fucking bad. Maybe next time you'll think before you promise someone $500k of work for $250k minus your bonus. Twist in the wind like you deserve.

So someone has sold an idea of making millions and once the engineers or just plain human beings get ahold of it that looks like $200k and a giant pain in everyone's ass. And everyone jumps straight from denial to bargaining with a little detour to anger to yell at the messengers for breaking your shiny dream... that you are not and were never entitled to.

Wow, that was interesting. I'm shocked they make this sort of thing public.

One of GitLab's core values is transparency, including making all of their internal communications public via public merge requests. It's kinda cool, but on the other hand, I've previously spent some time reading their MRs about security policy that made me wary about using GitLab at all.

Fortunately they've updated the announcement and are holding back on the telemetry updates. But yeah, DNT is not an acceptable option for privacy. `In order to service the needs of GitLab.com and GitLab Self-Managed users who do not want to be tracked, both GitLab.com and GitLab Self-Managed will honor the Do Not Track (DNT) mechanism in web browsers` Hopefully the update includes a promise to enable deployments without telemetry code.

https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/issues/2113 https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2019/10/10/update-free-softwar...

Just to point out if you care about privacy it's not recommended to turn on this feature becase close to none services support it and it's awesome fingerprinting feature for your browser as well.

There is no way for Safari users to opt-out from this because Apple has decided to ditch "Do Not Track" because of privacy concerns.

I keep it enabled for sites that do respect it, like firefox.com and friends. By removing support from Safari, Apple took this choice away from their users, but I suppose that's not something surprising.

The problem with Gitlab is that in the current state it is a dead product walking. Its existence is entirely based on VC FOMO. It has no enterprise growth to justify company valuation. And it won't have real enterprise growth either.

Github had to be acquired my MSFT because it had no path for real enterprise growth if it could not lean on an organization that already sold a pile of services and products in similar or complimentary space. MSFT was the only strategic buyer of Git hosting company. MSFT is the only circus that could use that monkey to fill the gap in its product line up. Of course it picked Github rather than Gitlab. Which is why Github would be incredibly successful, which in turn means that Gitlab in its current state won't be. Hence they would have to massively change the product to justify valuations. It would be interesting to watch.

SourceHut is in the exact position Gitlab was before VC FOMO. It can provide decent service that people and companies will pay for but they would never get a billion dollar value. As long as it works for them, it will work out just fine. I wish them well.

Sorry, this is painfully deluded.

Gitlab is the _only_ choice when your company prefers on-prem (which is the overwhelming majority of >10k employee companies) -- I work at a company with more than 15k employees and we hold an enterprise (plus) license for 8k seats.

We are definitely not alone, companies like EA/IBM/Goldman Sachs have _large_ internal deployments of gitlab.

They certainly have developer mindshare in large companies, but github is the facebook of sourcecode repositories, it will always be more popular outside (or in smaller, less self-hosty orgs).

> Gitlab is the _only_ choice when your company prefers on-prem

Is that literal or figurative? GitHub Enterprise is on premises. I used it at my last company which was on an air gapped network. It looks like it has been around since 2011.

There are countless other self-managed variations in size and feature combinations of git hosting, ticket tracking, and other things it offers.

Figurative. Obviously it’s possible to host git on your own servers. But github enterprise on prem is a comparatively weak offering. Githubs bread is made from people using their SaaS offerings and it shows. (I’ve used many different self hosted options for version control. Although to be fair my current company uses perforce for the overwhelming majority of its version control)

Nonsense. Github Enterprise at my last job (used there since 2012) was so much more refined and reliable than Gitlab EE is at my job now, which has much worse UI and no good flow at all. All Github clones (like Gogs, Gitea) lean on the Github UI for a reason, ignoring Gitlab. It's a mess.

Since Microsoft's acquisition, even github.com is progressing refinement at a higher pace than gitlab.com ever did, and I'll be thrilled when I get my company to switch to Github again. Pricewise, Github EE is much better value for the dollar than Gitlab EE; most features that Github doesn't have are rather half-assed than wholesomely done in Gitlab.

Counterpoint: My fortune 200 employer uses GitHub enterprise on site. It works great.

I don’t get how you can say GitLab is the only choice?

We use GitLab. We rejected GitHub Enterprise because it’s a closed system: we could not use it to host public open source repositories like we can with GitLab. GitHub’s sales pitch was funny, all about “inner source”, applying open source development processes to closed corporate software as if it would be a step forward, whereas we were way past that point already so it would have actually been a step backwards for us.

It’s not “on prem” anymore when part of the product is on a third party server.

Gitlab is a single product company with no sales force behind it. It already sold to all the customers that it could easily sell to. In order to sell to the rest they would need to have staffed regional offices to do really really really long term sales cycles. It is an unsolvable problem in a current state.

Microsoft is a hundred if not thousand product company with gigantic sales force and sales channels that are beyond the level of imagination of companies who say "remote only" is their differentiator. Github Enterprise exists. I know it because we used it. Github will be sold as a part of the rest of the Microsoft product portfolio, which is how they would end up in those coveted enterprises.

Microsoft is still considered a pariah by the kinds of people who would use gitlab.

It will be 100 years before my company puts their core business in the hands of a SaaS provider.

Github Enterprise is not SaaS. It is on-prem.

Sourcehut intentionally is not going to accept VC money and they know they won’t get a billion dollar value.

HN really needs to have a baseline rule of shadowbaning the downvotes by all accounts associated with a company subject of the article.

And you should refamiliarize yourself with HN's baseline rules about suggesting this kind of thing is what's happening to you.

It is just silly. HN is becoming more and more a platform where discussions are gamed by the companies that are being discussed.

What's the point of having them when Gitlab employees downvote anything that does not say "Gitlab gooood!", Google employees downvote anything that is not positive about Google and Facebook employees downvote non-positives about facebook.

Accusations of astroturfing are against the guidelines. Downvotes often signal disagreement or call out a low-quality comment.

Just wanted to point out Gogs: https://gogs.io/

It's a very light weight, self-hosted git server, the UI is very GitHub like.

It's not a replacement for all the features of a self-hosted GitLab.

But I've seen people battling a self-hosted GitLab instance when all they needed was something like Gogs.

Or Gitea, which was forked from Gogs iirc:


Alternatively Phabricator for all in one package (Trello, Slack, JIRA, Github alternatives but all open source)

Isn't phab slowly going the way of the dodo?

Where does this sentiment come from? I've seen it posted before.

I've been using Phabricator for 2 years and development seems to have picked up, if anything. They seem to be polishing what they have and making everything more robust, an odd thing to do if its going the way of the dodo.

For example kde seems to be moving away from phabricator to gitlab https://about.gitlab.com/press/releases/2019-09-17-gitlab-ad...

Combined with debian moving to gitlab, gnome moving to gitlab, ... , that was the sentiment I got.

Ah, I think that may be due to the patch submission structure of Phabricator more than anything else. I can understand why a major open source org wants to adopt something else that people have as muscle memory (ie. pull request style collaborating). I don't think that reflects the development of Phabricator at all, like I said, its become more robust and features are becoming more mature every week (and there's still some big installations out there, like Wikimedia).

Yeah Phabricator is quite good for project management, but it's a pain in the ass to manage and the CI is very meh.

Looks interesting. As if they had stolen all the CSS files from GitHub.

Gitea is also nice self-host option, but also not a complete ALM solution. We often use trac in conjunction with different source control providers, which might be ancient by now, but it always delivers and everyone seems to like it.

Gitea is a fork of gogs.


application lifecycle management

Can you really steal CSS though?

Definitely, yes. CSS (just as HTML, JS, and anything else being served) is covered by copyright. The law(s) may vary depending on jurisdiction, but generally speaking you can be sued for copyright violation. Getting caught is a different matter, but if it is obvious that you copied CSS you can be in serious legal trouble.

i mean the design of it is almost a carbon copy of the github design down to the layout, design, and colors.


if i replaced just the logo in the upper left hand corner to the github logo instead of the googs logo would you be able to tell the difference between this screenshot and github proper?

