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Kinda weird mixing a European timezone with an American date format. Parent means 2019-03-02T07:48Z

This is why it's good practice to just never use MM/DD or DD/MM dates anywhere. 2-Mar or 2-MAR is nearly as terse but much less ambiguous. The only other date format I default to is YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2019-03-02). It sorts well and, by putting the year first, doesn't pick a side in the MM/DD or DD/MM battle. It just lists the terms in descending significance.

So much of my life has been wasted because people want their dates formatted dd/mm/yyyy in their browser..

So much of my life has been wasted because people want their dates formatted mm/dd/yyyy in their browser..


Formatting, sure, but inputs...

One of our customer integrations uses all of MM-DD-YY, YY-MM-DD and DD-MM-YY for a date input. Took us quite a few man-hours to figure out why our integration layer failed so often.

Use Moment.js

I'm an engineer in the aviation industry and I stick exclusively to DD-MMM-YY (26-Feb-19). Too many different formats used globally.

Unless you use four digits for the year all the time, it will remain ambiguous.

That would automatically look like 2026-02-19 to me. It's an odd order TBH, though I'll admit that DD-MMM-YYYY would be unambiguous.

ISO-8601 FTW!

Not that weird I think? Americans are a plurality and probably majority of HN commenters, and UTC is a universal time zone (hence the "U"). American astronomers would describe observations in UTC (with the American time format), regardless of the timezone the observation took place in, yet would still communicate between themselves using the American date format. (In contrast, it would indeed be weird if the European time format with the colon was intermixed with American date format, e.g., 1130 UTC on 3/4 for 11:30am on March 4th.)

That said, HN is sufficiently international that mentioning the date format to avoid confusion is good.

I guess amateur astronomers might use something else besides UTC or some form of Julian date to label their data, and the professionals might well put whatever date format they well choose in their directory names.

But looking at the Keck open data archive or the time conversion utility NASA hosts I found little evidence they frequently use anything else than standard iso dates.

It would make sense that Keck open data would use the international ISO standard, no? Further, NASA changed (in 1990) to the metric system, but this doesn't really change how two American astronomers would communicate with each other on a day-to-day basis.

It'd be pretty weird for american Astronomers to use a strange date format for their observations, but not strange if they used them when talking about their next seminar.

Curious, do any nations outside the US use M/D/YYYY?

Silly anecdote: I have family in Scotland. Prior to getting married, we sent "save the date" cards to them. The listed date was "6/3/06" (June 3) and they were sent in February. Of course, first response from an uncle: "Well, you didn't give us much heads-up. Is she 7 months pregnant?"

that's why you always write name of the month in dates

UTC isn't a European timezone, it's "universal coordinated time".

Yeah that's a fair point. I actually originally had "Saturday at 07:48 UTC" and realized a few hours later it might be helpful to have a date in there... at which point I'd lost the ISO-8601 context in my head.

UTC isn't even a timezone.

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