It counts on Freedom, Readability, Documentation System (including lhs2tex which will turn your "integrate f 0 a" into \Int_0^a{f dx}), High-level vs low-level, Standard library (including hackage/cabal), Data structures, Module system, Calling syntax, Default arguments (currying), Multiple programming paradigms (there was a saying that Haskell is the best imperative language). It partially counts on most other points.
Myself, I choose Haskell for my research project, as it was best language on (expressiveness times safety) scale. Strong type system certainly helps sweeping out errors.
It counts on Freedom, Readability, Documentation System (including lhs2tex which will turn your "integrate f 0 a" into \Int_0^a{f dx}), High-level vs low-level, Standard library (including hackage/cabal), Data structures, Module system, Calling syntax, Default arguments (currying), Multiple programming paradigms (there was a saying that Haskell is the best imperative language). It partially counts on most other points.
Myself, I choose Haskell for my research project, as it was best language on (expressiveness times safety) scale. Strong type system certainly helps sweeping out errors.