> if i replaced just the logo in the upper left hand corner to the github logo instead of the googs logo would you be able to tell the difference between this screenshot and github proper?

I think I could easily do that.

And I'm a backender-at-heart who doesn't even have full colour vision.

So, not a copy I think.

Also Pagure: https://pagure.io/pagure

Written in Python and used as dist-Git frontend in Fedora + used to host many Fedora related projects.

I believe gogs is mostly developed in China. I don’t know if it is developed by individuals or if it backed by the Chinese state. Maybe someone here knows?


It does not seem to be mostly developed in China, but there are Chinese contributors.

The feedback to this change is very negative. And some of the things we thought would help (respecting DNT) don't seems to matter much. We'll have a look at all the feedback and see what we can learn and adjust. First change to the blog post is in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/merge_requests/... and we're discussing more changes.

Not sure why the "opt-in" option isnt more apparent as a less hostile UX?

I've always thought of Gitlab as a privacy minded company, until now, and the botched attempts to listen to feedback are only worsening my impression. Please prove me wrong!

"Not sure why the "opt-in" option isnt more apparent as a less hostile UX?" do you mean having to use DNT to opt out?

The issue is forcing this as "opt-out" rather than "opt-in".

Opt-out is pretty hostile UX for something you must have known would be seen as a negative by large swathes of the developer audience (and if you didn't see the negative reaction coming, then there's larger questions to be asked).

I'm a free user, so I'm "happy" insofar as I have very little say, but it's certainly a worrying step.

Thanks. We will revisit opt-in vs. opt-out, especially for self-hosted installations.

We didn't expect praise for more telemetry from the developer audience but we did underestimate the reaction. There were many more concerns than we expected. We’re going to process the feedback and rethink our plan. We will not activate tracing on GitLab.com or GitLab self-managed for now. We'll make sure to communicate in advance on our blog when we do have a new plan.

The reason why the backlash is so big:

* Devs are very sensitive to tracking. Especially opt-out rather then opt-in. We know what kind of data companies sit on. And opt-out is invasive.

* Gitlab is perceived as a developer friendly open source company. An alternative to the bloated/"enterprisey"/milk the customer stacks out there

* Self-hosting should come with a promise of privacy

* Disabling API/UI access without opt in is just a really bad move. You should have seen the anger coming from a mile away.

* The claim that you can't get insight into how Gitlab is used without client side telemetry is very dishonest.

You have a wealth of data in the DB and web server logs. True, you won't know how long a user fiddles with the mouse until they click a button. I understand the urge to optimize the UX. But user studies go a long way.

And let's be real: this isn't about optimizing button placement, but about showing some nice engagement graphs to investors.

Also, the whole response both in the issue and here was quite poorly handled in my opinion.

The back and forth here... Copy-pasting a reply to each commenter in the issue... (really?)

Just re-consider and put out a unified response.

That is a great summary of why the backlash was so big.

We have a lot of data in the DB of GitLab.com but it was hard to understand it. Using a third-party service with client side tracking saves a lot of time and effort.

> third-party service with client side tracking

That's like me inviting you to my house and you show up with a pet pig. Your pig might be clean and well behaved, but I'm not letting it my house because it's a pig.

I trust GitLab and I'm ok with the spirit of what you're trying to do, but if you want me to opt-in to client side tracking from a 3rd party (in an untrustworthy industry), you'll need to convince me the company you're working with deserves to be trusted.

Just as a data point, our organization is literally this week looking at some form of git UI tool. Due to our security requirements, cloud services are not an option.

On a smaller project, we have implemented Gitlab CE and it was/is in the lead of the various alternatives.

Telemetry to any external service from inside our VPN is a definite no-go. Not to mention that it would be blocked in our configuration, but if that meant that the application didn't run, then we need to make another choice.

Telemetry to a specific provider that we have licensing and other arrangements with would be manageable, as long as the data collected was documented and we could determine that there was no possibility of data leakage beyond that declaration. It would need to be opt-in and it would need to be under conditions that both parties agreed to.

Tell your CFO that if he wants to sell to enterprise, particularly self-hosted enterprise, then he needs to get his head out of the "SaaS" world and deal in the world of Enterprise, where things like SOX and HIPAA and GDPR and PCI/DSS and other standards preclude "collecting data on our users".

Wait, we know what kind of data companies sit on?

I've always opted into telemetry because I assumed companies just use it to improve their products. I guess I've never actually been in the inside of a big company, though. Do they do something else with it I should know about?

Thanks for the reply, and glad to hear about the review - am still surprised to hear the reaction was larger than expected though. The narrative is rather predictable - "community minded tech company raises cash, has ultra valuation, starts imposing tracking onto users etc..." Fair or not, that's the leagues now.

Also, might be a learning about engaging the community on things it understands - a common user of a SaaS platform might not have an understanding of tech, but a common user of a developer SaaS platform does.

If when I had next logged into the dashboard I got a modal that asked me "hey, here's a list of things we'd like to monitor to make your experience better, what data would you be happy we looked at?" I'd probably opt-in to some just to be helpful as I know the context.

I'm guessing a lot of your mid-market acquisition (though likely not revenue) is through word of mouth, migrations or "dark procurement" (?) - audiences that are ultra-sensitive to this sort of thing, so the misstep here is a question.

> we did underestimate the reaction

Be serious. You knew what the reaction would be. You gambled on it getting missed by the community and lost.

As said we didn't expect praise.

We published this change in a blog post and sent an email.

>There were many more concerns than we expected.

Every single one of our concerns was raised by someone in your own MR thread. C'mon, you were just hoping people wouldn't raise too much of a fuss.

I keep coming back to the thought that for companies like gitlab the 'customers' are the VC's that put up the money not people that use the product. And it's really showing here.

>We'll make sure to communicate in advance on our blog when we do have a new plan.

I would have thought this would be one of the most important steps in implementing this change. Surprises are never good for people working in this field.

Thank you for listening and reconsidering based upon feedback.

Typically when Github “copies” a feature, there’s a blog post within a couple of hours.

>for now


Not all browsers make it easy to turn DNT on (Safari has apparently removed it), so it's not an ideal opt-out mechanism.

DNT is basically a failed technology; if you really care about not being tracked you would just block the trackers rather than asking them to pretty please not track you.

(Edited to add: as others have said, this should not be opt-out anyway. Opt-in is much less user hostile, and as far as I know is legally mandated in the EU anyway.)

Using DNT as an opt out mechanism is beyond ridiculous. It doesn't impact us yet (EE) luckily. This would put us in a tough spot as we are required to control this sort of thing, but have no way enforcing it with our third party developer community. It is a worrying misstep from my perspective.

No, I mean opt-in to telemetry as opposed to having to opt-out would be more ideal

How is it that you even considered DNT a viable option when it's been common knowledge for years that DNT is a failed technology? Even Wikipedia knows that, and yet you, an expert in the field, don't?

Cynical me could imagine the conversation might go something along these lines:

Alice> We want to do a thing, and we want everyone to do it without being able to realistically avoid it while still saying "we gave them an option"

Bob> Let's use DNT, it's used by almost no-one and is largely obsolete.

Alice> Perfect!

It's a bit like web sites that allow you to opt out of tracking and targetted advertising by directing you at the cookie config settings in your web browser. A token gesture.

There's no need to be cynical, the situation you posed is 100% within the realm of possibility when you consider that the actions Gitlab took benefit Gitlab greatly.

Yeah, we need a "it's now infeasible to track me" as opposed to a "please don't track me."

> some of the things we thought would help (respecting DNT) don't seems to matter much

DNT is dead as a dodo, and many people either use browsers that no longer support it or are strongly resistance to enabling it because it's used as a signal in fingerprinting browsers.

I'm not sure why you thought DNT would help.

So first of all I’d recommend you try to understand your users.

