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> But why prioritize portability over better functionality at all?

It's not just about portability, or even primarily. It's simply good application layering to put the DB code behind a layer. Intermingling SQL code in your application logic is just as bad as intermingling GUI code in your core app logic.

But even that aside, we haven't felt the lack from putting such code a single function call layer away. I suppose it may give us a slight amount of pause when we consider whether it's worth creating another function in that helper library, but that's probably a good thing. If we decide we can get our work done by calling one of the existing functions, then why write yet another DB access function?

Example: if a table is known to have at most 5 rows, and the query that would allow the DB to return just the one we actually want is complicated, and it's almost never called, why not call the existing "SELECT all" one and iterate over the rows? The performance hit of being inefficient will be immeasurable.

> Why did you move databases so often?

That's once every 8 years on average. A lot changes in the computing world over that span.

The first change did coincidentally happen about 8 years after the company was founded, and it was because much better DBMS tech became available to us, within the constraints we had on choosing.

That DBMS lasted us for the next 14 years. By that time, enough had changed in the computing world that it was worth swapping again. The new one runs about twice as fast, takes far less code space, and is simpler to use all around than the prior one.

We'd have to switch again this year in order to maintain the mean of once every 8 years. My sense is that this is more likely a nonlinearly increasing growth curve, so that the next switch will be closer to 20 years than 14, if it happens at all.

We might be talking about different things. Of course using an ORMs and Query constructors to programmatically generate SQL is the best option instead of handwritten code everywhere, but that's a different issue.

What we're discussing isn't the SQL code, it's SQL syntax and features of a particular database over another. JSONB, partial indexing, text search, extensions, etc. in Postgres are not available in MySQL, and not using those features just to have the ability to switch or run on multiple databases is almost never worth the effort.

Simple CRUD apps with an ORM can probably do so, but otherwise most business apps shouldn't avoid using functionality for some "what-if" scenario. Having to switch databases after a decade is just a normal development item if it needs to happen, and usually coincides with heavy rewrites anyway, so I don't see much value in pre-planning for that at the architectural level.

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