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Clojure 1.10 release (clojure.org)
355 points by finalfantasia on Dec 17, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 94 comments

From the perspective of a (fairly large-scale at this point) app developer: I find it great that Clojure places such emphasis on backwards compatibility. In general, migration to newer Clojure versions is completely painless.

The language has been designed by experienced and mature people and doesn't go through "let's throw everything out and start again" phases like so many other languages do.

> The language has been designed by experienced and mature people and doesn't go through "let's throw everything out and start again" phases like so many other languages do.

Swift was designed by highly experienced and mature compiler devs and is notorious for making breaking changes. It's just a difference of opinion. I prefer to suffer the occasional upgrade pain in exchange for clean and consistent APIs. And I totally understand those who don't want to deal with that.

Although to be fair to them, Swift is much younger than Clojure and the number of breaking changes has steadily declined with each major release. In seven years maybe they will take the backwards compatible approach too.

> Swift was designed by highly experienced and mature compiler devs

"Compiler devs". I think that is exactly my point. I should have said "app developers" or "system designers". If you listen to a Rich Hickey talk, you'll see that he is all about Getting Things Done in the real world, and much less about theoretical concepts. Language design is subservient to app developer needs.

I would put it simply: Clojure was designed by a thinker, who creates when he is away from the keyboard, not in front of it. When one releases and breaks the code in his head first, very few breaking changes are left for the public releases.

It takes one to know one. (Or so I would like to think.)

Rich's writing, presentations, and example of overall conceptual discipline and maturity have helped me focus on the essentials in ways that I could not overstate. I'm glad (but not surprised) to see so much appreciation for him around here, even among non-Clojurists (like myself).

At the risk of fanboyism, I am constantly referencing his ideas* to my team, and I give them my blessing to watch any of his talks as soon as they come out.

* That is, the old but sometimes obscure ideas whose importance he's brought to his audience.

I made the mistake of showing the 'hammock driven development' talk to an employer of mine. He got annoyed by it and said he thought that it was just providing programmers with an excuse for staying away from the computer when they should be writing code.

It is kind of heartbreaking.

But, although my current manager is excellent at supporting his team and would never think such a thing, let alone say it, the truth is that, unless you're a professional researcher, you really do have to do the hammock-driven thing on your own time, either by working it into your routine or by taking a long sabbatical (as Rich did). It's something I struggle with, even at a very good workplace.

"Nothing is more precious" than the chance to think through a problem over a long term, and as things stand, the best tool for thinking is still the mind, not the keyboard. I can see how that takes a leap of faith when your chief deliverable is code.

Anyway, maybe a better introduction for your typical manager is,

> The most expensive problems are problems of misconception.

>>it was just providing programmers with an excuse for staying away from the computer when they should be writing code.

That would be code as carpentry development model. Often encouraged by career managers.

There are plenty of those in the industry, people who have had rapid promotions before they could do non-trivial engineering work.

Has he ever written code that was used in production and he was in charge of the project?

He became a project manager when he found he wasn't good at writing code after becoming a coder when he found he wasn't a good physics researcher.

Rich Hickey is a great thinker. But he's also an application developer (Datomic). So breaking changes don't just break "other people's code" in the abstract. The pain is real and immediate. By wearing multiple hats he's finding the right balance in a way that language designers who don't code day-to-day simply can't.

The deification of Rich Hickey in this thread is amusing. No doubt he's a great developer and language designer, but dogfooding your own language is not exactly novel.

I think the original statement was implicitly about using the language to build large complex systems in industry, not just about "using" the language which I agree would be kind of silly - who would work on a language they don't use in some way? But I always had the impression that most language designers were academics, e.g Alan Kay, Stroustrup, or professional programmers building what were initially 'hobby' languages (Ruby, python) rather than building something they would use in production in industry.

Standards must be low if that's now "deification" :)

I got the point of the original statement, but again, even building a large and complex system is not unique to Clojure. Go was used internally within Google, Swift within Apple, and Rust within Mozilla, to name a few.

I'm not really sure where you see this "deification" — but as for me, I simply have a lot of respect for him. Mostly because every year or so he comes back with another solution to one of my problems. I don't agree with all his choices (I find some of his naming compromises particularly bad), but I still respect (not "deify") him.

Listen to some of his talks and you will see why people respect Rich.

