Recently, we have started developing web application with Django. Everything is wonderful, but Python is not Lisp and I feel uncomfortable with Python. In the sense that with Python & Django I am restricted. I can't build eDSL to describe application workflows, eDSL for DB access, etc.
I want to try rewrite it from scratch in Common Lisp. What web technologies stack to use?
SproutCore + Hunchentoot + MongoDB is it right choice?
Unless, of course, you have a really simple schema so that you want to use the DB as a mere persistence layer. Or you know from the beginning that you'll have to scale really huge. But then, you'd need a highly customized framework anyway, which would somewhat defeat the purpose of writing a general purpose framework in the spirit of Django.
Also, PostgreSQL is allows to be extended from inside, thus working much in the spirit of Lisp. It can be extended with plain C code, but has also language support for pgSQL, Perl, Python and Tcl:
Unfortunately, language support for Lisp languages is missing yet, but this might be only a matter of time (and would be really great).