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> It wastes time, it wastes space, it wastes energy.

But all of these are much cheaper than developer labour and reputation damage caused by leaky/crashy software. The economics make sense.

Anecdotally, I spent the first ~6 years of my career working with C++, and when I started using languages that did have GC, it made my job simpler and easier. I'm more productive and less stressed due to garbage collection. It's one less (significant) cognitive category for my brain to process.

Long live garbage collection!

> But all of these are much cheaper than developer labour and reputation damage caused by leaky/crashy software.

And that's why so much effort has gone into making it fast and low latency, but it was a false dichotomy: We can have memory safety without garbage collection.

- Automatic reference counting: Most people know about Objective-C's efforts in this space, but it's admittedly less automatic than programmers would like so perhaps it doesn't get enough attention. And yet it should, since q/kdb+ uses reference counting exclusively, and it holds top performance numbers on a large number of data and messaging problems.

- Linear lisp[1] asked functions to fully consume their arguments making (cons x y) basically a no-op. Again, no garbage collection, and no fragmentation (at least as long as all objects are cons), and yet no matter how promising this path looked, garbage collection got much more attention.

- Rust's borrow checker/tracker makes ownership explicit; somewhat of a middle-ground between the two...

There's other scattered efforts in this space, and I don't know about all of them but for more on "everything we know about languages is wrong", also consider that Perl5 uses plain old reference counting, executes the AST directly, and still outperforms python for data and IO[2]!

I think the thing to take away is that memory management has to be automatically managed for developer sanity, not that garbage collection is the way to do it.

[1]: http://home.pipeline.com/~hbaker1/LinearLisp.html

[2]: The asyncio stuff in Python looks really promising though...

This comment is just bad and misinformed all over.

(1) Automatic Reference Counting doesn't work; its equivalent in interpreted languages is, well, reference counting, which can be optimized quite a lot (though has some issues with multithreading), but cannot collect cycles.

(2) therefore, if you want reference counting, you have to either also have GC (for cycles), or program carefully to avoid creating cycles (which is then only marginally better than C++)

(3) your comment on Python vs Perl5 is just nonsense, Python uses reference counting as well (along with the occasional GC to collect cycles)

(4) linear / uniqueness types (not exactly the same, but both can be used to ensure safe memory management) impose significant mental overhead on programmers as they prohibit many common patterns

(5) Rust features a lot of "cheating" - pointers that allow mutation from multiple threads, reference-counted pointers, etc. - so obviously just ownership&borrowing isn't good enough

conclusion: you can't have your cake and eat it too (at least according to current cutting edge research and implementations) - you either have GC or you have to be very careful/restricted when writing code

Please don't call names in arguments here. Your first sentence is clearly against the site guidelines, and was quite unnecessary.


Sorry. I get emotional about programming languages...

Me too, as do many others.

> (1) Automatic Reference Counting doesn't work; its equivalent in interpreted languages is, well, reference counting, which can be optimized quite a lot (though has some issues with multithreading), but cannot collect cycles.

This is what weakrefs (or better data structures) are for. The Linux kernel uses reference counting incredibly effectively for almost every structure. I think that pretty much discounts any argument that reference counting cannot work.

> (5) Rust features a lot of "cheating" - pointers that allow mutation from multiple threads, reference-counted pointers, etc. - so obviously just ownership&borrowing isn't good enough

"unsafe" isn't cheating and isn't even related to whether garbage collection is a good idea or not. Yes, Rust's ownership and borrowing model doesn't cover all programs and hence "unsafe" is required -- but "unsafe" doesn't use a garbage collector so the existence of "unsafe" doesn't change that Rust works without one.

Weakrefs require “careful programming” i.e. knowing which ref must be a weakref.

By “cheating” I don’t mean “unsafe” but all kinds of pointers that aren’t just unique or borrowed such as different reference-counted pointers, the existence and use of which demonstrates that ownership+borrowing isn’t a complete memory-management technique. You need reference counting, therefore you need GC or careful programming.

Hopefully we discover some technology that makes these needs go away, but not so far AFAIK.

The point with weakrefs, though, is that they still require developer intervention.

Also, you can use most memory management facilities in Rust (including reference counting) without `unsafe`.

Correct, leaks are considered "safe" -- it's premature deallocations that are considered unsafe.

I think the poster to whom you're responding means things like Cell and/or RefCell, which allow mutation behind the scenes while still being safe.

Right, but I think their main complaint is that RefCell is implemented using "unsafe" -- hence my point about "unsafe".

It's API is not `unsafe` though. Otherwise, every safe API depends on some `unsafe` call down the call graph.

I think we're both in agreement, I was phrasing things in a manner which I thought would better reference how GP thinks of unsafe. Obviously the API itself is safe, but the "cheating" GP was referring to was the fact that Rust requires "unsafe" under the hood in order to implement some safe operations (because the memory model doesn't cover all cases). You and I agree that this isn't a problem.

Reference counting is a garbage collection algorithm. It just isn't a very good one compared to semi space because its runtime is the number of dead objects not live objects.

Refefence counting is barely classifiable as garbage collection. The runtime is O(1) because you free the object immediately when it dies, there's no stage where you start looping over dead objects.

>Rust features a lot of "cheating" - pointers that allow mutation from multiple threads

You're confounding GC and synchronization of multi-threaded access here. What rust does with things like Arc other languages will need some other synchronization primitive to enable. Their GC or manual memory management does not guarantee the multi-threaded semantics. That's one of the advantages of the rust memory model, some patterns become multi-threaded without extra primitives (read-only borrows) and all of the primitives are compile-time checked for correctness.

>reference-counted pointers, etc. - so obviously just ownership&borrowing isn't good enough

In practice ownership and borrowing gets you a long way. I've only had to use a reference counted primitive (Arc) when that was the exactly correct semantics. I had a cache and both the caller and the original owner could drop the value first based on external input. No other static decision can be made and the ergonomics of writing that are very good. Rust seems already quite a bit better than having to be "very careful/restricted when writing code".

