There are Ocaml, F# and Clojure with some combination of great tools, speed (clojure addressed this recently I think but i only have visual experience with clojure), light syntax, books and documentation, repl,excellent platform, wide libarary choice and or decent interop with C. Also F# is doing some really cool stuff to do with datasets awareness in the language.
Haskell seems a perfect fit for mathematical use and while I haven't used it in a couple years, I would hesitate to suggest it due to a lack of mature library options, difficulty of FFI and perhaps a steep initial curve.
Scala is a good language for an entire application but provides too much scaffolding for scientific applications.
R is fairly widely used but is also itself very quirky.
I'm a long time Python programmer and I am currently using it for scientific programming (for my PhD).
I've shopped around a lot for alternatives to Python and looked at Ocaml, F#, Boo, Clojure, Common Lisp, Haskell and Scala.
There are a couple of things still keeping me with Python:
* The REPL, especially IPython,
* Numpy & Scipy,
* Networkx & igraph,
* jpype for fairly seamless JVM integration (this way, I can interact with Cytoscape), rpy for fairly seamless R integration,
* IPython's parallel processing framework.
The .net environment probably comes the closest to providing everything here, but the REPLs need a lot of work and the graph libraries have more complicated interfaces which make them a pain to use on the command line.
Python is not without its warts but when I recently had to spend time with Matlab again after a few years, I was reminded of just how nice the Python ecosystem is in comparison.
Update: I should add that if you rely on one of Matlab's toolboxes, you might not find any decent alternatives outside of Matlab. You can always use a bridge like MLabWrap to access Matlab from Python.
It counts on Freedom, Readability, Documentation System (including lhs2tex which will turn your "integrate f 0 a" into \Int_0^a{f dx}), High-level vs low-level, Standard library (including hackage/cabal), Data structures, Module system, Calling syntax, Default arguments (currying), Multiple programming paradigms (there was a saying that Haskell is the best imperative language). It partially counts on most other points.
Myself, I choose Haskell for my research project, as it was best language on (expressiveness times safety) scale. Strong type system certainly helps sweeping out errors.
I have been using ocaml for about 5 years and earning moneys with it for the last 2 years. I love the language but for scientific work its hard to beat python. Ocaml just doesn't have the libraries or the community support to even be on the radar.
Haskell seems a perfect fit for mathematical use and while I haven't used it in a couple years, I would hesitate to suggest it due to a lack of mature library options, difficulty of FFI and perhaps a steep initial curve.
Scala is a good language for an entire application but provides too much scaffolding for scientific applications.
R is fairly widely used but is also itself very quirky.