Your EE users use your self-hosted product because they don’t want anything leaving their premises — not a single bit of data. If you require this, do you really think EA, SIEMENS, Ericsson, Lockheed Martin or Bayer are going to let any data from their instances with potentially secret and internal future projects leak out to you or your third parties? No, they won’t. They’ll require you signing a contract that you won’t track them, or they’ll switch vendors — you’re the small fish in that case.

Additionally, I’d suggest reading and understanding the GDPR — the text is actually surprisingly simple:


So you, or in case of the EE Edition, your customers, have to have explicit, clear, and freely given[1] consent to allow any telemetry or tracking which contains PII to happen at all, and especially to give any PII to third parties. Pseudonymous data counts as PII. Data which contains the IP (such as a direct connection to a third-party server to transmit data) counts as PII.

[1] Even more interesting, freely given consent is defined as explicitly opt-in, and it has to be in clear and simple language, the default (and/or the biggest button) has to be rejecting everything, and the consent can not lead to any functional changes, so you can’t require opt-in to let the user access any functionality either.

From the article:

"Enterprise Edition (EE) No current changes. We are not adding telemetry services to EE at this time."

>at this time

Which was recently added after receiving a metric ton of backlash. You have to question their initial thought process here.

Check out some more of the thought process: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/telemetry/issues/34

The original title was "Remove the ability to toggle sending telemetry data back to GitLab", then "Remove the ability for on-prem users to toggle sending telemetry data back to GitLab"

That thread is disgusting. It's crazy how many people in that thread seem to be suits with no dev comprehension whatsoever, talking about shit that can tank the reputation of their company.

>I'm not familiar with the term "dark patterns".

Then you should not be suggesting changes like this in the first place.

>I want to highlight again that public sector customers will be excluded from this. I've mentioned many times that it's important we respect their strict privacy requirements.

But fuck private sector customers? What?

> We are not adding telemetry services to EE at this time.

That sounds like something to rely on, especially given how they've handled this so far. Also, this wasn't originally there.

EE excempt was just added, initial version of blog post implied that only CE would stay without tracking.

> We are not adding telemetry services to EE at this time.

Emphasis mine, but the wording is notable.

That means nothing, if the owner of the instance has to sign a legal contract (which the ToS is) allowing Gitlab to track the data, then (a) the owner won’t upgrade, or (b) they owner becomes GDPR incompliant immediately.

I can't believe any organisation can be this tone deaf considering the awareness of privacy abuses that are practically in the news on a daily basis.

Respect your users and respect yourself, roll back the change, make an apology PR piece and move on.

I personally don't have a problem with telemetry when the product is free and what you collect and how it's used is clearly defined. If people are paying, it should be reduced or eliminated if the monthly fee is high enough.

I think a big problem is that it was so unexpected! Especially the API changes, where people probably are wondering why things aren't working today. Some advance notice would have helped, probably.

I've used Gitlab in the past and will continue to use it here and there, though I host all my own repos at home with just regular old git and use Github for work, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt because I'm technically not a heavy user of your service.

Part of the issue is that Gitlab's approach signals a "we don't know what we don't know" problem.

Enterprises have been dealing with GDPR, CCPA, and data privacy issues for several years now. The apparent fact that Gitlab doesn't recognize when they're running afoul of opt-out standard practices mechanisms, and has those vulnerabilities appearing to be not caught during the SDLC is probably causing a lot of second guessing of competency by your more mature customers.

edit: This isn't a problem unique to Gitlab. Microsoft, for example, has encountered and dealt with this problem (telemetry privacy issues) as well (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-ie/DeployOffice/privacy/overvi...). Search for "Microsoft Dutch DPIA" for all the sordid detail.

Please make this telemetry opt-in and optional, even on GitLab.com.

Judging from the MR thread it seems that almost everyone was in favor of opt-in except for the CFO.

The code review worked. Then he got shouted down. That’s a big corporate culture problem.

And why did the lead email mention SOC2 and not CCPA and GDPR?

You can't measure something without impacting it. Adding spyware to products make them slower.

Here is an alternative solution I begun using for one of my projects:

There is no telemetry like grep in nginx logs with carefully fetch()'ed paths.

Put this in JS code:

Then you can find the information you need with:

    grep -o ".*/stats/[a-z_]*" /var/log/nginx/access.log
Now you can count how many users reach features and checkout steps.

That is dozens of time more performant than using third party scripts. No extra library.

Yeah, but they want heatmaps and attention spans. Optionally eye tracking, if camera is available.

I don't like the stated justifications for enforcing telemetry — even if it is genuine, it is basically self-deception.

In my experience, access to analytics is a quality of life improvement for programmer, that does not actually result in better products. Having a thousand times more crash-reports wont's cause your employees to grow extra hands and brain-cells to act on all of them. Having a great insight in user behavior does not automatically translate in great managerial decisions.

Personally I would love Gitlab to stop overusing Javascript and fix performance of their backend instead of trying to conceal issues by refusing to show big files and abusing lazy-loading. But judging by their recent actions, they are more likely to copy more anti-features from Github than work on actual hard problems.

There are so many issues in play here. Some plain legal, others based on expectations.

1. DSGVO means opt-in when collecting private information not necessary for the usage of the product (and even then it's dicey). Making the use of your product dependent on accepting private information gathering is illegal. DNT is logically a valid way to opt-out (apart from browsers dropping the feature and users not knowing about it), but that's not enough here. It would be different if DNT was enabled by default (I assume), but all browser makers dropped the ball here years ago.

2. You built a reputation of the people's git provider, albeit in conflict with the completely free alternatives. And now you make a post "we will change it, you have to accept the new TOS, and there will be a service interruption", like a generic US company might do. It's unfitting to you. It does not matter that the products concerned are not free.

3. The right solution exists and would not hurt you. I assume you want telemetry data to improve the product (if not the issue is even bigger). So you add that option and ask them whether he would be okay to activate it, like Mozilla is doing in products like Firefox. This scheme works and data gets collected anyway, a bit less, but that should not be an issue. Careful: Admins must be able to remove the prompt for all their users if it arrives in the self-hosted products.

4. Pick a data collection destination that is the least controversial. In your case that should be inhouse. Alternative might be a privacy focused organization in Europe, but it has to be known to your customers.

5. If you think DSGVO does not apply to you realize that it does not really matter since the sensible parts of it are also the ethical correct way. So in any case it is good to follow the spirit of it.

6. Note also how matter of fact and corporate the language used in the blog post is. That can only worsen the impact on those that care about you and the topic.

>It would be different if DNT was enabled by default (I assume), but all browser makers dropped the ball here years ago.

Browser makers did the logical decision as they have no control over websites adhering to DNT. If they made it default, every site would promptly ignore it as it'd impact their business too much to follow it. On the other hand, if they made it opt-in then sites might follow it for the minority of users who used DHT. In the end, it was a bad idea as it had no teeth at all to force adherence on websites.

I've been a huge Gitlab supporter for the past 5 years, and we have all of our repos there. Have had their paid service for a while.

This feels gross, and I'm going to look at moving.

Yeah, that was my feeling as well. I can forgive them for being careless enough to delete their production database (2 years ago?), but not for the dysfunction in the company that was necessary for this debacle to happen.

Something I have noticed several times and I can’t understand from an EU perspective is this: in the US a company you have a contract with (ie a company you are paying for a service for a certain amount of time) can change their tos / contract with you without prior notice and without having to at least honor the previous agreement until your current billing period expires?

For example if I paid for 1 year, I would expect the contract available at the time of payment should apply for the entire year or offer a refund if you don’t want to accept the changes. And always with at least two weeks of notice

Usually they have a clause in the contract stating that they can change the terms. Github provides 30 days notice, Gitlab has an email with instant effect and a vague thing about checking their website. I've seen sketchier companies who have instant changes w/ no notice and that state their published TOS is inaccurate.

I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.

According to my, possibly incorrect, take on the situation this does not really make that much sense.

As I understand it, like GitHub, GitLab offers relatively permissive free plans to individuals and projects in their early stages. Both also offer pathways to graduate to commercial plans that are also enterprise friendly.