No, Rust is conflating memory safery and multithreading safety.

JVM state-of-the-art GC guarantees multithreaded memory safety.

AFAIK many wait-free data structures are pretty much impossible without a GC.

You start your response with "No" but don't actually argue against anything I've said.

> Rust is conflating memory safery and multithreading safety.

Rust doesn't conflate anything. It just gets some multi-threading safety for free as a result of its memory model. And then gets quite a few other multi-threading safety characteristics that no other mainstream language has from the type system. That several features in the language work together well is just a sign of good design.

> JVM state-of-the-art GC guarantees multithreaded memory safety.

This is where you're mixing the two unrelated concepts. Garbage collection does nothing for multi-threading safety. While the object is live and two threads hold a reference to it you need to synchronize access somehow. GC can't do anything about that.

> AFAIK many wait-free data structures are pretty much impossible without a GC.

This is unrelated to the previous points I made but isn't true either:


By "conflating" I mean that Rust's memory management technology provides just one kind of multi-threading safety (i.e. "multiple readers/single-writer" model), but to implement other kinds of multi-threading-safe algorithms/data structures, you need to transcend beyond ownership+borrowing.

I think "epoch-based memory reclamation" (which Linux kernel also uses IIRC) is still a (primitive / limited / contained) form of GC. For those that aren't familiar with it, a quote from the article @pedrocr posted:

> The basic idea is to stash away nodes that have been unlinked from the data structure (the first source of reachability) until they can be safely deleted. Before we can delete a stashed node, we need to know that all threads that were accessing the data structure at the time have finished the operation they were performing.

So basically, the runtime needs to keep track of allocated objects until it's certain there are no more references to them... sounds like GC (the difference between this and a real GC is that (1) you know there's no cross-references between the nodes, so you don't need to mark&sweep but just need to keep track of the epoch, and (2) the nature of lock-free data structures is such that threads will move to the next epoch fairly soon (unless they infinite-loop)).

> By "conflating" I mean that Rust's memory management technology provides just one kind of multi-threading safety (i.e. "multiple readers/single-writer" model), but to implement other kinds of multi-threading-safe algorithms/data structures, you need to transcend beyond ownership+borrowing.

That's not "conflating" anything. You're just saying that "to do other things you need other stuff". Sure, to implement multi-threading you also need locks and semaphores and atomic variables sometimes. Rust provides all of those. There's nothing specific to GC vs non-GC there.

> So basically, the runtime needs to keep track of allocated objects until it's certain there are no more references to them... sounds like GC

Reference counting is not GC by most definitions. And if you want to define it like that Rust already has it.

> (the difference between this and a real GC is that (1) you know there's no cross-references between the nodes, so you don't need to mark&sweep but just need to keep track of the epoch, and (2) the nature of lock-free data structures is such that threads will move to the next epoch fairly soon (unless they infinite-loop)).

So the difference between this and GC is that it's nothing like GC... If reference counting, RCU, etc are all GC then there's nothing to discuss as it turns out languages like Rust have all the GC you need.

I agree, the model of lock-free data structures is pretty much perfect for reference counting (no cycles, shallow reference tree... just needs to be thread-safe). I wonder then why epoch-based approaches are used, which (sound like they) are more difficult / tricky to implement... I honestly have no idea. The only thing that comes to mind is that they seem to require another atomic primitive (atomic increment, otherwise lock-free data structures only require compare-and-swap), which might not be available on all platforms...

> AFAIK many wait-free data structures are pretty much impossible without a GC.

That makes no sense. You can implement a garbage collector in a manually managed program (or even just the specific parts that gain you the attributes required to accomplish something), so even if a GC made certain data structures easier, there's nothing to prevent their use in a manually managed language. The argument you're making is sort of like saying that certain things can only be accomplished in ain C or Java, and not in assembly.

More specifically to your actual assertion, anything a GC does for lock free data structures could be handled by a special routine or manually in a language where you handle memory manually.

(1/2): It most certainly does work: q/kdb is an interpreted language and doesn't have cycles. Being an array language, nesting is uncommon, so chasing pointers isn't an issue either.

(3): I didn't say otherwise Python doesn't also do reference counting. Python however does have a bytecode and a GC, and perl5 does not and executes the AST directly. And yes perl5 is faster for many problems[†]. I think it's quite common that people believe that GC and bytecode are a win, and this is a simple and accessible example where it is not true.

(4): More significant than what? q/kdb is implemented in this style, and it's a huge advantage (reducing bugs) having your library handle allocation/deallocation over having the caller do these things so I tend to do it as well. What exactly are you comparing it to? The mental load of figuring out what's causing pauses is quite high since it requires considering the entire program, but linear programming is very easy and it obviates a lot of need for other kinds of memory management techniques.

(5): Good enough for what? Why is mixing static analysis with runtime analysis "cheating"? What would be "fair" in your mind?

[†]: https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/...

It is weird, I do not feel restricted when I write non-GC code. Btw. you still need to pay attention with GCd languages no to leak references that cannot be GCd. Java has this sort of problems. Rust made it easy and simple to deal with memory in a non-malloc level while not having GC. Erlang on the other hand has a VM that makes GC much faster than in other languages. I can live with that because if you do it right it does not impact end user latency. For me both Rust and Erlang gives the cake + eat it feeling.

"I can live with that because if you do it right it does not impact end user latency."

The vast majority of GC use does not impact end user latency. Thinking otherwise is either the availability heuristic at work, or you work in AAA videogames or another ultra-high-real-time-performance industry and don't realize you're not in the center of programming work, you're on an extreme. (A perfectly valid and sizeable extreme.)

This may also be why you don't feel restricted; if you happen to work in any of the many places where a tree of references is adequate, you'll find Rust-style management to be a treat. If you work pervasively with graph structures in the core of your program, though, the experience can change. Pervasively-graph-type-structures are generally just a question of how you want your automated garbage collection to work, because I'm pretty sure getting the manual management correct otherwise is effectively impossible without an algorithm that's going to look a lot like a GC.

