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Clojure 1.11.3 (clojure.org)
7 points by greggyb 71 days ago | past | 1 comment
clojure.spec – Rationale and Overview (clojure.org)
2 points by diggan 3 months ago | past
Clojure: spec Guide (clojure.org)
3 points by tosh 4 months ago | past
Transducers (clojure.org)
1 point by tosh 5 months ago | past
clojure.spec (clojure.org)
2 points by tosh 5 months ago | past
Transducers (clojure.org)
4 points by tosh 5 months ago | past
Java 21 VirtualThreads vs. Clojure Lazy Seqs (clojure.org)
215 points by grzm 9 months ago | past | 147 comments
A History of Clojure (2020) [pdf] (clojure.org)
134 points by ndr 11 months ago | past | 42 comments
(next Rich) (clojure.org)
1061 points by poidos 11 months ago | past | 150 comments
A History of Clojure (2020) [pdf] (clojure.org)
2 points by ndr 11 months ago | past
Morse, an open-source interactive tool for inspecting Clojure (clojure.org)
173 points by xmlblog on April 28, 2023 | past | 37 comments
Clojure Rationale (2008) (clojure.org)
88 points by djha-skin on April 16, 2023 | past | 51 comments
Clojure 1.12.0-Alpha2 (clojure.org)
10 points by Borkdude on April 14, 2023 | past | 7 comments
Clojure – Test.check (clojure.org)
1 point by vinnyglennon on March 6, 2023 | past
Programming at the REPL: Data Visualization (clojure.org)
104 points by tosh on Nov 26, 2022 | past | 20 comments
Clojure Deref – Happy 15th birthday to Clojure (clojure.org)
4 points by simonpure on Oct 22, 2022 | past
A History of Clojure (2020) [pdf] (clojure.org)
3 points by ddtaylor on June 4, 2022 | past
State of Clojure 2022 Results (clojure.org)
16 points by capableweb on June 3, 2022 | past | 2 comments
State of Clojure 2022 (clojure.org)
8 points by finalfantasia on June 2, 2022 | past
Clojure – Equality (clojure.org)
3 points by tosh on May 19, 2022 | past
Clojure – Comparators (clojure.org)
1 point by tosh on April 25, 2022 | past
Clojure 1.11 is now available (clojure.org)
238 points by simongray on March 22, 2022 | past | 69 comments
Clojure 1.11 Rc1 (clojure.org)
6 points by greggyb on Feb 16, 2022 | past
Clojure.spec (clojure.org)
1 point by tosh on Dec 31, 2021 | past
Clojure: Transducers (clojure.org)
2 points by tosh on Dec 5, 2021 | past
Clojure: Comparators Guide (clojure.org)
7 points by tosh on Nov 19, 2021 | past
Differences with other Lisps (clojure.org)
159 points by susam on Nov 1, 2021 | past | 103 comments
Reducers – A Library and Model for Collection Processing (clojure.org)
1 point by capableweb on Aug 4, 2021 | past
Clojure – Source Libs and Builds (clojure.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti on July 21, 2021 | past
Clojure Deref (July 16, 2021) (clojure.org)
3 points by tosh on July 16, 2021 | past

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