It sounds like GitLab planned telemetry for the enterprise-managed plans (not the individual-managed plans). If GitLab was seen as an alternative to Microsoft-owned GitHub, the plans for telemetry undermined this reason for developers to start their projects with GitLab instead of GitHub and advocate its use to managers, investors, and legal departments.

If that is the situation, where does SourceHut stand? The site makes little sense to me. The URL is sourcehut.org, but there is no statement about it being a non-profit, or any discussion about a board that manages it. There is a pricing page, but no contact us page. I don't know where it is based, and I can't find a reference on Crunchbase to get any idea of who owns the company.

If it is a competitor to GitLab, maybe it is a competitor in the space for individual developers, but there wasn't a significant problem for individual developers when it comes to GitLab (or Github). If the problem with GitLab's announcement was that it made the upgrade path less enterprise friendly, how is SourceHub an improvement if by all appearances it is incompatible with any sane enterprise.

I don't have a reply for most of your comment, but with respect to this part:

>If that is the situation, where does SourceHut stand? The site makes little sense to me. The URL is sourcehut.org, but there is no statement about it being a non-profit, or any discussion about a board that manages it. There is a pricing page, but no contact us page. I don't know where it is based, and I can't find a reference on Crunchbase to get any idea of who owns the company.

I own SourceHut as a sole proprietor, you can reach me at sir@cmpwn.com with private questions or ~sircmpwn/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht with public questions. Archives here:


The business is operated transparently, here's the latest quarterly financial report:


This whole mess (gitlab really fumbling the ball) seems like a great opportunity for sourcehut.

Even though I may not especially enjoy email-patch workflows, I still wish you success, because of your user centric ethos.

Going to github isn't better I guess, or has a bad outlook at least with MS's lust for "telemetry". Last I checked, they blocked indie search crawlers.

The recent Github repository exodus has now been in vain since GitLab is taking action similar to how MS is famous in developer circles for telemetry and not respecting your privacy. Whenever VCs are involved, the community always finishes last.

For individuals sourcehut[0] may seem to be an alternative. Open source orgs might be better of self-hosting. In either scenario I would rather go with the community than to be in the mercy of a VC-backed corporation for hosting my work in this case.

[0] https://sr.ht

If you use something like ublock origin to block the third party telemetry scripts on github I don’t think it breaks the rest of the site no?


Very disturbing that this is a discussion you need to have now as opposed to already knowing this considering how privacy sensitive the dev community has always been.

Do Not Track was removed from Safari. Nobody really honored it so it's become one of those features that just died on the vine.

So what are Safari users supposed to do, to opt out?

Honestly, use something that actually blocks the trackers, rather than just asking the trackers nicely not to track you. Switch browsers if you have to.

Turning on DNT is like walking around a big city wearing a cap that says "Please don't record CCTV pictures of me."

DNT is pretty much the reverse of the evil bit (RFC 3514), but supposedly not meant as a joke.

Ask Apple to put it back.

And ask Apple to put pressure on services to support it. They're a large fish and we'd all appreciate them helping out.

Work at GitLab, we've halted any movement on adding telemetry and are reconsidering our approach. More info is on this issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/growth/product/issues/164

Drew's comment there explains the fundamental issue.

> Drew DeVault @ddevault · 1 hour ago

> Obligatory disclaimer: I work for a GitLab competitor.

>Thank you for pumping the brakes, but this is still not great news. This language is the classic "defuse, wait, and try again later" approach to shoeing in unpopular changes. You're still hedging their bets with this language, rather than renouncing the original ideas. A similar tactic we've already seen is apologising for "bad communication" instead of the real problem: bad changes. Until a real apology is issued and the changes renounced, this isn't very meaningful.

"Reconsidering the approach" is CYA talk. What you're doing right now is an attempt at damage limitation instead of fixing the actual problem.

Third party telemetry is a cancer that no-one wants.

You, personally, don't even want it. You know you don't want it, but you're adopting the 'corporate mask'.

Just stop, please. For your own good, as well as that of the wider ecosystem.

Can you provide some insight onto what 'telemetry data' is being collected and what the data is being used for?

Edit: I don't think telemetry is always bad. Obfuscated telemetry tells me you're potentially collecting stuff that you don't want me to know about, but things like clicks, mouse-movements, etc. are important for understanding how users use a service and not inherently bad.

Hello - what we currently collect is here - https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/feature-instrument... and we of course will update that in the future to reflect the details of any telemetry we use - however as noted the team is circling back to evaluate all the feedback and concerns before considering how to improve our existing telemetry (which was the goal).

Thanks, we'll make sure to detail what data is collected when we rethrought our plans.

Did you guys not expect any type of backlash about telemetry? Do you guys not read comments here at all?

We didn't expect praise but many more people expressed concern than we expected.

You need to contain this disaster now by showing unambiguously that you've heard the community and announcing that you're simply not going to do this. This is an existential risk for you. You've just unintentionally shot your own brand; it needs more than a little first aid. Talking evasively ("concerns") is undermining you further.

These things have a super short half life before people just write you off as untrustworthy. But if you reverse it quickly enough, you can turn it into a win. Do it now! The hourglass is getting to that point where there's just a little sand left and it feels like it's starting to accelerate.

Please listen to these comments. There are a lot of them:



There are multiple decisions: opt-in vs. opt-out, GitLab.com vs. self-hosted, DNT vs. in-app, first-party vs. third-party, aggregated data vs. user data.

As an example that we won't do opt-out self-hosted third party with user data doesn't mean we can't do opt-in GitLab.com first party with aggregated data.

Almost every SaaS company uses telemetry in some form to improve their product. We need it too to improve the the user experience of the product.

But we clearly made the wrong trade-offs so we'll go back to square one and make a new plan.

That makes sense, but from a communication point of view it doesn't connect with what people are feeling. The community has a strong emotional bond with you. You need to respond on that level so people feel like they've been heard. You don't need to make all those decisions first in order to do that. Maybe you should do an Ask HN about how to proceed with these options. At least announce that you fucked up, apologize, and say that however you go forward will be crafted together with the community.

So you basically suggest that Gitlab adopts a community-driven roadmap for all its analytics purposes?

As far as I'm concerned, there's only one decision and it's clear that you've already made it. Client-side telemetry is a hard no-go for me. Not that my opinion matters much. I've deleted my account and will be reversing my attempts to secure funding for my organization to move to Gitlab. This is a bridge that can't be un-burned as far as I'm concerned.

> We need it too to improve the the user experience of the product.

I really appreciate you guys engaging in this public discussion. I hope you take what follows in the friendly spirit I intend:

> We need it too to improve the the user experience of the product.

This ^^^^ sounds like exaggeration to me. Taken literally, you're saying that the gitlab user experience could not be meaningfully improved without adding telemetry.

I'm not a UI designer, but I'm fairly sure that before telemetry existed, product-improving iterations were a thing.

But based on other people's comments, I think this is a tangent. I suspect that 99% of people's upset is making the telemetry something other than opt-in. I suspect that if gitlab would just commit to making telemetry opt-in and GDPR-compliant, all would be right with the world.

"Express concern" is a large understatement IMO.

Edit: removed most of the post. Rewrote the rest of it.

FWIW I liked and appreciated the earlier version.

Should have passed an A/B test on your headline with a focus group. Everything with all the Facebook privacy issues it's getting much harder to push tracking on the technically literate.

I personally don't care if your hosted one takes telemetry as but if it ever makes it to CE I'm dropping gitlab in favor of I guess paying for some other hosted service. That or I'll patch out the telemetry.

don't take these comments on HN seriously. there are 100 trolls that wine on here daily because you want to track if a button is in an optimal place. ignore it and keep building great products.

Alternatively, please _do_ take these comments seriously, since some of the people reading this post and following this discussion are the ones who help their organizations make purchasing decisions about on-prem VCS solutions. I'll certainly be making sure that the people at my organization who are evaluating which VCS to buy are aware of Gitlab's choices regarding telemetry.