That said, despite my disagreement, I also disagree with the people who, as of this writing, have downvoted your comment into grey. I feel like I've been seeing a burst of "downvote as disagreement" in the past couple of weeks.

"Downvote as disagreement" is such a pervasive pattern that I Find myself doing it automatically even when I know that's not what downvote is "supposed" to be for. I suspect it's because I'm more likely to view posts that I disagree with as being poorly thought-out.

This even extends to platforms where downvoting is not a thing - witness 4chan's struggles with "sage is not a downvote" ("sage" being a function which allowed you to reply to a thread without bumping it to the top and extending its lifespan - again, intended to mark a thread as low qualit) until they finally gave up and made saging invisible.

Given how thoroughly inescapable downvoting-to-disagree seems, I wonder if it might not be better to just declare defeat, allow downvotes and upvotes to mean nothing beyond a signal of protest or agreement, and have a separate "this comment is low quality / this comment is high quality" buttons.

PG long ago said that it is ok to use downvotes (in part) to signal disagreement.

> still need to pay attention with GCd languages no to leak references that cannot be GCd. Java has this sort of problems.

Unless you're doing weird things with class loaders, this is a non-issue.

> Erlang on the other hand has a VM that makes GC much faster than in other languages

What makes Erlang's VM make GC faster than other languages?

That's a very loaded question.

I don't think it's easy to point to one thing Erlang is doing and say that is why it's faster, partly because I think the way Erlang programmers are encouraged to write their programs also has an effect; The language itself may have a greater effect on its GC performance than the GC implementation itself.

As an example: In Erlang, we have function calls like F(X) but we also have message sends like F!X. Message sends get one type of memory treatment, while function calls get another one. The lifetime of objects you send via messaging is going to be different, and yet Java only has function(method) calls, so there's no way to hint this to Java. Maybe this information can be recovered with static/dynamic analysis, but in Erlang we have syntax to tell the VM what's going to happen.

If you want to learn more about Erlang's internals, I can recommend Joe's original paper on the subject:


since it describes a lot of the design that went into Erlang early, and:


which while long, quite in-depth describes many of the sub-optimisations that can be realised on top of it.

Thanks for the links. That being said, new developments in GCs on the JVM (like Shenandoah and ZGC) are yielding very impressive results. Things like < 1ms pause times for heaps in the TB range. No other free GC for any other language approaches this as far as I'm aware, including golang's which people claim is fast, but completely gets destroyed for even heaps in the GB range (I did some benchmarks).

>It is weird, I do not feel restricted when I write non-GC code.

Some people don't feel C has any safety issues either -- perhaps they think all others are idiots and their code is mistake proof because they do it right.

> (4) linear / uniqueness types (not exactly the same, but both can be used to ensure safe memory management) impose significant mental overhead on programmers as they prohibit many common patterns

Such as?

I've found that linear style is generally just good coding style. When I get caught up on something I can't express linearly, it generally means I was trying to plough through with a dodgy approach; stopping and thinking through would have resulted in better code even in a GCed language.

You came in guns blazing and then covered yourself in embarrassment already in the first two points you made.

The thing you said doesn't work is in use on millions of devices, working just fine. Or maybe you'd like to be more precise than "work".

Avoiding cycles and thinking about ownership is not programming carefully, it's merely programming. Really, manual memory management is not rocket science folks, just error prone. And RAII is reliable to the point that anyone that is capable of writing software can wield it.

>Really, manual memory management is not rocket science folks, just error prone

Doesn't have to be rocket science to be a cognitive burden. And we want to eliminate "error prone" factors...

And we did eliminate them.

But no one can seriously claim that GC is a magic bullet, because it's only clearly winning against plain C.

Carefully designed, popular languages are choosing RAII and reference counting implementations and those are very competitive.


C++ and Objective C inherited C's memory model and thus don't have a good memory management option. Rust is explicitly a systems language, meaning stronger memory models are out of scope, and then inherited most of C++'s idioms.

Other than those, what popular languages are specifically choosing reference counting as a primary GC method?


Swift requires reference counting for compatibility with Objective-C code.

Apple could have gone the .NET way (RCW) to interface with COM reference counting, but that naturally would complicate the bindings to Objective-C runtime and existing libraries.

Which inherits its memory management from Objective C.

You say

> but it was a false dichotomy: We can have memory safety without garbage collection.

but then say

> Automatic reference counting

(ARC henceforth). Naive ARC is AFAIK very expensive as it causes a lot of updates at each pointer 'take' even if it's a read only (chasing pointers), trashing caches. Poss. even worse if multithreading is used as a memory barrier may have to be issued. Also it does not collect cycles. Also I've read it causes memory fragmentation (take that with a pinch of salt, that's from my memory!).

ARC has some advantages but it has some real costs.

Also and even more, if ARC is what you think it is, how is it not an implementation of GC?

> Perl5 uses plain old reference counting, executes the AST directly, and still outperforms python for data and IO[2]!

Ok... 1) outperforming python is not a high bar. 2) IO is usually handed off to the underlying OS so talking about IO performance is probably misleading. 3) Python now has a fallback non-ARC GC to pick up cycles. 4) GC in python is IIRC an implementation detail, not language-mandated. Finally, if it outperforms it, please provide a reference.

I'll check out linear lisp if I can find the time.

> Naive ARC is AFAIK very expensive as it causes a lot of updates at each pointer...

Yes, and I think that's why people shy away from it. Language design can help a lot though: Array languages use reference counting almost exclusively because nesting objects is uncommon. That means no pointers to chase the vast majority of the time.

> if ARC is what you think it is, how is it not an implementation of GC?

Garbage Collection involves crawling live objects from roots to determine what's still alive.

If you're not doing that, you might still be doing automatic memory management, but you're not doing GC.