>The deification of Rich Hickey in this thread is amusing.

Hi Trevor,

funny that you should say that - I've met Rich Hickey and had some great conversations with him - and what I always tell everybody is how normal, humble, human, down-to-Earth he is. (Which is probably deifying him even more, from your point of view).

The "getting things done in the real world" theme is overrated and mostly a myth.

In static FP languages, the exotic features being added are almost always demanded by users in the industry. As a fun fact for Haskell, developers in academia are more likely to stick with the Haskell 98 language for stability and compatibility.

As an example Simon Peyton Jones in a recent chat with Martin Odersky at Scala eXchange was describing how he was approached by developers at GitHub, who are using Haskell for language analysis, saying that they can't wait for GHC 8.6 because they want "quantified constraints", a new and very exotic GHC extension.

The "real world" you're talking about wants expressive static type systems where they matter. And the problem with static typing is that the language acquires more features and thus becomes more prone to suffering from backwards incompatible changes. And note that more features doesn't mean more complexity, rather it can mean more tools to cope with complexity, otherwise we'd all be programming in RISC assembly.

When it comes to Clojure, sure it's stable and that's a good thing, however it has no static type system (therefore it's apples versus oranges) and by encouraging people to work with raw data (e.g. everything is a list, a vector or a map) in a sense it's actually a step backwards from classic OOP.

Rich Hickey was fond of saying that OOP complects data with the operations done on that data. However the need for OOP's encapsulation and polymorphism came from the experience people had with procedural languages like C, and that experience has been forgotten, but the fact remains that some of the biggest software projects around are built with static OOP languages.

Correlation doesn't imply causation of course, it might be that such projects are built in static OOP languages because these languages are popular (chicken and egg issue), but at the very least we have empirical evidence that they work, whereas the empirical evidence for what makes LISP great pretty much doesn't exist.

Basically as an application grows, so do the data structures, being inevitable and to be able to cope with that: (1) you need good encapsulation and (2) you need the ability to do refactoring cheaply. And I think standard Clojure, like other dynamic or LISP languages before it, fails hard at both.

My point being that ... it's really not impossible to keep compatibility in a language that doesn't care much about correctness.

And I also believe that the "real world programmer" meme is a symptom of anti-intellectualism.

Lisps are so flexible you aren't going to be able to make a solid feature-based argument why one is bad. They can do any logical feature expressively and easily if you want it for your own work. If another language does something better then it isn't hard to lift it either. Lisps fall down on writing performant code easily, on ease-of-learning and on community, but you're setting yourself an interesting challenge claiming that there are technical issues. Common Lisp for example is famous for having everything, usually before and usually better than other languages.

Static typing isn't a bad idea, but it wasn't implemented because it had interesting logical implications. Languages like, eg, C, used static typing because it is critical to the entire design of C that you know how large an object is in memory, and that like is where I suspect most of its popularity comes from - I assume that to write high-performance code, you need fine-grained to control RAM. For the benefits of a static type system, Clojure is decoupling that implementation detail of size from the interesting logical implications of dynamic typing using the spec library (which has been present since 1.9.0, and is likely to be a pretty strict improvement on static typing for anything except raw performance). I doubt it is the first language to do that, but it is the first I've used.

As for encapsulation and refactoring it would be interesting to hear about where you think it falls down. I havn't used the language for anything large-scale, but for personal projects Clojure's approach to encapsulation with protocols is far more likely to capture what-I-actually-wanted than an inheritance system like the classic model in C++. Clojure makes it at least as easy to refactor as any other language.

Basically, Clojure cares a huge amount about correctness, that has been a focus for 1.9.0 and now 1.10.0. They just think that static types are a bad way of solving for correctness, because static typing puts a bunch more constraints on an object than are required.

"Lisps fall down on writing performant code easily"

I disagree. I would say it is actually easier to write performant code in lisps than in other languages. In languages with traditional syntax (ie. not homoiconic) it is usually tradeoff between performance and readability. As soon as you try to maximise performance, the program starts becoming unreadable.

In lisps, on the other hand, due to how you can have full control over every aspect of translation between notation and generated code it is much easier to write programs that don't hurt performance just because you want nice notation or DSL.

