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>> I would not advertise Python as a language with good IDE support nor package management.

VS Code, VIM works for me. Conda or PIP also. Not sure what is missing for you.

>> but not everything in the world is glue code

I never claimed that.

>> and as soon as you need to do something O(n) on your dataset, you’re either paying an enormous performance penalty or you’re not writing that bit in Python

Depends what you need to do.

My entire comment was about that details matter and you can't just blindly pick a language because of out of the box performance.

I use VS Code too, but dynamic typing means I have to deal with this sort of thing every day: https://mobile.twitter.com/weberc2/status/118275131245637632...

Compared with, say, Go where I just hover the cursor.

As for pip, you also need virtual environments to protect you from side effects, and even then, if you’re doing C interop you probably still have dynamic links to so files outside of your virtualenv. Our team spends so much time dealing with environment issues that we’re exploring Docker solutions. And then packaging and distribution of Python artifacts is pretty awful. We’re using pantsbuild.org to build PEX files which works pretty well when it works, but pants itself has been buggy and not well documented.

> I never claimed that

I couldn’t tell since the context of the thread made it sound like you were either implying that Python is suitably performant because the majority of programming is glue code or you were going somewhat off topic to talk about glue code. I now understand it was the latter.

> Depends what you need to do. My entire comment was about that details matter and you can't just blindly pick a language because of out of the box performance.

I agree, but in practice you rarely know the full extent of what you will need, so you should avoid painting yourself into a corner. It really doesn’t make sense to choose Python any more if you are anything less than certain about the performance requirements for your project for all time—we now have languages that are as easy to use as Python (I would argue even easier, despite my deep familiarity with Python) and which don’t paint you into performance corners. Go is probably the best in class here, but there are probably others too.

>> Go is probably the best in class here

Sorry no offence but I do not want to write Go at all. If I want to use such a language I will use Rust with nicer features and better out of the box performance (see TechEmpower results), no GC and more safety (no memory corruption bugs or data races).

I am not sure if I am the one who paints himself into a corner.

Go for it (why would I take offense?). Rust is a fine choice. I'd pick Rust if I ever really needed to eek out every bit of performance out of my system and/or needed safety and was willing to trade quite a lot of developer productivity to get there. Mission critical real-time systems, high-end games, resource-constrained devices, etc are good applications for Rust (and of course there are many others). Rust is a great language and I'd like to use it more often; I just can't justify the productivity hit.

If Rust ever approaches Go's ease of use/learning curve/etc without losing its performance or incurring other costs, I'll happily make the switch for my productivity-sensitive applications as well.

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