There's tricks (gardens, barriers, treadmills, colouring, etc) to do less work or less work at a time, but it remains predicated on the assumption is that you have more garbage than you have live objects so you're doing less work by only crawling the live objects. If this is true, then GC should be a win, but it's not true an awful lot of the time, which is why manual memory management always beats GC for performance (latency and throughput).

[†]: notwithstanding your earlier point about pointer chasing...

> I'll check out linear lisp if I can find the time.

I can recommend everything Baker has written on this subject: it's all gold.

> Garbage Collection involves crawling live objects from roots to determine what's still alive.

> If you're not doing that, you might still be doing automatic memory management, but you're not doing GC.

Whether GC and automatic memory management are [significantly] different terms depends on who you ask, I don't think there is a consensus on that. In many cases however people tend to say GC as shorthand for tracing GC.

I think in many cases we see ARC is "good enough", and in a JIT scenario you could remove many RC changes by effectively collapsing/merging scopes. OTOH it is quite clear that for the same workload tracing inevitably performs better.

> Naive ARC is AFAIK very expensive as it causes a lot of updates

It also means you can't really rely on CoW after fork(). After a while your whole heap will be duplicated in every process because of the RC updates.

A simple trick gets you around this: Don't use your system malloc() but instead map a tempfile (or a memfd) with MAP_SHARED and use the STM primitives to update your references. If you combine this trick with __attribute__((address_space(256))) your "pointers" are also the offsets in the tempfile.

Or don't: Maybe you want two heaps. fork() gives you the option!

Lots of things that people do don't work after `fork()`, though, to the point where `fork()` has become largely irrelevant in new code. For example, threads are not generally compatible. You can also easily run into issues with open files, file locks, etc.

Of course, your point might still be relevant in "legacy" environments with poor threading support anyway. I would argue that those are gradually going away, as even interpreted languages without exposed threading support are increasingly using threads or adopting threads to accommodate performance needs.

This is not legacy. Any application in Ruby, Python, Perl, ... is affected. Majority of the backends of current web have the issue of duplicated heap in all the workers. It's made slightly better by Python introducing gc.freeze in 3.7 (https://docs.python.org/3/library/gc.html#gc.freeze) and Ruby doing something similar soon, but not great.

That's a nice point. yikes.

> Naïve ARC is very expensive…

So is/was garbage collection, and we’ve spent thirty years trying to squeeze every possible bit of performance out of it.

Maybe it’s time to look at other approaches.

Even more so from reference counting, given that it was the very first kind of garbage collection algorithms.

I don't think that's true.

Garbage collection (to my knowledge) was invented by McCarthy back in the late 1950s[1] in the following three paragraphs of his paper "Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine":

Nothing happens until the program runs out of free storage. When a free register is wanted, and there is none left on the free-storage list, a reclamation cycle starts.

First, the program finds all registers accessible from the base registers and makes their signs negative. This is accomplished by starting from each of the base registers and changing the sign of every register that can be reached from it by a car − cdr chain. If the program encounters a register in this process which already has a negative sign, it assumes that this register has already been reached.

After all of the accessible registers have had their signs changed, the program goes through the area of memory reserved for the storage of list structures and puts all the registers whose signs were not changed in the previous step back on the free-storage list, and makes the signs of the accessible registers positive again.

That's mark/sweep!

He adds as a footnote "We already called this process ``garbage collection'', but I guess I chickened out of using it in the paper--or else the Research Laboratory of Electronics grammar ladies wouldn't let me." but doesn't explain where the term came from. I suppose it's possible he didn't invent it, but I've never seen anything on that and I think most of the existing strategies used for memory allocation at the time were very explicit -- FORTRAN didn't even have ALLOCATE yet!

Do you have a reference for that?

[1]: http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/recursive/node4.html

>it causes a lot of updates at each pointer 'take' even if it's a read only

This isn't required in the read-only case. If you're only borrowing the value, for example, taking a const& in C++ and not holding onto it, then you can cast to the underlying type and use the reference. In Rust you can also just borrow:


>trashing caches

ARC is usually atomic reference counting. Indeed that will trash caches because it must invalidate the cache line where the reference count lives in other cores whenever it's updated. RC without atomicity won't invalidate cache lines on other cpus.

FWIW, GCC has an extension to shared_ptr that doesn't use atomic reference counting:


> Also I've read it causes memory fragmentation

Any heap allocations not bound to an arena and not part of a compacting garbage collector is likely to cause memory fragmentation. Stack allocations for example are implicitly compacted.

>Also and even more, if ARC is what you think it is, how is it not an implementation of GC?

This is a "can submarines swim" type of question and is completely uninteresting (imo).

>Finally, if [perl5] outperforms [python], please provide a reference.

It doesn't. Not by a long shot. Reference: https://bitbucket.org/ewanhiggs/csv-game/

> This isn't required in the read-only case

which is why I carefully used the word Naive, however I had little time to expand on it so I can't blame anyone for overlooking that.

> If you're only borrowing the value...

Then you give examples of manually offloading memory management to the programmer. It should be done, and I believe the book I reference covers it (can't find it now, sorry), but definitely not by the programmer else it's not automatic GC.

> ARC is usually atomic reference counting.

That won't make any necessary inter-core or inter-socket coherency traffic disappear.

> Any heap allocations [...] is likely to cause memory fragmentation.

My memory was that refcounting was particularly bad but feel free to disregard that as I can't justify it. I may well be wrong.

> This is a "can submarines swim" type of question and is completely uninteresting (imo).

eh? Puzzled...

> it doesn't.

thanks, will check.

In regards to memory fragmentation, you probably think of GC with compaction. Not all GCs are like that, but that is a plus for GCs if use the heap a lot and need cache friendliness.

Compare the "Unified Theory of Garbage Collection" (https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~cs415/reading/bacon-garbage.pdf). Reference counting is a variant of garbage collection. But yes, you can take ideas from their to make your garbage collection better.