As an example, take printf. This function makes it easier to format strings and is available in many programming languages.

printf("%d", 7)

If no special compiler optimization is used (ie. compiler having hardcoded optimization just for printf) this results in code that will have to parse "%d" every time just to figure out, every time, it needs to take next argument and output it as integer.

On the other hand typical Common Lisp format macro looks very similarly:

(format t "~d" 7)

but you, as an author of a macro, have option to figure out that the format is an immutable string, so you can, at the compile time, replace call to format with an equivalent call to a simpler function that will take integer as an argument and immediately print it. This way you don't have to parse the format string every time and you don't have to pay for an extra stack frame as the expanded form of the macro takes place of the macro invocation.

For another example take a look at Peter Seibel's Practical Common Lisp chapter on parsing binary files (http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/practical-parsing-binary-fil...)

This chapter shows a system of macros that take very high level of description of binary data structures and generates efficient code to parse, access parsed data and serialize it to the binary format.

In a typical language the requirement to have flexible description of the messages would likely result in a compromised performance. This is why so many "high performance" solution involve some variant of code generation but at the cost of additional complexity.

Have you heard that Idris 2 is implementated in Scheme, and runs faster than when it was on the GHC. Check out Edwin's tweet stream, he's loving Scheme and can't stop raving about it. The idea of Idris on Scheme is so sweet and surreal it's got to be to the combo of the year.

AFAIK Idris 2 (Blodwen) as a compiler still runs on the default C-backend used by Idris 1

I'm in the same boat; I work for a company that's been around for awhile, and as a result they've accrued a lot of Java code, a lot of it using deprecated APIs. It's quite frustrating to dig through them, and I would have been happier if Oracle had just phased out a lot of these things from the compiler (though my understanding is that JDK11 is making steps for that).

Didn't Clojure change the + function (hardly obscure!) from automatically updating ints to bigints and therefore never overflowing to throwing an exception if you added ints that were too big?

I've got a Clojure book with a spirited defense of why it's good that the simple symbol + just does what you'd expect instead of throwing exceptions based on an implementation detail, and it kind of falls flat now.

That was over 7 years ago, so not particularly recent. And you can get the auto-promoting behavior with +' instead.

Yes, very early in Clojure's life and only after testing the change across several popular libraries.

I was a bit sad that the changelog was so small. Then I realized that maybe core features were stable and that's it, what was needed wasn't big beside spec and a few other things.

A lot of the year's effort went into things outside core - 2 releases of spec, 2 releases of core.specs, many releases of tools.deps.alpha / clj, tools.gitlibs, new release of REBL, etc. Lots of small fixes and enhancements in core too.

blame it on rich, I'm addicted to revolutionary talks about collections that brings speed and expressiveness enhancement for free :p

S-expressions are perhaps partly responsible as well. They don't suffer the same brittleness as regular programming languages (is there a word for non-s-expression languages like c/python/etc?).

that's a great link, cheers

I think so as well. When you have macros and can add syntax and features to a language at will, then the language and core library does not need to be very big. This probably helps immensely when trying to avoid breaking changes.

New macros can very well be prototyped and battle-hardened in external libraries before being added to core.

Which languages threw everything out and started again?

Python 3, Perl 6 it looks like Scala 3 is heading that way too.

Python 3 is quite similar to Python 2. They made some breaking changes, but nowhere near like Perl 6. The real stumbling block was str vs unicode, which they didn't realize would be such a pain when making the decision.

There's breaking changes and there's writing a new language. It's a spectrum.

My computer has at least three different Python versions installed. I'd say that's a pretty big backwards compatibility problem.

There is also Perl 6, and I've recently read about Go 2. Swift changes every couple of months in incompatible ways.

I also have several Pythons installed. For me that's because of incompatibility between community packages I've installed, rather than differences in Python versions. Unfortunately, the various smaller communities can't always stay in sync. Right now there's a conflict between XGBoost and NumPy using MKL on MacOS. That's not a Python problem, exactly, as the issue is conflicting use of OpenMP, written in C, C++, and Fortran.

It also seems like all of the changes in Python are all changes that Perl5 has done over the years without breaking backwards compatibility. Unfortunately this does mean you often have to opt-in to the new functionality.

    use v5.24;
    use feature 'unicode_strings';
    use feature 'fc';
    use feature 'postderef';

Note that the `'postderef'` feature is now always enabled so that line is pointless if you use a new enough version of Perl5. The `'unicode_strings'` also isn't always necessary.

