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"Downvote as disagreement" is such a pervasive pattern that I Find myself doing it automatically even when I know that's not what downvote is "supposed" to be for. I suspect it's because I'm more likely to view posts that I disagree with as being poorly thought-out.

This even extends to platforms where downvoting is not a thing - witness 4chan's struggles with "sage is not a downvote" ("sage" being a function which allowed you to reply to a thread without bumping it to the top and extending its lifespan - again, intended to mark a thread as low qualit) until they finally gave up and made saging invisible.

Given how thoroughly inescapable downvoting-to-disagree seems, I wonder if it might not be better to just declare defeat, allow downvotes and upvotes to mean nothing beyond a signal of protest or agreement, and have a separate "this comment is low quality / this comment is high quality" buttons.

PG long ago said that it is ok to use downvotes (in part) to signal disagreement.

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