Queueing up requests works on a per-request basis, but what happens when your code changes affect existing sessions
Good point.
The session protocol is a bit awkward in that you need to implement all of it if you want to change only a small part, but it's there to be hooked into, which is what the frameworks built on top of Hunchentoot do.
I notice you used the plural "frameworks" built on top of Hunchentoot. Are there any aside from Weblocks?
Good point.
The session protocol is a bit awkward in that you need to implement all of it if you want to change only a small part, but it's there to be hooked into, which is what the frameworks built on top of Hunchentoot do.
I notice you used the plural "frameworks" built on top of Hunchentoot. Are there any aside from Weblocks?