Linear/uniqueness typing is interesting. Clean is another language that uses something like it, and you can implement these ideas in Haskell as well.

Though in practice you want affine typing, not linear typing. (Basically, you want to be able to drop arguments without explicitly having to consume them.) The important bit about linear typing / affine typing is that you use your arguments at most once, not that you have to use them at least once.

That's how you can model mutation in a pure FP way, too. Not just GC.

I think you mean "Automatic Garbage Collection", rather than just "Garbage Collection". The latter is exactly what you do in C when you use `free()`, the former is an automated system that does `free()` on your behalf at runtime. Indeed, the fact that you consider Rust's borrow checker to be part of the non-gc methods of handling memory, make it clear that you do indeed recognise this distinction, even thought it is merely implicit.

For the record, Automatic Reference Counting can't collect self-referential objects. And is also considered a method of automatic garbage collection. I haven't heard of any research on ARC being done statically, if you have that it would indeed be interesting.

Linear Lisp indeed looks extremely promising, I don't remember finding any code examples when I looked it up, it seems to be something that's languished in the theoretical department. HBaker has a series of really interesting papers, by the way, it's worth just going through his website :) There are a lot of nuggets of gold there.

It might also be worth for you to read up on the Mercury compiler -- if you haven't already -- which boasts compile-time memory allocation: https://mercurylang.org/documentation/papers.html#mazur-thes...

> I think you mean "Automatic Garbage Collection", rather than just "Garbage Collection". The latter is exactly what you do in C when you use `free()`, the former is an automated system that does `free()` on your behalf at runtime.

To me, the difference between garbage collection and other memory management systems is that gc scans memory looking for memory that can be reclaimed. I don’t consider free() to be garbage collection. free() is the final step you do in any memory management scheme, it’s not a specific technique of memory management.

With moving/compacting collectors, you never even call free(), and this is a huge advantage over a mark/sweep:

First mark touches all the live objects, then sweep touches all the objects that aren't live. You're touching every object every cycle. Yuck.

A moving collector touches all the live objects, but now they have new memory addresses. We never need to touch the old garbage at all! Most advanced GC techniques are around trying to revisit live objects less frequently, but they all have this basic theme.

Other memory management techniques explore the other side: Just touching the garbage. That's what happens when you malloc+free manually, or do (automatic) reference counting.

So the value-question restated is this: Is there more ham than spam?

If we have more garbage, then the ideal GC strategy wins. If we have more living objects (and few/no garbage) then literally anything else wins.

We do seem to have more garbage in atom languages like Java, Erlang, Python, and so on, so it makes sense that GC gets much more love than the other side of the fence, but I wonder often if we're missing a trick.

Your definition of garbage collector excludes reference counting, which does not require scanning memory. Reference counting is a form of garbage collection. The type of garbage collection you are referring to is the sub-type of "tracing" garbage collection.

However, I agree, "free()" is not garbage collection, but rather a form of memory management, of which garbage collection is a subset, and manual (free) is another.

It depends who you ask. In my point of view, "reference counting" is a strategy that has nothing inherently to do with memory management and can even be manual instead of automatic. GC as the name implies should involve a collector of sorts.

Plain old refcounting cannot resolve circular references, which are inevitably leaked. To avoid leaks, most refcounting garbage collectors have a heuristic to occasionally run traces to clear out the cruft.

I think the most widely accepted definition for "garbage collection" is something which frees memory automatically, as opposed to manually freeing memory (or other memory management schemes). In fact, the second paragraph of Wikipedia's page on garbage collection[1] says that "Garbage collection is essentially the opposite of manual memory management, which requires the programmer to specify which objects to deallocate and return to the memory system".

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_collection_(computer_s...

Reference counting is garbage collection. It's part of the mix of potential strategies for automatic collection of memory. As is static analysis of data flow, fwiw.

In taxonomy, I say we have "automatic memory management" when we have some kind of `malloc()` type device and no need to `free()` it.

Garbage collection is about visiting live objects to figure out what's alive and ignoring the dead stuff. Every theory about why GC can work (or be useful) is predicated on the idea that there is more garbage than live objects so you're touching less stuff.

If all you do is mark/sweep, you're visiting the garbage as well, so GC research has led neatly into moving collectors (which don't ever touch the garbage). That's a win, and that's why GC is worth study.

There are other kinds of "automatic memory management" though: reference counting, arena allocators (at a stretch), and object memory (I've only seen this on mainframes), and they're all worth some attention.

> Garbage collection is about visiting live objects to figure out what's alive and ignoring the dead stuff

That's a description of tracing GC, not a definition of GC.

GC is whatever technology that enables what you've called automatic memory management: a kind of illusion that there is infinite memory, from the programmer's perspective.

That might involve some mix of reference counting (Python is probably the biggest example), tracing (what you seem to think is all of GC), data flow analysis (e.g. escape analysis in some Java GC / JIT integration), etc.

> GC is whatever technology that enables what you've called automatic memory management: a kind of illusion that there is infinite memory, from the programmer's perspective.

That's definitely not what McCarthy meant by it. I understand that's probably a common view nontheless, but I can use sbrk() and the fact my computer has gobs of ram/swap, and I'm not going to call that garbage collection. I don't think this definition is useful.

If you re-read what I wrote now understanding what I mean when I say "garbage collection", perhaps we can talk about strategies for providing that infinite view of memory instead.

Actually, I think process termination is pretty useful as garbage collection. It's normally much more reliable for releasing resources, for one thing. And there's little sense in cleaning up RAM when you're just going to quit.

The kernel still deallocated those pages as an explicit [manual] result of a free-like call -- that just so happens to be named exit().

To seriously tell people that every C program running on unix has automatic "garbage collection" built-in seems like it would create very confusing conversations.

GC has always meant tracing GC while reference counting (ever since McCarthy invented it) was considered another form of automatic memory management (like using arenas, doing escape analysis, etc...). Only recently in hacker news have they become all merged into the same word, for some reason.

