I don't know Geometer's Sketchpad but I see my software as a drawing software with geometry features and not as an educational geometry software.
I have always been frustrated with vector drawing software because shapes are not linked together (except for grouping) and this make complex drawing very hard to modify. This is an attempt to solve this.
Sounds like your ideas are somewhat similar to what CAD programs do with relations and dimensions etc. For example in SolidWorks you can define the following types of relations between features in the sketch, in addition to basic dimensions (length/radius/angle): https://help.solidworks.com/2019/english/SolidWorks/sldworks...
I have always been frustrated with vector drawing software because shapes are not linked together (except for grouping) and this make complex drawing very hard to modify. This is an attempt to solve this.
I originally wanted to add some generative capabilities like contextfree (https://www.contextfreeart.org/) but I have not gone in this direction at the moment. The more "generative"-like feature is currently path effects (https://www.ludigraphix.org/path-effects).