Clojure's emphasis on backwards compatibility is commendable, but keep in mind Clojure is still a very young language ( only about 10 years old ) so there isn't much backwards compatibility to worry about.

Maybe, but this was true even when Clojure was younger still. The language changes are overwhelmingly additive; Hickey places great stock in not breaking existing code.

I'm going to bring up again how + used to autopromote ints if your result was out of the primitive int range, and now throws an error instead.

If you want to demand perfection, then Clojure isn't going to meet your standards (what would?).

The issue here is that, based on the way they (particularly Rich) talk, we can expect they will not do Bloody Stupid things like the old Python 2->3 changeover. Things like big, breaking changes that require architectural changes to keep current, or break all the available tutorials.

If the problem can be fixed with a macro or single function (like a change to plus behavior) it is an irritant, not a threat to productivity. That is not a concern.

You don't think a breaking change to + is any more significant than a breaking change to some other part of the language?

As has been answered elsewhere in this discussion:

That was over 7 years ago, so not particularly recent. And you can get the auto-promoting behavior with +' instead.

I don't see how a change could be much more minor, honestly.

It is a breaking change, that sort of change could introduce bugs into existing codebases. If that matters, you can't upgrade your Clojure version without careful change management anyway.

It isn't like reduce is being depreciated or something. I don't need to change how I think about the language.

A breaking release over 7 years ago, doesn't mean that having no (as far as I know) breaking changes for the last 6 years is any less impressive.

Was your application affected? Did you have to perform an extensive rewrite?

Engineering is all about compromises.

I didn't say there were no breaking changes, just fewer than most languages.

There isn't much to break anyway. Remember it's a Lisp.

The new error messages are fantastic. Clojure just went from one of the most annoying languages to debug to mid-top tier.

More complex things still present you with overly complex errors, but with some painless repl usage it's way easier to figure out things now.


I'm so excited about all the error messages work on this release! Also, the new metadata and tap functionality creates so many possibilities. And Java 8 minimum guaranteed so we can build things on top of java's time libraries and trust they will be there.

Nice work everyone!

Any examples of what the new error reporting looks like? The release announcement is rather lacking in details.

I did a write-up that should give you an idea: http://insideclojure.org/2018/12/17/errors/

Congrats. I'm trying to learn Common Lisp for great good. And, I love that lisp is still alive. I think we still haven't learned all that lisp has to offer.

For me personally, I think Clojure (or any lisp) targeting Go would be awesome.

The JVM lacks a killer Go "feature" which is _native binaries/easy deployment. Common lisp and many other lisps lack community which is why I think Go+Lisp would make a great combo. Go, even though it is a new language, already outpaces (a much older) Common Lisp as far as libraries go due to the huge community Go has.

I know there is `zygomys` but it doesn't reach Clojure popularity/maturity.

Can Clojure target Go?


Maybe it is infeasible but I think targeting JVM, Go, and JavaScript would give Clojure a ridiculous advantage over almost any current programming language.

No need for Go, GraalVM already allows you to create a native binary:


As fcurts below mentioned, [Graal's native image generation](https://www.graalvm.org/docs/reference-manual/aot-compilatio...) might be what you want.

It can turn a Clojure app into a single executable with excellent performance and memory characteristics.

You might be interested in joker (a small Clojure interpreter and linter written in Go) https://github.com/candid82/joker

The JVM supports AOT native binaries since the early 2000's, just not for free.

All major commercial JDKs have such support, e.g. PTC, Aicas, IBM J9, IBM RealTime WebSphere, Imsys, Excelsior JET.

Additionally OpenJDK has been integrating such support since Java 9 via Graal and GraalVM.

All you'd need is a Clojure to Go compiler. A simple matter of implementation (joking). The good news is that Clojure is relatively easy to tokenize and has a simple grammar. Go v1's lack of generics would make the implementation tedious, but the features announced for Go v2 should make it easier.

A more feasible option is to compile Clojure byte code to native code with GraalVM (http://www.graalvm.org/docs/reference-manual/aot-compilation...). GraalVM's native compiler still has some limitations but is coming along nicely.

you might want to have a look at Joker (https://joker-lang.org/)

It's a Clojure dialect written in Go. Currently, its mostly used as a linter but you can also do programming/scripting.