> Only recently in hacker news have they become all merged

This is demonstrably not true. The Garbage Collection book by Jones is the key text in this area, and it covers reference counting under that term. It was published in 1996, before Hacker News existed.

There is also Bacon's Unified Theory of Garbage Collection, 2004, which said the two are on a spectrum that meets in the middle.

> all high-performance collectors (for example, deferred reference counting and generational collection) are in fact hybrids of tracing and reference counting

The updated Garbage Collection Handbook does as well.

That reason are academic worthy books describing garbage collection algorithms, I can provide a couple of them.

Lets start with the Garbage Collection Handbook, chapter 5.

Reference counting is garbage collection, and it's not a very good algorithm.

Garbage collection also performs other performance improving functions like memory compaction.

> Automatic reference counting

> Rust's borrow checker/tracker makes ownership explicit

So no compaction, no pointer-bump allocations? You have to reimplement these manually, aka reinvent GC while having ref-counter/region-based-mm overhead?

In the ~15 years I spent building software in C++ I don't recall a single time that I wished for garbage collection. By using RAII techniques, it was always possible (nay, easy!) to write code that cleaned up after itself automatically. I always found it easier to reason about and debug programs because I knew when something was supposed to be freed, and in which thread. The only time that use of simple reference counted smart pointers did not work was when you had cyclic references: but cyclic object graphs caused other problems in any case - so I would always refactor my design to avoid creating them in the first place.

In contrast, in the ~10 years I spent working in Java, I frequently ran into problems with programs which needed an excessive amount of memory to run. I spent countless frustrating hours debugging and "tuning" the JVM to try to reduce the excessive memory footprint (never entirely successfully). And of course, as soon as your JVM needed to interact with native code (e.g. a quant library written in C++), you were even worse off, because there was no language support whatsoever for ensuring when, or even if, some native memory would be freed. It made it even harder to debug these leaks - because the "leak" was always very complicated to reproduce.

Garbage collection is an oversold hack - I concede there are probably some situations where it is useful - but it has never lived up to the claims people made about it, especially with respect to it supposedly increasing developer productivity.

While RAII is a very good technique, it is not the solution to all issues here. I read that some concurrent datastructure implementations would not be possible without a GC. Furthermore, when a project reaches a certain level of complexity, it ends up implementing GC anyway (see Unreal engine).

I agree that RAII does not solve everything - in particular, issues with memory fragmentation. However, I prefer the direction being taken by Rust and suggested by the top level poster: rather than having to run a separate thread which tries to infer which resources are no longer needed, with potentially large runtime costs, instead augment the language semantics with a clear ownership model, and thereby give the compiler enough information to generate code that runs in a stable, predictable memory footprint.

That reminds me of the VILW argument: we will make languages really expressive and compilers really smart, then we can get rid of fancy CPU hardware that do instruction scheduling dynamically.

It doesn’t always work. A dynamic tracing GC (or reference counting or using arenas) can be more efficient in ways that static approaches probably won’t be able to effectively emulate. Rust is a great experiment for seeing how far we can go in this area, so we will see.

RAII has nothing to do with memory fragmentation.

Solving memory fragmentation requires moving objects around. Usually you get that via a moving (or compacting) garbage collector. But there's no reason RAII style resource allocation couldn't move things around.

And there are plenty of garbage collection strategies that don't move objects around.

I was simply stating that RAII does not solve the memory fragmentation issues. Many GC's do solve the memory fragmentation issue.

C++ code is full of use after free problems. You can avoid those with garbage collection.

If you have a use-after-free it means that you made a wrong assumption in your code about the lifetime of the object. A GC would hide the issue and potentially lessen the gravity of the bug but it doesn't resolve the core issue which is that you probably have a fundamental logical problem in your code.

I'm a bit "GC hater" so obviously I'm heavily biased but to me it just means that GC make it easier to write sloppy, poorly architectured code where you have a mess of a data-dependency graph and nobody knows who owns what and when things need to be deleted, so you let the GC (hopefully) figure it out. In my experience this leads to all sorts of issues independently of memory management, such as having obsolete data lingering in certain parts of the program because it's not expunged properly.

IMO GC or not having clear ownership semantics are necessary to properly architecture anything more complicated than a script. And if you have ownership semantics then why do you need a GC anyway?

The nicest point about GC is that, for the vast majority of data, you no longer need to have a concept of ownership at all.

Ownership is not a fundamental architectural property - it is "only" a powerful technique for tracking data with a specific lifetime (of course, even in GC languages you still need proper ownership semantics for some pieces of data).

Ownership itself might not be, but lifetimes are and the two concepts are tightly related.

That's why Java and C# both had to introduce a way of (semi-)automatically closing resources, waiting for the GC was a catastrophe.

Common Lisp, CLU, Mesa/Cedar, Modula-3 and many other system languages with GC always supported those kind of mechanisms.

Java and C# did nothing new there, only catching up with was already the state of the art before they were born.

That’s what I find ironic about C#. In some ways I worry more about and do more manual memory management than I did in C++.

> If you have a use-after-free it means that you made a wrong assumption in your code about the lifetime of the object. A GC would hide the issue and potentially lessen the gravity of the bug but it doesn't resolve the core issue which is that you probably have a fundamental logical problem in your code.

The basic assumption with a GC'ed language is that the lifetime ends once the object isn't referenced anymore. You rarely have to deal with it at all, so those "logic errors" happen much less frequently.

If we look at the major real-world languages without GC (C/C++), it is your job to figure out the lifetime. You will fuck this up unless you structure your program in very disciplined way and that's frankly too much to ask of the vast majority of programmers.

What if your domain problem (say, compilers, symbolic algorithms) doesn't have a clear notion of ownership because everything is a shared DAG that may survive for arbitrarily long? Not every problem has clear ownership imho (and tools in C or C++ in these domains resort to their own refcount/custom GC implementation anyway).

imo you solve these problems by segregating the ownership logic and relationship logic of the data structure.

