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JavaScript isn't a functional language itself, but you can use a functional library like lodash/fp (https://github.com/lodash/lodash/wiki/FP-Guide) on top of it to get all that lovely functional goodness in your frontend and node code. Using lodash/fp has made my frontend state management code a lot nicer, and I'm really only just starting out with it.

You may want to consider Ramda.js instead: https://ramdajs.com/

IMHO does a better job than Lodash, because:

1. All functions are automatically curried.

2. The order of parameters lends itself to composition.

EDIT: 3. Transducers.

This. (No pun intended.) Lodash had its FP features bolted on as an afterthought, whereas Ramda was designed for it from the start.

I never understood the point of Ramda. It's like it's trying to replace the core functionality of JS with something that's completely orthogonal to what the language actually is, but it's just a bolted on library.

I've worked on codebases where people ignore all built-in JS functions (like Array.map/filter) and write Ramda spaghetti instead with multiple nested pipes and lens and what not to show off their FP purism.

Most of the time, you don't need any of this, it just makes the codebase unreadable, and hard for new people to join the project and be productive in a timely fashion.

Most of the time, you don't need any of this, it just makes the codebase unreadable, and hard for new people to join the project and be productive in a timely fashion.

This is exactly how I felt when I inherited a big project that uses lodash/fp. Having spent ~6 months with the code now I prefer having a functional layer on top of JS. It does make sense.

I only reach for Ramda when the built in Js functions can not accomplish what I want to do, or it would be very messy/hard to reason about. Now that’s very subjective, but I hate when I see people using lodash/ramda map to just map over an array. There’s a lot you can do with the built in methods and they will probably be the superior option

Maybe to avoid questionable behaviors, like in the article posted 3 months ago "Why ['1', '7', '11'].map(parseInt) returns [1, NaN, 3] in JavaScript" [0]

[0] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20242852

Things like Ramda and jquery help avoid fighting against IE and other browser nuances, as well.

Even when there seem to be native functions/ methods to do something. That’s where the monster lives.

You stick with your “polyfill”, I’ll stick with mine , so to speak.

It’s nice to be able to make a function as concisely as something like:

Const foo_finder = R.find( R.propEq( ‘prop’, ‘foo’ ) )


Const a_foo = foo_finder( a_list )

See this is one of the things I personally hate, accessing or evaluating properties on objects using a string.

We have code so use code which can be parsed, evaluated by the type checker, and so on. What if you mistype 'fop' instead of 'foo'?

3. transducers

Personally, I think JS is a fine functional language. Like you say, it doesn't have a good FP style system library, but it doesn't have a good anything style system library ;-) My main complaint is that currying is awkward. One thing I have discovered, though, is that closures are relatively slow (that is, unoptimised) in most implementations. In several implementations, they can also leak memory in certain circumstances. There is a very old outstanding bug in V8 that gives a lot of details about this... unfortunately I'm not in a position at the moment to go spelunking for it (I wish I'd saved a link...)

Anyway, I've done quite a few fairly large katas in JS using only an FP style of coding without any dependencies and I really enjoyed it.

Personally I find functional style awkward in js. Mostly because data is not immutable, there are no functional operators (composition, application etc.) and no algebraic data types + pattern matching.

But most importantly, prototypal inheritance, in other words invoking the object's own methods as if they were pure functions is what really puts me off.

A lot of that stuff is pretty modern in terms of FP, though. It's definitely not a pure functional language, though quite a lot of the data is actually immutable. It was really surprising to me that strings are immutable (but as the other commenter pointed out, they don't throw if you try to mutate them, so it's not that convenient). "Objects" and arrays are mutable, but it's pretty easy to avoid mutating them if you want to.

It probably wasn't clear, but the reason I didn't use any dependencies is because I was avoiding JS's built in inheritance mechanism, which I don't think is very compatible with FP. You can build objects out of closures and build your own object oriented mechanisms if you want. Unfortunately you run into the limitations of the implementations I mentioned.

I always hesitate to link to my own "fun" code, but just so you understand that I was not looking for code quality in this: https://gitlab.com/mikekchar/testy But it shows how I was using an FP style in JS to implement an alternative OO system. I really had fun writing this code and would have continued if there weren't problems with using closures in JS.

Edit: If you look at this, it's probably best to start here: https://gitlab.com/mikekchar/testy/blob/master/design.md

I really should link that in the README...

Look into Ramda.js if you haven’t yet. It adds partial function application / currying capabilities, as well as composition support.




Object.freeze does give you shallow immutability in javascript, though it makes setters fail without throwing.

The video explains how JavaScript started out as a Scheme-dialect (Lisp) but for marketing reasons they chose a more Java-like syntax and adopted Java into the name.

An historical mistake that humanity is paying (and will pay) for a long time.

Scheme 'cloths' was a viable option. Lisp remains the most popular scripting language among Autocad users despite Autodesk pushing other languages (.NET and JS). So popular that Autocad clones use it also as a scripting language[1].

Edited [1] https://www.zwsoft.com/zwcad/features#Dynamic-Block

Was it a mistake, though? Languages have to be accessible to their audience, and Javascript caught on because of its relatively gentle learning curve.

If SchemeScript hadn't caught on, it might have been that VBScript took over the web.

Insufficiently C-like languages get ignored, according to: http://james-iry.blogspot.com/2009/05/brief-incomplete-and-m...

Language designers and enthusiats will forever be disappointed at how many social and human factors are at play, which coincidentally, is a large part of the motivation for programming languages

I was working for bigest Autocad competitor for more than 10 years and never had to touch anything similar to lisp :)

If my guess is right, that's because your company's product had their own proprietary language (MDL).

But, that was OK too, because if my guess is right, your company's product also had FAR FAR FAR better COM bindings than Autocad did for 99% of what you'd want to automate.

Javascript falls short of scheme in ways more substantial than java-like vs s-expression syntax. It also has one of the worst numerical towers ever put into a language (that being: "lmao everything is a float".) Also, "function-scope" is an abomination compared to proper lexical scoping.

Edit: I forgot to also mention: weak typing was an awful idea.

There is excellent TypeScript lib called fp-ts

I love everything except the docs. The docs rarely show practical usage. Most functions are just type definitions. This is a MAJOR blocker to anyone that might not have a mathematical background. I find this issue quite a bit with the FP world though. The old joke, "as soon as you understand monads, you instantly become unable to explain them" sort of holds true here. How would I know what I should use? You just have to know.

Just this morning, I had to resort to Stack Overflow for using an Either... a concept I thought I well understood. Turns out, the way I've done it in Scala might not be the norm.

Many programmers coming to this library are coming from JavaScript, so expecting them to understand some (or many) of these things, might not be the right approach. The author has gone to some great lengths to blog about the foundations of FP... so this might help a bit. I just wish the docs were fleshed out with more examples. (the repo is open sources.... I could put up or shut up here)

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