Yes, this. As it happens, I am currently tasked with selecting a system like this to replace what we currently use. I was strongly leaning toward recommending Gitlab, but am no longer. (To be clear, I haven't ruled it out, either, despite the fact that I've stopped using it personally -- it's just that it's not the leading contender anymore.)

One thing worth considering is the possibility that the type of user that migrates from GitHub to GitLab on the basis of GitHub's lack of "purity" is going to perceive any "impurity" in GitLab not merely as a change, but as a betrayal.

> we've halted any movement on adding telemetry and are reconsidering our approach

Your firm communicated a willingness to break users’ tools, wilfully violate GDPR, and interrupt users’ business continuity, all to spice up some IPO metrics. That’s a lot of trust to rebuild.

I’d recommend putting guarantees against telemetry into your ToS. Also, a minimum announcement period before mandatory ToS revisions and a minimum amount of time before GitLab can nix users for not agreeing to a new ToS.

Backpedaling due to bad PR does not reestablish trust. Gitlab has demonstrated that they're willing to breach trust if they can get away with it. They're dead to me.

Do you really think anyone is naive enough to believe this sort of thing won't become the norm? It's pretty clear GitLab has drank from the poisoned well.

Your CFO is making these sorts of decisions, not developers. Good luck with the business, but I'm out.


Their job title according to their profile is "Senior Community Advocate", so I would say that it's part of their job to post here.

Ah. Is that any different from a "Fulfillment Center Ambassador"?

I don't know what that means, but this is the handbook page on my position: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/marketing/community-relati... although I've been needing to update it a bit. My job is to basically relay feedback to the rest of the company, and relay any information back to you all that might be relevant. We don't wanna be out-of-touch with what people are really saying about us, and we wanna make sure you're input is received, so that's basically why my team exists.

My questions come from the fact that you, and others from Gitlab, are coming out of the woodwork in groups in response to public negativity and trying to play it cool, eg "wanna".

At least to me, it feels hollow, just like your response right now. It makes me think that Gitlab knew that there was going to be a backlash, and only sent your team out to mitigate damages. "There is no such thing as bad publicity" sort of deal.

If Amazon did the same thing you were doing right now, everyone would be up in arms.

It is the feedback from you all that is responsible for us rolling back the ToS and reconsidering our approach to this. My job, genuinely, is to relay concerns back to the people who make decisions like this. Sid has said in another comment that he wasn't expecting praise, but didn't expect the backlash to be this bad. If they were I really wish they would've given me a heads-up

I think you're reading too far into it. GitLab announced something and received a ton of backlash for it, so they are understandably trying to minimize damage.

It was more than an announcement. They cutoff access to gitlab and broke automated workflows. It shows that they don't know their customer base that well if they were willing to do that. Surely they knew they'd break automated workflows?

So, either they don't care that they broke those workflows when they made this change, or they didn't know that the workflow breakage would be bad. Both are shitty and implies a lack of understanding of their core user base. So, sending customer reps out like they are now screams to me that gitlab really only cares about presentation.

It's not really "coming out of the woodwork" tbh, Gitlab has always been incredibly active on HN, largely through their CEO sytse.

OK, here's what we're saying (most of which is covered by the GDPR principles):

1. Telemetry of any kind from a self hosted instance of your product MUST be opt in. Telemetry from your SaaS SHOULD be opt in. 2. The type and content of data that is collected MUST be documented. 3. That data MUST only be collected by Gitlab under a privacy policy and if it is collected by a 3rd party, that 3rd party MUST comply with the Gitlab policy. Changing a TOS doesn't cover it at 30 days notice doesn't cover it. 4. Under GDPR, any and all data collected MUST be available on demand to a customer. Even if Gitlab is not EU based, you sell to the EU and are therefore covered by the GDPR. 5. The data MUST NOT be saved if the customer ends their relationship with Gitlab and MUST be deleted on request of the customer if it is not required for the service to operate. 6. Under GDPR, the data MUST NOT be used for any purpose other than the documented purposes and MUST NOT be saved beyond the period required.

These are basic privacy principles that apply to ANY business, given that Gitlab operates on data that is highly sensitive (ie a corporation's IPR for their code, a corporation's requirement to also be compliant with GDPR etc), you should be operating to a HIGHER standard.

Thank you for this! We've been creating a point-by-point list like this as well but your point #2 especially is something I don't think we've included, I'll add it.


BTW, not everyone knows what "FC" is an abbreviation for.

I agree the huge amount of copy-and-pasted or otherwise hollow responses from GitLab employees here and on their issue is annoying and counterproductive, but it's literally their jobs. Push back against GitLab, not their rank-and-file. It's undoubtedly a rough job.

Hello all, GitLabber here!

We opened an issue for gathering feedback at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/growth/product/issues/164 and you can find the most up to date information regarding this topic there. Please join the discussion and let us know what you think.

You say "discussion", but many of the Gitlab developer comments in that thread consist of the same response copy-and-pasted verbatim in response to multiple different people, which comes across more as PR spin than as a good-faith attempt to engage in a discussion.

Why would there be a “discussion”? They knew their users didn’t want this anti-feature before they implemented it and they did it anyway.

Then they add insult to injury by pretending to “discuss” it as if user consent or participation has anything to do with this.

We have been taking the feedback seriously, we rolled back our ToS changes and are reconsidering our approach here. More info can be found on the issue

I don't believe that requiring explicit agreement to a new ToS before being able to access account deletion is kosher.

The ToS have been rolled back, and telemetry had not been implemented yet. I (of course) don't want anyone to leave, but hopefully that alleviates any concerns if people want to.

This entire thread kept me up last night. Revisiting it this morning, there's a ton of well expressed, clear, opinions and facts here in this discussion. On the other hand, the amount of information expressed in the issue, does not nearly contain enough of what's in this HN thread.

Good morning. If you commented yesterday, express your product needs for zero telemetry and trust here: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/issues/5672

(GitLab employee... of course) Sorry this thread kept you up (no sarcasm). If it helps at all, I'm responding to you right now because I'm here gathering all of the feedback, since there was so much discussion on here/reddit/twitter/the issues that need consolidating. I'll be making a lot of noise so the people in charge can truly see the impact this had

Please have your co-workers stop spamming the same comments in every HN thread about Gitlab's poor decision.

I realize this is also spammy, my bad, but I do wanna clarify that it's explicitly our job to respond to questions/concerns and relay feedback to the company: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/marketing/community-relati...

I'm going to be honest: I don't care that it's your job. Don't do it.

I'm not looking forward to GitLab "taking into account" the community comments, then ignoring them and forging ahead with this change.


How is your comment here not toxic?

Gitlab reputation went down quite a bit from my perspective. No time given to migrate.

I've seen a lot of negativity about gitlab, and personally, I think that any third party telemetry should be opt-in, not opt-out. However, I do think they should be applauded on what they did right.

First, they have been very transparent about the whole thing. While many companies would try to hide it in the ToS in vague legalese, Gitlab published a blog post explaining what they were doing and why, and opened public issues about the topic.

Secondly, they listened to feedback from customers (and the internet at large). Even though the backlash shouldn't have been surprising, at least GitLab responded quickly by pulling back when it was clear the community disapproved.

And finally, even though it was supposed to be opt-out instead of opt-in, at least they clearly communicated _how_ to opt-out. Which is more than can be said of most companies, which make opting out as difficult as possible.

Yes, GitLab messed up. But at least they acknowledge that, and were transparent about the whole thing.

The backlash hasn't finished. The negativity in on here is part of the backlash.

I just deleted my Gitlab account. I'll be self-hosting personal projects from now on. It's clear that as an individual user of a third-party service you have virtually no control. No matter who you choose, the odds are that the owners of the service will eventually succumb to the siren song of VC money and sell their users' souls as a result.

This is one of the "perks" of VC money.

Any company that accepts VC, goes public, etc, eventually resorts to aggressive telemetry and doing business with China. It's practically guaranteed at this point.