In other words the DAG would never be traversed to allocate or free memory, each vertex would be held by a vector or other container and the edges represented by an adjacency list/matrix.

It's faster and safer than pointer chasing.

> A GC would hide the issue and potentially lessen the gravity of the bug but it doesn't resolve the core issue which is that you probably have a fundamental logical problem in your code.

No, it solves the problem because resource lifetime is no longer a concern. A field advances as we decrease the number of irrelevant details we need to attend to.

Turns out, most of the time, memory is one such concern. You can argue that we need better approaches when memory is a concern, but that doesn't discount the value of GC as the right default.

Yes, but you can also avoid that and the cost of garbage collection by having an explicit ownership model akin to Rust.

> You can avoid those with garbage collection.

Until you need to close a socket or file or unlock a mutex or respond to an async response handler.

$(cat /opt/propaganda/rust/raii-in-rust.txt)

> C++ code is full of use after free problems.

Once upon a time, this statement may have been true, but it isn't any more. ASAN and Valgrind are widely available, and runtime test suites are much more prevalent than they used to be.

> But all of these are much cheaper than developer labour and reputation damage caused by leaky/crashy software. The economics make sense.

Of course, with traditional languages, that's the trade-off we're being asked to make. That's my point! We need to develop languages that accurately encapsulate lifetimes statically so that we can express that to the compiler. If we do, the compiler can just make instances disappear statically when we're done with them -- not dynamically! Like Rust but without the need for Rc and Arc boxes. Rust gets us 80% of the way there.

The truth is with most of the Rust I write, I don't have to worry about allocation and deallocation of objects, and it happens. It's almost ubiquitous. We need to extend that to 100%.

> Long live garbage collection!

Long live the rocket powered horse!

This only works if your language is strict. With a lazy language like Haskell, you can't statically infer (at least naively with respect to scoping rules) when something lives and dies.

Performing this statically is hard, and GHC tries to do it (Demand analysis).

But without a GC, these sorts of languages would be a no-go, as would logic-based languages like Prolog which need to GC their internal data structures.

While we now have the expertise for eliminating the GC from single threaded strict programs (multi threading in Rust is still quite complex, and you do see Rc<Box<..>> more often than not in these settings, which is essentially refcounting/GC), this _does not scale_ to all models of languages.

GHC infers these kinds of things all the time. It can't do so in general, but neither can you do that in a static language.

GHC even has a strictness analyzer.

> If we do, the compiler can just make instances disappear statically when we're done with them -- not dynamically!

Not possible generally. It would be easy to create a situation where some kind of refcount is a necessary final fallback.

> The truth is with most of the Rust I write, I don't have to worry about allocation and deallocation of objects, and it happens.

If Rust is the answer, why are you pushing for new langs when Rust is sufficient? Something doesn't add up here.

> Long live the rocket powered horse!

Your response to someone giving their years of experience is that? Well, we're all convinced now.

> If Rust is the answer, why are you pushing for new langs when Rust is sufficient? Something doesn't add up here.

Maybe because he said, twice, that Rust is not all the way there?

You're quite right, thank you, upvoted.

However if he says "Rust gets us 80% of the way there" as you point out then he is obliged, IMO, to point out explicitly the 20% where it fails or we can't even begin to discuss it.

He mentions Rc and Arc which I assume is what he means by the 20%. I tend to agree, although I'm not sure how you would get rid of them.

>> If we do, the compiler can just make instances disappear statically when we're done with them -- not dynamically!

> Not possible generally. It would be easy to create a situation where some kind of refcount is a necessary final fallback.

Either refcount or a GC. But those situations might be rare in practice with a good system.

If you think about it, generational garbage collection implements lots of those heuristics. (But it's closer to a JIT optimizer, not a static optimizer.)

How do you see multi-threaded anything working without Arc? Some owners (threads) are created and destroyed dynamically. Are you thinking Arcs get added wherever necessary?

There are solutions for that, but it requires a more powerful type system / logic than Rusts: http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/p.ohearn/papers/permissions_p...

Or a multi-threaded app where plenty of dynamically created closures operates on persistent data structures? ;)

Oh to be clear I don't have an answer for this off-hand, I'm not that smart. However, if we'd given the 30 years of people developing faster for-loops the task of figuring out how to manage memory statically, I'd wager we'd not be having this conversation right now. It is by no means an easy problem, however.

I think there are essentially two ways of making the compiler statically aware of lifetimes: you can annotate the program with lifetimes, as in Rust, or you can have the compiler infer all of the lifetime information somehow.

Adding annotations requires more programmer effort and reduces the level of abstraction of your programming language. Rust takes this approach, but tries to keep the level of annotation somewhat reasonable, and provides the "unsafe" escape hatch for when you cannot convince the compiler that what you're doing makes sense. (Although I do believe that it would be possible for the Rust compiler to infer most/all lifetimes).

For instance, in a functional programming language, you are typically creating closures all over the place, like one of the other posters mentioned. It seems quite unlikely that there is any kind of reasonable lifetime annotation system that would capture all of the complex lifetime patterns that you would see in such a language.

One can say "Oh, but surely someone smarter than me must be able to come up with something that works for those situations", but I don't think that is a very constructive line of thought, since you could say that about pretty much everything. Rust is an example of a language where lifetimes work reasonably well, but Rust already makes some tradeoffs that reduce its level of abstraction to some degree. It doesn't provide the same level of abstraction that, say, Haskell does.

Program analysis would allow you to keep your level of abstraction and ideally not require only little annotations. However, since any non-trivial program property is undecidable, program analysis is fundamentally incomplete and it is again unlikely that it would be able to deal with all lifetime patterns that you see in practice.

Therefore, it seems to me that there is no free lunch here. Either you sacrifice abstraction by requiring annotations or you don't require any annotations but then you have an incomplete program analysis.

