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It is very unlikely they will be scraped. There isn't just a handful out there, but more than 300. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Boeing_737_MAX_order...

My uninformed assumption is that once a suitable issue is isolated some sort of remediation (training/software/airframe/cockpit) all under the onset of various international gov bodies. No idea if the is a 1 year or 5 year process.

I would expect them to be flying prior to the end of the year. The airplane has two AoA inputs and, between that and limiting the authority of the MCAS and adding an MCAS indicator on the panel, I suspect this is a short, mostly flight control software patch. ("Short" in aviation still might be 3 months.)

They might be able to get away with requiring additional training in the meantime, as well.

There are big PR risks in that approach, though.

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