then go on to describe a nightmare. Read it! It sounds like Stockholm Syndrome!
Well done for getting it off your chest, now you need to go find something else. The situation probably can't be fixed. Sounds like you've made a lot of decent things as evidence of your skills. You could probably come back as a contractor/consultant for twice your current wage.
Oh, and if/when you do quit - no recriminations. You were offered an amazing opportunity that was too good to turn down. You really want to work in this new field. It's not you it's me, etc. Start documenting things for the next guy. Best of luck.
You only get statutory sick pay when a doctors note is involved, which can only be gotten if you've taken more than two days off, aren't too sick to actually visit the GP and even then statutory sick pay is paid at minimum wage, I'm on £17k a year.
I've no idea where in the UK you are but where I am (Edinburgh) the average wage for a salaried PHP Dev is £20k-£25k and this is a VERY cheap area. So i'd say you're drastically underpaid, especially if you're futher south.
I chose not to work in Edinburgh because of the terrible pay, I'm a PHP contractor and i work in London for £300-£350 a day for 3 months and then come back to Edinburgh after the contract is over. I go back when i start to run out of money again. You should look into doing this if its an option for you. Feel free to contact me if you want to talk more about it.
It's proof positive again of why I love HN. I read and felt for you with your post then in no time, you may have found a light at the end of the tunnel.
Great news :D I can't wait to hear that it's worked out for you!
Oh no! I realize that... but you're offering him the knowledge, confidence and support he needs to be able to make a lasting and positive change in his life.
If he's on £17k/pa and you're billing out £350 a day, then he only has to work 50 days per year to come out in the exact same place he's in now.
As long as he gets from you a list of those "first steps" on how to find the contracts. Even if he starts out billing only £50 per day (for fear of not finding work, in order to build a client list) he'd literally be no worse off than he is now (of course rent in London is much higher so ... I think he should at least bill £100/pd).
It sounds like he is a skilled developer with some niche knowledge in the auto market. Suffering perhaps from a lack of confidence (are my skills really worth that much?) and a bit of Fear, Uncertainty, & Doubt (If I quit this hell-job will I have to go on public assistance? will I be homeless?)
He's got to make the leap and get out. No question of that in my mind ... but he also needs help and encouragement to do it.
That's what I saw you offering (not the job) ... it's just the seed of that mighty Oak that I've seen planted - but - I've already assumed that there's a happy ending to all this.
What can I say? I'm a dreamer and an optimist. Probably why I spend so much time reading HackerNews :)
I would suggest that he should start out at a bare minimum of £150 a day, especially if he has web sites that he has done before that are public facing (i.e. he can demonstrate his work). It is easier to lower prices than to raise them.
A second piece of advice is that if you are going to be a freelancer you should join the Professional Contractors Group ( They have an enormous amount of info on their pages, even more for members, and just by becoming a paid up member you get £70,000 of tax audit insurance.
i work in London for £300-£350 a day for 3 months and then come back to Edinburgh after the contract is over.
How do you make the living arrangements work on that?
For a while I was going to London and doing training gigs for £400 a day but gave it up because it was either too expensive (staying in London itself) or too much of a headache (staying outside London and getting the train in).
Flat sharing would be quite easy to arrange for that amount of time. I had a mate who lived and worked in London while staying at a hostel for an entire year.
I should add "try to make a living out of freelancing while you're looking for a much deserved better place to work; it seems to be you have what it takes"...
You can self-certify for up to one week's sickness, and it's paid at just under £80 a week, which may be more or less than minimum wage depending on how many hours you'd normally work.
It's pretty much useless if you're actually living on anything approaching a normal salary. (It's doubtful that £320/month would pay most people's rent.)
> "I love my job...I even love my boss"
then go on to describe a nightmare. Read it! It sounds like Stockholm Syndrome!
Well done for getting it off your chest, now you need to go find something else. The situation probably can't be fixed. Sounds like you've made a lot of decent things as evidence of your skills. You could probably come back as a contractor/consultant for twice your current wage.
Oh, and if/when you do quit - no recriminations. You were offered an amazing opportunity that was too good to turn down. You really want to work in this new field. It's not you it's me, etc. Start documenting things for the next guy. Best of luck.
Edit: Also make sure to read Patrick's advice here:
Edit2: Sorry, was wrong about Statury Sick Pay, thanks for the correction. 20 days holiday is definitely not right though.