After Github started being kinda gross, we were trying to decide between switching to Gitlab hosted or going self-hosted. Self-hosted was a pain but turns out it was a good choice. I'm sad to see Gitlab going down downhill like their predecessors.

Is it really that hard to provide a no-bullshit hosted Git?

VCs, like drug cartels, are not satisfied with standard returns. There has to be new ideas for revenue growth and poisoning the ecosystem with advertising surveillance tooling is standard. For pseudo open source, code maturity and diverse contributors means a loss of control, so it always about adding code and making it more spaghetti.

> Github started being kinda gross

Mind elaborating?

We were talking for a while at work of going to gitlab (mainly my idea after using self-hosted for my own side projects) - but after this, there isn't a chance I'd be the one recommending it. In fact, I'd strongly recommend against it.

The irony is that this is the company everyone jumped into because big bad Microsoft acquired GitHub.

When will people learn that corporations are about money?

Corporations beholden to VC, shareholders, etc. are all about growth at any cost (ethical or otherwise). Private companies don't have this problem.

Private companies also need to be profitable, otherwise they would be charities.

Right, but you can stay profitable without the need for hockey stick growth

So Gitlab basically became huge from nothing simply by strictly adhering to 'Github but better'. Now it's time for something else to do the same and pick up the ones who'll leave because of these policies with 'Gitlab but respects you'

I don't really see the issue. If you're already storing all your code on a third party service, why is it suddenly horrible that they're doing event tracking on the use of the service?

If you REALLY cared, wouldn't you be self hosting anyways?

> If you REALLY cared, wouldn't you be self hosting anyways?

Initially, they said they'd infect the self-hosted EE versions too.

I'm pretty sure that server-side analytics ("there were 1000 calls to this API endpoint") is considered very different from client-side analytics via marketing/ad-tech tracking companies.

But I am self hosting just for this reason and got an email yesterday which said I needed to agree to let them add tracking to my self hosted instance. Fuck no!

If these trackers are blocked by our content blockers or PiHole, will Gitlab stop working?

Apparently not, but the linked page does mention that this necessitated a change to their ToS and until you accept the ToS the API stops working.

I don’t think they’re trying to associate your identity with other web traffic the way normal “trackers” do, but just to have a client-side view of a browser session: what did you click on in which order in a typical session, what features are unused and what needs to be boosted to the dashboard pages of your repository, etc. Especially when backend calls can be triggered from multiple frontend locations, this sort of information can be really helpful.

I agree that they just want telemetry on how we use the apps. As a developer, I'd love that kind of telemetry too.

I think what most people are complaining about is the third-party. If, say, Gitlab hosted their own telemetry services (on their servers, accessible to their product managers, etc), I doubt there would be so much backlash.

GitLab employee, some employees have proposed this idea and (speaking personally) I think it would be a better approach. We've halted movement on using telemetry and are reconsidering. More info is on this issue: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/growth/product/issues/164

Apparently not? This is what a Gitlabber said in the original thread when someone asked about it working in air gapped environments [1]:

> I work at GitLab in Support Engineering I'm talking with product now about this. We raised this when the conversation started as a concern, and I want you to know that internally I am advocating that it _doesn't_.

They would not need to "advocate" for it to continue working if that were teh case.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21339266

Based on a comment on the other thread, the CFO insisted on this originally. I'd love to hear specifically from the executive team about the CFO's instructions, and this 'rethinking.'

Between this and their new moderation policy, I suspect they will announce classic coke soon.

Gitlab just posted an update that they are going to process the feedback and rethink the feature here. Nice to see a heads-up move like that - I was ready to drop Gitlab like a hot rock.

They won't rethink it, they'll just wait until this blows over then implement it silently. They haven't changed the TOS back yet.

> I was ready to drop Gitlab like a hot rock.

I am dropping Gitlab like a hot rock. The way they did this initially, and the responses that I've been reading here and on Gitlab, don't reassure me at all.

I think the main problem with Git Lab and similar services is Git's inability to store anything other than code. If issues, wikis etc. would be stored in a Git repo itself, with the services potentially offering conveniences like web/email access etc. switching would be trivial. Git hosters would then need to be very, very careful and extremely competitive, as moving somewhere else would be a matter of minutes. There are some effords on this front[1], but I don't really know if anything will come of it.

[1] https://github.com/sit-fyi/sit

https://sourcehut.org is looking better and better all the time.

Honestly, if you gave me a thoughtfully worded rationale (improving product and support, all data anonymized, etc) and defaulted it on, I probably wouldn't have given it a 2nd thought. The way this was presented created a lot of the problems. Some people would be upset regardless, and you need an opt-out for commercial customers. There are cases where collection is a nonstarter for security and compliance reasons. Some people are upset on philosphical grounds, and for those using Gitlab for free, I think you are perfectly within your limits to tell them to pound sand (or host it on their own/fork).

It’s difficult for some of us that host 20+ Repos and use all the related tools. I’m going to try the ad blocker route first.

Gitlab is so incredibly reactionary. Competitor does something, let’s blog about how we do it too. We roll out new changes we’ve identified as being vital to our growth moving forward and users complain: okay nevermind let’s undo that.

All this herky jerky stuff is mind blowing. They have a product people seem to like a lot but I don’t think they have the right core values and beliefs to sustain it long term. If they did, this would have been executed much better and there wouldn’t be this knee-jerk reaction to random gripes on the internet.

Chasing shiny objects and the noisiest users is gonna get ya killed.

(GitLab employee however these are my personal views) I agree that our blog posts about competitors aren't great (and thankfully have been happening less), but for this issue I'm glad to see that the backlash has been taken seriously because I had my own concerns. It'd be much more worrying if this went forward despite all of the imo justified backlash.

> They have a product people seem to like a lot but I don’t think they have the right core values and beliefs to sustain it long term.

Sorry, but we can't expect it from "for profit" company especially backed by venture with the exit goal on ipo.

I'm a data guy, I'm all for data gathering when there is a business case, permission, disclosure, and strong PII protection. However this is just silly. GitLab, on the doorstep of GitHub actions rolling out globally, shooting their leg off by forcing a 3rd party script into a business system.

The thing that is utter shit is that they could really achieve any reasonable analytics needed from their server logs on their hosted systems.

Pendo is the same as Heap analytics in that it logs EVERYTHING the user does, including things like scroll depth, time on page, form element selects, even clicks on non-clickable elements. You could just ask me how to make the UX better, GitLab; there is no need to do indiscriminate bulk collection.

Or here's a novel idea: maybe actually give the users who choose to give you their behavior some kind of reward. A pro feature for free, some build runner priority, or even just a icon that glimmers with some gratitude. And an incognito switch for times when I don't want be seen.

And a 3rd party? Its not that hard to put a pixel on a page and stand up an endpoint. What's to stop that 3rd party from injecting a keylogger and start harvesting secrets? Trust?

If I were owning analytics at GitLab, I would:

1. Develop a way to get cleaned up server access logs in front of the UX team. This should get 85% of the work done.

2. Provide a 1st party controlled, open source client analytics tool that users can inspect.

3. Make it optional, off by default, and most importantly, fully accessible to the user. When its active it should provide a visual indication. Give opted in users a reward for participating. Give them the ability to see the data that has been gathered on them. Personally, I could find that log of my own activities quite useful if it were shared with me.

4. Prove the value of client side-tracking and share the wins with all stakeholders. Like, build a step in issue triage to gather metrics and share the results on the ticket to inform the decision making process. If the data doesn't does add double digit value to the company, kill the whole thing off.

This was a brutal blunder for a company that's on Series E, and shows that leadership is not in touch with their customers. More actual face time with developers by leadership could have stopped this from happening.

We all have these analytics companies ranking our credit scores, social interactions, education levels, etc.. Just think of the data you could harvest from something like GitLab. The average developer does X merge requests per week. The average developer closes X bugs per week. The average developer makes X commits per week.

What's your Pendo Developer Score?

