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> Middle managers can also miss the importance of co-locating teams by bringing together designers, engineers, product managers and content specialists in the same physical space. The most highly functioning agile teams aren’t just at the same location or on the same floor: they share the same table.

I can't refute this strongly enough. Managers should do their jobs and manage. Doesn't matter where team members are located.

Anyway, this agile nonsense gets too much air time. We got it: highly iterative feedback loop development.

I couldn't agree with you more. At $CURRENT_PLACE we preach an iterative spiral that I believe is appropriate for the sort of embedded safety tech we work on that has built in time delays for testing at (for ex) UL or whatever NRTL is the NRTL of the day. Whether we're succeeding at differentiating it from serial waterfall is debatable. I think we are because marketing travels to see us every other week and they're meaningful yet we avoid what seem to me like make work bits of agile and scrum. Absent the imposed processes everyone works closely enough together that we can finish each others sentences most of the time and most of us appear look forward to coming into a workplace where the manager is absent half the time but because his most important role is to his bosses from interfering with us and to clear out the obstacles in our way it works pretty well.

Actually no it doesn't referring to "agile nonsense" is a real red flag.

Real Agile RAD /DSDM really does work best with collocated teams and experienced developers not lowest bid outsourced talent.

I have worked on both RAD and OSI 9000 (BS5750) waterfall projects so I have experience in both types of development.

Oh my Second RAD project was featured at the IEEE and when I was younger I worked with the BSI in the early days of BS5750

GP said nothing about "lowest bid outsourced talent". "remote work" != "lowest bid outsourced talent".

Oh I think I could safely assume that from the dismissive tone

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