It'd be really, really sweet if this exported the drawings to CoreGraphics code (swift or objc). I'm really looking forward to giving this a try when I have some free time and a bit of cash.
How is it similar?
VCG seems to be about time varying topologies for animation.
Ludigraphix seems to be about hierarchical relationships between geometries with a fixed topology.
Apart from both using curves to represent geometry I don't really see any overlap in features or application/target users.
I REALLY like this. Is there any chance of a windows version someday? Regrettably, I've gone back to Windows owing to Apple's inability to make a functional keyboard.
Hey, thank you for the offer. I was able to grab one of your promo codes for OSX. (I still have a 2012 mac mini that works). When you decide to put it on the windows store, or however you do I'll purchase a copy!
I don't know Geometer's Sketchpad but I see my software as a drawing software with geometry features and not as an educational geometry software.
I have always been frustrated with vector drawing software because shapes are not linked together (except for grouping) and this make complex drawing very hard to modify. This is an attempt to solve this.
Sounds like your ideas are somewhat similar to what CAD programs do with relations and dimensions etc. For example in SolidWorks you can define the following types of relations between features in the sketch, in addition to basic dimensions (length/radius/angle):