I am a bit surprised at the extreme negativity here. Obviously, this was mismanaged on many fronts [1], however the idea of tracking product usage in order to improve the product is generally a good thing, not a bad thing.

Hacker News likes to complain about how bad the Gitlab UI is compared to Github, or how slow things are on Gitlab, or how they are doing too many things and need to focus their product better. Well, knowing how their users are using the product is one key part to improving all these things and delivering a better product.

As a paid user of the Gitlab.com product, I am fine having them carry out analytics on user behavior like my own. That said, I do use an ad blocker and if they use 3rd party trackers I'll definitely be blocking those trackers.

[1] E.g. the use of third parties for the telemetry. They should definitely be using in house systems for something like this not 3rd parties in order to protect their user data. Also, they should not be rolling this out to self-hosted versions.

>Obviously, this was mismanaged on many fronts [1], however the idea of tracking product usage in order to improve the product is generally a good thing, not a bad thing.

Disagree. The kind of client-side hyper granular tracking being discussed here is not a good thing. It encourages micro optimization for metrics over maintaining a good big-picture architecture. I've seen no evidence whatsoever that software is any better now than it was in the days when applications were off-line only.

Well, Gitlab is now unacceptable for my use.

It also appears that Gitlab really is all-in on this telemetry stuff, as they envision "telemetry-as-a-service": https://about.gitlab.com/direction/telemetry/collection/

We're halting any movement on this and reconsidering our decision on telemetry, you can find more information here: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/growth/product/issues/164

Yes, I'm well aware of that, and I give credit to Gitlab for being willing to back-peddle in the face of user outcry.

But the way that this was rolled out was egregious enough that I don't have much trust in Gitlab at the moment.

From their related blog post: “In order to service the needs of GitLab.com and GitLab Self-Managed users who do not want to be tracked, both GitLab.com and GitLab Self-Managed will honor the Do Not Track (DNT) mechanism in web browsers. This means that, if you turn on Do Not Track in your browser, GitLab will not load the JavaScript snippet.”

It's disappointing that Gitlab seems to be embracing the dark side; I've been recommending people use Gitlab if they're uneasy about Microsoft's purchase, but now it's giving me pause.

I suppose I could run me own Gitlab CE, and maybe I'll have to. That or I finally have an excuse to build a competitor :)

This is on .com only (for now).

I'm at a loss as to why they'd need 3rd party telemetry for this. It's a service that they host. They have the data directly. It's not something that runs in the cloud (ie, on someone else's server) where they don't have first party access to the underlying data. Even if they want to visualize or analyze the data with someone else's tools that don't have import functionality, they can just "project" the data there without the user (client) being involved at all.

The only reason they'd need to do this is for EE deployment where they don't in fact have the direct data. But certainly that's such a small part of their business. And, can't they just use what they know from .com usage data?

Honest question for the people who feel strongly about telemetry: What is/are your concern/s?

You are welcome. Send your browsing history for the last 24h please as a reply and we can talk why users (especially tech savvy) don't like telemetry.

One of the very first comments below the original announcement post was someone wondering about the RGPD implications of that change, and mentioning that locking features behind a mandatory opt-in to tracking might be illegal. That comment is now gone. I wonder why.

Absolutely hilarious. The folks running this ship (the company, not this endeavor) need to pause and reflect on the way they’re going about it. You’ve got a good product and great engagement. These decisions shouldn’t be so hard. Methinks this is due to their tendency to be overly transparent and design-by-committee oriented. Ya need a leader who has values and a vision for the future. If you need data, collect data. Stop walking on eggshells with your users. If they don’t like it let them leave and go elsewhere. The people complaining are likely the minority anyway.

Between some recent behavior like this, some recent hires, some questionable issue triage judgement, and product quality issues.. as a paying customer I am beginning to question what's up at Gitlab.

IIRC sourcehut/srht uses either JavaScript at all or very minimal non-third-party JS.

Sourcehut came to my attention due to similar concerns with GitHub. Didn't take GitLab long to go from alternative to this.

Anyone figure out how to delete the account without accepting these terms? I can't even log in without getting the "Concent or logout" bullshit.

What they do here is highly questionable in regards to GDPR, I'm reporting this to my local authorities.

Honestly, if what you want to do is delete your account, I don't see a problem with going ahead and accepting the new terms. Then they'll have telemetry covering what you did during the account deletion process. Once your account is deleted, that consent becomes a total nonissue.

it is more complicated than that, data without user_ids was already collected, but it wasn't possible to link them to accounts on gitlab side. the moment you accept new terms, single telemetry event sent allows to links all past events to your gitlab account. Source: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/merge_requests/14182#no...

True enough. But (assuming they actually implement this in this way), there's nothing much that can be done about it aside from acknowledge that trusting them was a mistake.

You could always just abandon the account and never use it again, I suppose.

We've rolled back the ToS update and had not implemented telemetry yet, we're reconsidering our plan based on the feedback. More info and further discussion can be found here: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/growth/product/issues/164

This is the same Gitlab that recently banned politics at work and said they’d take anybody’s money, right?

Gitlab is not an underdog, stop fighting for them.

What a cluster. On a related but brighter note, third-party cookies are finally getting some long-overdue meaningful attention: https://blog.chromium.org/2019/10/developers-get-ready-for-n...

Thanks Gitlab for providing the opportunity to create a statement on something which will likely become increasingly common. That they would consider doing this will force me to re-evaluate my decision to ever use Gitlab or recommend it to others.

I think Ubuntu does this well. If you listen to Canonical employees explaining their telemetry, it's a one time transmission, it's opt-out, you can inspect the json file that is being sent (inside the installer) and it will help them focus on what issues to address first. I don't see anything wrong with it.

Probably a silly question, but isn't at least the community edition of GitLab open source?

So wouldn't it be a possibility to just fork the project outright and remove the telemetry from there? Or is there something in GitLab's licensing that makes that impossible despite it being 'open core' or whatever it is?

I'll be uncool one who asks:

What does "telemetry" mean in this context?

What is GL actually demanding of its users, and why?

For gitlab it probably means getting information on what buttons are pressed, how long users stay on a page, etc. For users, it means running proprietary javascript snippets from 3rd party tracking services. How much should you trust that code? You may trust gitlab, but do you trust the vendors they work with? How much visibility do you have into that?

As you can imagine, a lot of businesses are not willing to take that risk with trade secrets like source code and internal bug tracking -- especially when there's no upside to them.

I think the furor is probably less about the data being collected (although people aren't happy about that), and more that Gitlab just offloaded a lot of risk on their users for purely selfish reasons. (And it is selfish. They can get the data in other ways, or, make decisions based on expertise and customer feedback instead. You don't need a mountain of data to drive a product).

Thanks. I genuinely didn't know.

Looks like the anger is also a lot about this being sprung overnight with no warning.

> trade secrets like source code

Don't Gitlab already have their source code?

> Don't Gitlab already have their source code?

Yes. The point is third-parties now can.

Not if you host it on-prem/on-your-servers

That’s the wrong bug report now - try https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/34833

What is this censorship by marking this entry as 'dupe' and hiding it from front page?

Also, I guess it was a mistake to add middle-finger emoji to gitlab's interface. It looks hilarious seeing all those fingers!

Modern problems require modern solutions. The moment I see telemetry URLs in my browser - I will add it to uBlock Origin filters and submit a pull request into EasyList PrivacyList. Boom, like that.

> Again, there will be no changes to GitLab CE.

So it doesn't affect me directly.

Someone who is affected-- tell me what change this company is making that you don't like.

No theorizing, please. Only bona fide gitlab.com users need reply.

Gitlab plans (planned, as of this writing) to load third-party telemetry scripts which will necessarily have access to all the content of any page they are used on.

This opens an additional attack vector that anyone hosting valuable IP on gitlab.com or the self-hosted enterprise edition needs to worry about.

The submission title should be "Important Updates to our Terms of Service and Telemetry Services".

As important as this is, the editorialization is quite clearly against HN guidelines.

