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This is why it's good practice to just never use MM/DD or DD/MM dates anywhere. 2-Mar or 2-MAR is nearly as terse but much less ambiguous. The only other date format I default to is YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2019-03-02). It sorts well and, by putting the year first, doesn't pick a side in the MM/DD or DD/MM battle. It just lists the terms in descending significance.

So much of my life has been wasted because people want their dates formatted dd/mm/yyyy in their browser..

So much of my life has been wasted because people want their dates formatted mm/dd/yyyy in their browser..


Formatting, sure, but inputs...

One of our customer integrations uses all of MM-DD-YY, YY-MM-DD and DD-MM-YY for a date input. Took us quite a few man-hours to figure out why our integration layer failed so often.

Use Moment.js

I'm an engineer in the aviation industry and I stick exclusively to DD-MMM-YY (26-Feb-19). Too many different formats used globally.

Unless you use four digits for the year all the time, it will remain ambiguous.

That would automatically look like 2026-02-19 to me. It's an odd order TBH, though I'll admit that DD-MMM-YYYY would be unambiguous.

ISO-8601 FTW!

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