I suppose if your goal is 100+ fps that's probably valid for high fidelity multiplayer games like battlefield, but there is no way even an ancient CPU can't handle games like CSGO at many multiples of that. I value real estate and image quality, so my panels are 30" and IPS. Which means I'm limited to 60fps. However if I unsync, the framerate is in the 150 range in Overwatch. This is on a gtx 1070 with ALL settings maxed at 2560x1600.
keep in mind I'm talking about 99th percentile frames. I'm running a 4670k right now which easily gets over 250 fps most of the time in csgo. with multiple players, flashes, smokes, and weapon animations on screen, it can drop down to around 70. it's hard for me to notice this visually, but it does make the input feel weird.