I've just started toying with Clojure, and while I've enjoyed it a great deal, the error messages were definitely one of the more unfriendly parts. Fortunately, my last two hobby languages were Elm and Haskell, so Clojure was always going to be in the middle between those two extremes). Good to see it being worked on!

Are there any plans for a native version of Clojure? I'd rather avoid the JVM if possible, but I suppose the whole ecosystem is dependent on it so that's unlikely?

I guess I might ask what this stance is founded on? The JVM is just a binary that runs byte code. It's stable and runs well pretty much everywhere. If you insist the JVM has cooties, you could use Docker and abstract it away, it might be an ideal way to use it anyways depending on your work.

The JVM /= Oracle JVM by the way. There is OpenJDK

EDIT: Also I think recent Java releases have gotten into making self contained binaries (which just means they package the JVM...it's in there, it might jump out and bite you!). But, as long as you are careful what you are shipping, packing up a JVM has always been an option

> I guess I might ask what this stance is founded on?

Kotlin has Kotlin/Native, so I was hoping there might be a similar initiative for Clojure. But, a few reasons:

* Startup time

* Ability to deploy/share a binary

* The JVM just seems so "heavy" to me. It's certainly the only language runtime I know of that runs a persistent helper app, or asks to install an Ask toolbar upon installation.

* Bias against Oracle and Java

> Also I think recent Java releases have gotten into making self contained binaries

TIL, thanks.

Edit: edited.

You can use Graal native image to compile Clojure apps to single binaries. https://www.astrecipes.net/blog/2018/07/20/cmd-line-apps-wit...

There is also a lein (clojure build tool) plugin for this at https://github.com/taylorwood/lein-native-image

> * Bias against Oracle and Java

It's always fascinating when I encounter people with opposite biases to my own. While I'm no fan of Oracle, I seek out technologies that are based on the JVM and try to avoid things based on many other technologies because I intrinsically trust certain behaviors and features of the JVM that other ecosystems lack.

After suffering through Java early in my career I've completely avoided it since then. What parts of Java/JVM do you find indispensable vs the rest of tech?

Definitely more the language ecosystem than Java itself - coding in Java itself is painful to me as well. I actually write most of my code in Groovy, some in Kotlin and Scala. But these things keep me liking the JVM -

- maturity of the infrastructure (monitoring, debugging, IDEs, build tooling). I love that I can fire up my debugger and remote attach to a process running on some other host and set a breakpoint for a specific condition to catch a bug. Or that I can do the same to profile memory etc., all with very mature tools.

- very good performance - smack bang inbetween C/C++ and higher level languages (acknowledging that startup time is a big hole in that - but not an important one for me)

- truly cross platform - none of this python style, cross platform except half your packages are really written in C and won't compile unless an entire ecosystem of dependencies is there to support them, and even then some of the flat out don't work on some platforms. This extends deeper than most other languages ie: you can get closer to low level OS features while maintaining 100% cross platform capability.

- strong / static typing under the hood which you can access optionally (eg: languages like Groovy / Kotlin let you write high level code without being burdened too much by the overhead of static typing), but all the Java APIs, ecosystem of libraries are all statically typed so you have good guarantees and excellent documentation.

- deployment behavior - I can run the JVM, give it specified memory footprint and know it's going to stay within that

> Startup time

Java is not as bad as you think. Clojure does takes a little longer though

> Ability to deploy/share a binary

there are jar files, but I know what you mean.

Interesting work happening in GraalVM land: https://www.innoq.com/en/blog/native-clojure-and-graalvm/

> Bias against Oracle and Java

yeah, well ... we're all biased. It helps us make decisions quickly ;)

> Java is not as bad as you think. Clojure does takes a little longer though

For example, I have a Python script[1] that runs on each command prompt to print status about my current git repository. Just timed it, it runs in .08-.12 seconds within a repo and about .02s outside of a repo. I still want to rewrite it in C using libgit2 someday, but something like that would be unusable if it was written in Clojure.

[1] https://github.com/kbd/setup/blob/master/HOME/bin/repo.py

Yeah, for scripting you should use something like Planck: it uses clojurescript which is virtually the same language as clojure, but starts up super fast so is great for scripts: https://github.com/planck-repl/planck

absolutely, Clojure is not a scripting language and Planck is amazing.