(Also, you seem to think 30 years of good research has been wasted on the "obviously bad idea" of garbage collection, but somehow none of these researchers were good enough to realize this and come up with the silver bullet that makes GC unnecessary? After all, people were already thinking about GC-less languages long before Rust was a thing)

   possible for the Rust compiler 
   to infer most/all lifetimes)
I'd be interested to learn why you think this is possible. As you point out yourself, by Rice's theorem, precise lifetimes are not statically decidable. Rust's lifetimes are essentially based on nesting (think well-balanced brackets) and tracked by enriching the standard Damas-Hindley-Milner approach with a notion of affin-ness which is a weakening of Girard's linearity. Circular data structures immediately violate affine-ness. What mechanism do you propose to get around this conundrum?

"All" might not be possible, but every Rust release tends to see improvements in lifetime elision. I just went through a few Rust apps I wrote 6 months ago and was able to get rid of nearly every explicit lifetime annotation thanks to improvements.

So there's definitely room for improvement, but also good progress being made.

I think that for function definitions in Rust you would in principle be able to leave out lifetime annotations on arguments/return values in more cases than is currently allowed by lifetime elision. I believe they don't allow this since it can become very confusing if the lifetimes are not written out when there are multiple references arguments. I'm not entirely sure about this, though.

I know this is possible because Rust already does this. Rust's types in closures can be fully inferred. Try replacing all Rust functions with closures. It goes surprisingly far.

I'm not sure this would be possible for a standalone library, compared to a self-contained program, either.

It's a little bit contradictory that you simultaneously believe that the people who worked on GC are much smarter than you, but at the same time they were wrong to choose to work on GC rather than your research program ;-) Not all problems can be solved by throwing smart people at it. There has been research along the lines you suggest. Look at the MLkit region inference research, or escape analysis research, for example. It doesn't work very well in practice. It can correctly infer like 95% of memory allocation/deallocation, but that remaining 5% leaks memory which means you need a GC anyway. It's still valuable research though. Go, for example, made the bet that they can use a low-pause low-throughput GC by reducing the pressure on the GC by doing escape analysis. Maybe that would work even better with the far more powerful region inference of the MLkit.

> Like Rust but without the need for Rc and Arc boxes. Rust gets us 80% of the way there.

I think you're qualifying Rc/Arc as kludges to get around the type system. They may end up being used like that sometimes but when well used they are actually encoding extra semantics, just like &Type and &mut Type.

A simple example is a cache get() method:

pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<Arc<V>>


This allows you to get and use a cache value across your program and depending on outside input the value can disappear first in the cache by eviction or in the consumer. So Arc<V> is already expressing to the compiler the exact semantics. It just so happens that the actual lifetime is runtime defined from outside input so it must be managed dynamically.

I don't see a general way around that without copying but maybe a lot more can be inferred automatically so you get similar ergonomics to a GC language by introducing Rc/Arc/etc automatically at compile time. I don't think that's a good fit for a system programming language like Rust though where you don't pay extra costs without asking for them explicitly. But maybe there's space for a higher level language that does all that magic and doesn't use a GC. Someone trademark Rustscript.

It isn't clear that what you're asking for is even theoretically possible, and it's far from obvious that the end result would be comparable to GC in terms of productivity.

In Rust, does the standard way of implementing a graph structure still use a vector of nodes and indices for edges?

I think I saw a Rust implementation of an arena. Is it working?

>In Rust, does the standard way of implementing a graph structure still use a vector of nodes and indices for edges?

You'd probably want to do this whenever you implement a graph in a performant language, it's faster and safer (depending on the problem). Implementing edges as vectors of pointers is an exercise in memory leaks and data races, imo.

You can see an implementation with adjacency lists here:


>I think I saw a Rust implementation of an arena. Is it working?


Anecdotally for me, I spent more time in my first 0.5 years of Java tuning GC and debugging GC issues, than I spent chasing memory leaks in my previous 5 years of C++. The worst part is that you quickly learn to not introduce too many memory leaks, but as far as GC tuning goes the skill-set feels more like voodoo then science and is constantly obsoleted by GC code changes (or wholesale replacement).

I can see how this could be true in some cases and especially for throw-away code and when perf doesn't matter, but for anything at scale and/or with perf requirements, GC is terrible and wastes tons of developer time fighting it (debugging, tuning semi-opaque configs) and working around it (object pools, off-heap buffer managers, controlling object lifetime to avoid certain characteristics, controlling object size, etc.)

To steelman the idea a bit: giving more context for the GC is not the same as manual memory management.

Better static analysis of programs can precompute a lot of GC decisions.

Allocation on the stack is one example of that kind of optimisation. But you can imagine more sophisticated optimizations.

I think C++ could get most GC usability benefits if there was a better/simpler syntax for shared_ptr and unique_ptr. I have written code with extensive shared_ptr usage and it was quite pleasant if you ignore the ugly syntax. On the other hand even after years of C# I still miss deterministic destructors.

One downside of reference counting is the long delete delay you get when you remove the last reference to a large data structure. That's pretty easy to fix, but then you lose deterministic destructors.

That would be a really large structure get a noticeable delay :-)

My first 8-9 years was full of very competitive, bleeding edge C++ and I can tell for sure that your productivity increase was not caused by garbage collection, but by using a more orthogonal language. I feel it in delphi the same way I feel it in go and python.

> But all of these are much cheaper than developer labour and reputation damage caused by leaky/crashy software.

Exactly! And that is the biggest advantage of not relying on a GC, it is easier to detect awkward usage and requires more thought upfront (but not any more than what is actually needed).

This results in less bugs and easier maintenance.

C++ is not bad. I think it sits in the middle between C and GC languages. I actually like what C++ offers. Languages with GC are actually easy to debug. I remember once I had my own memory management code, suddenly the write beyond boundary is not segfaulting any more, took me more time to figure out the problem.

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