Not sure this would be fully editorializing, since the updated title (currently "Gitlab mandating third-party telemetry, locks out user access until accepted") is objectively factual and true.

The ToS was the only thing that had changed, telemetry had not been implemented yet. We've rolled the ToS changes back and are reconsidering our approach based on the feedback: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/growth/product/issues/164

It's a good thing you are reconsidering the approach, but I don't see how this is related to this "title subthread". At the time this subthread started, the title was "Gitlab mandating third-party telemetry, locks out user access until accepted" and these things were, in fact, true at that time. The fact that telemetry had not yet implemented did not change the fact that it was being mandated.

I would like to also note that my stance that the non-original title (at the time) was fine does not have anything to do with that title "looking bad" for GitLab. For example, the title now is "Gitlab ‘rethinking’ third-party telemetry", which is also not the original title, looks somewhat good for GitLab and I think it's fine.

Sorry for being unclear I wasn't trying to refute the accuracy of the title, only to provide additional context that was missed by us in the first place. I think if anything it's really not my place to have a say in what the title says.

This argument can be used to justify all sorts of things. It's still an editorialized title.

It's a non-original title, but Wiktionary for example lists "presenting an opinion as fact" as a necessary requirement to call something "editorialized": https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/editorialize#English

It's not about what's factual, the guidelines are pretty clear:

> Please use the original title, unless it is misleading or linkbait; don't editorialize.

I totally get where you're coming from, but the full sentence is:

> Otherwise [outside a set of very specific circumstances], please use the original title, unless it is misleading or linkbait; don't editorialize.

I'm not sure what would count as "specific circumstances". One could argue though that the original title was "editorialized", since GitLab has an incentive to soften the blow of the news, especially since the original title doesn't tell much about the news itself (what is the important update)?

Specific circumstances as in, what's in the paragraphs above.

The exceptions are (1) if the title includes the name of the site or (2) if the title begins with a number. Neither apply here.

Well, I guess that would be open to interpretation - I don't get from the sentence that the "very specific circumstances" refer exclusively to the paragraphs above. Otherwise, they would have written "outside the circumstances mentioned above" or omitted the brackets entirely, IMO.

I believe they phrased it this way so some discretion can be exercised if the original title doesn't give the full context. Another example is the recent Tesla story - original title is "Q3 2019 Update", story title is "Tesla Q3 Financial Results". The HN story for when MS bought GitHub is "Microsoft acquires GitHub", while original title was "Microsoft + GitHub = Empowering Developers".

If there wasn't such a leeway, most acquisition stories would be titled "Our incredible journey".

This is incredible seeing how people were moving to Gitlab as a not-owned-by-Microsoft alternative to GitHub.

I remember when Microsoft was just M$, and now the look like the good guys.

Sorry if this is an ignorant question, but:

Why is the term "telemetry" used, instead of "logs" these days. Is there a substantial difference?

"telemetry" has been used for quite a while for information sent home. Usually a bit less log-like and is used for more metrics and status sorts of things.

Logs are telemetry when they're sent to third party consumers who don't ordinarily have access to your systems.

Telemetry is literally just remote metrics.

Logs comes from ships throwing a piece of wood attached to a knotted rope over the stern and writing down the results in a log book to record speed at intervals as a part of normal navigation. Telemetry makes more sense :)

Yep... and everyone was bashing Github last month and praising Gitlab. My my... how quickly the tides have changed.

everyone praising Gitlab? No, not at all.

As others have noted in the thread, this is quite illegal in the EU (telemetry should be opt-in, not opt-out). I'd like to see how they tackle that one.

Is basically anyone actually doing this? Legitimate question.

It doesn't make it okay, but as far as I can tell almost no one is actually following GDPR, despite the large theoretical penalties. They've all decided to just put up cookie notices (with dark patterns to elicit agreement), because it's easy and doesn't force fundamental changes to business practices.

The penalties aren't just theoretical -- see this list of actual enforcements http://enforcementtracker.com/

Well, something isn't working if Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and now Gitlab are all still breaking the law.

Yeah -- Google was fined too, but the sum is effectively peanuts for them


No, not yet. I'm guessing they'll start after we see the first big lawsuits, we're still in an adjustment period.

Yeah, lots of sites are GDPR compliant, it's just more noticable when the hard to understand cookie pop up is used.

Can someone explain what this telemetry does and what its role is supposed to be?

Likely to capture user behavior (click this button, type in this field, hover over that link, etc). Can influence changes to UX.

I'm re-thinking putting up with Gitlabs shit CI/CD system personally.

Is there an explanation WHY ja WHAT information is collected?

I’m actually curious how the Gnome project will react to this.

* for now

Privacy conscious orgs should work on migrating off GitLab.

what the fuck are Gitlab doing recently?! smh.

Can brave block these js calls

wow what a mess

ICE ops says what?

/feedbackhn It really sucks when an active discussion on the front page is nuked in favor of a dead discussion on an article that's ready to fall off the second page.

It was marked as a duplicate because it was a repost of https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21344575, which spent nearly 15 hours on HN's front page and got over 200 upvotes. Marking reposts like that is standard moderation. If we didn't, the front page would be full of duplicates and the comments full of complaints about them.

It seems like there's more energy than usual for continuing to discuss this one, though, so I'm happy to bend the rule. It will take a few minutes to effect a three-way merge, so bear with me.

Edit: ok, I merged the relevant comments from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21346318 into here. But I don't think it makes sense to merge yesterday's discussion (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21337594). That one is already historical since the story has changed. So what we'll do is update the title to incorporate the new information, and leave a link to the older thread at the top. I'm going to mark this subthread about dupeiness as off topic though.

If anyone still has concerns, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

I pointed out the dupe when there was only a single comment on this story. I thought I was being helpful, giving a link to a bunch of great discussion. Now I regret it.

My apologies if it seemed targeted at you; your comment was at the top and the post was marked as a dupe. The feedback is not against you.

Some conspiratorial minds might even suggest that this may of been intentional seeing that GitLab is a member of Y Combinator

The first rule of HN moderation is to moderate less, not more, when YC startups are at issue:


That doesn't mean we don't moderate at all, just less. For example, in this case, the repost was obviously a dupe by a large margin, so we marked it as a dupe. But when people complained about that, we were more likely to bend the rules because Gitlab is a YC startup. If it were an unrelated company, we would have been more likely to say something like "look you guys, this is standard practice and it's not a borderline call" and left the repost marked as a duplicate.

My apologies dang, I didn't mean to directly insinuate that this was happening, just that it could lead credence to those rumors.

Thanks for taking care of the situation, and for further demonstrating what top notch moderation should look like

edit: Thank you for explaining the policy! I think it's excellent.

I suspect dang knows there will always be people that accuse him of conspiring with YC companies, and the best thing he can do is to just keep doing his job.

I also suspect dang knows that majority of people on HN are grateful for his moderation services.

@dang, can you merge these threads instead of having this one marked as a [dupe] and hidden?

Working on it.

Can we fix the title? The use of scare quotes on “rethinking” specifically.

Scare quotes? They literally say:

>We're going to process the feedback and rethink our approach.

Those are not scare quotes, they're standard quotes. They add the information that Gitlab used that word.

Scare quotes are used to express irony or skepticism when you're not quoting someone.


This breaks more than one of the site guidelines, but especially the one against insinuating astroturfing or shillage without evidence. That's a serious violation. Please read https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html and don't do that when posting here.

Edit: we had to ask you not to break the site guidelines just a few days ago as well. Doing that repeatedly will eventually get your account banned, so please don't do that.

I am not a shill. Why I even need to say that, I don’t know... I will admit I have not yet read the webpage, but the use of scare quotes is wrong. Regardless of your views, HN says not to editorialize headlines. Putting quotes around “rethinking” is showing a bias against the webpage. That’s editorializing.

Why the personal attack? This is not Reddit.

Adding telemetry is the worst decision they made in years, and it was really sneaky (without previous notice). However if they reconsider and don't do this, it shows they care about customers. Would be nice.

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