There are issues with a Graal-compiled Clojure repl due to reflection (apparently), but I think it's only a matter of time before those geniuses come up with something.

And python tends to have fairly high startup time (compared to compiled languages) for any non-trivial script.

> The JVM just seems so "heavy" to me.

Wouldn't any replacement need just as much "weight"? The GraalVM example (linked elsewhere) turns a 300KB Java program into a 25MB standalone binary. The JVM provides a lot of features, and they don't come free. That's why he chose it.

You can use GraalVM, I guess? But keep in mind that the code typically runs faster on the JVM.


> the code typically runs faster on the JVM.

no, it typically doesn't. in certain edge cases the JVM does out perform Graal though.

“Certain edge cases” being everything that doesn’t include startup time? It makes sense to me that a kit would be able to optimize better than an aot compiler. If you claim otherwise I’d like to see some sources.

Its often referred to as a guest language. The syntax is largely the same across JVM, CLR, and JS V8. The aim was to utilize the richness and reach of the most popular ecosystems, so all of Maven and npm are available to Clojure devs. The language should be able to be consistent across future runtimes with largely the same semantics.

There’s a CLR port if you really just hate the JVM ;)

Can do NodeJS with Clojure a’la Clojurescript as well

Is that actively maintained? Last commit on the GitHub repo has been two months ago, and the wiki page was last edited in 2014.

It's a one-man job more or less, so it comes in bursts, but it's up to date with 1.9.0.

That said, if you're looking to get into the Clojure ecosystem in general, almost certainly not the place to start. You miss out on the multitude of good OSS libraries that have Java deps.


Looks like last update 3 days ago.

While it's admittedly ambiguous, I think they're likely referring to ClojureCLR, not ClojureScript.


In what context are you trying to avoid the JVM?

Onde clojure is coded in edn, I think that is no reason to break changes. If one day we need to change something in core, we can make clojure.core2 and make the ns2 macro.

Nice to know that debug messages have improved. Ease of debugging would improve more, if an exception happens a live repl is spawned at that point allowing one to view locals/values, modify state, continue execution, etc.

Most lisps allows such live repls for debugging like Scheme and Emacs lisp, while clojure only provides a stacktace on exception, and not a repl.

You can do that yourself if you care (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zp0OEDcAro0) but I get what you mean. On the other hand, on a server application a REPL on exception wouldn’t help me.

While I like the language very well, tooling does have issues, even simple things like not distributing Leiningen with Clojure when it is almost essential for any serious development. Version incompatibilities between Leiningen and Clojure creates subtle problems. I also wonder what the experience of using lein in Windows, it seems to install using a mysterious batch file.

The emacs based tooling had too many components, and is very brittle, ie, a minor version bump in one of the component often renders the whole build/repl process unserviceable.

Usage of local jars is extremely difficult, you need to setup a local maven repository and then add dependencies through it, which is a very painful process, esp for hobby projects and prototyping. I should be working on my problem not wrangling with maven.

> While I like the language very well, tooling does have issues, even simple things like not distributing Leiningen with Clojure when it is almost essential for any serious development. Version incompatibilities between Leiningen and Clojure creates subtle problems. I also wonder what the experience of using lein in Windows, it seems to install using a mysterious batch file.

Clojure bundles tools.deps since 1.9, and it works great. cljs and figwheel already supports it, as do many others. I prefer it to leiningen, but YMMW.

I use emacs to develop clojure, never had any problems with it :/

> Usage of local jars is extremely difficult, you need to setup a local maven repository and then add dependencies through it, which is a very painful process, esp for hobby projects and prototyping. I should be working on my problem not wrangling with maven.

tools.deps makes this very easy.

Actually, I haven't used leiningen in 6 months, Clojure's new included cli tools work great these days.

I quite like tools.deps, but it is maybe a bit problematic that it is bundled with the Clojure install. Before tools.deps there were no officially sanctioned dependency and project management tool. This is probably why we got both leiningen and eventually boot. Now the bar for choosing something different than tools.deps is probably going to be quite high.

Sadly tools.deps lack the support for reading credentials from a gpg/pgp-encrypted file: https://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/TDEPS-9 This is a shame as I rely on this to keep repository credentials safe. I'm not a fan of the maven master password system.

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