The good old times when Apple let devs fiddle with their OS.
These APIs are already deemphasized, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were to deprecate/remove them altogether when they release the ARM version of macOS. They’ll probably do it with the update that introduces UIKit on macOS (as Craig Federighi said on this year’s WWDC) to divert the attention. Sneaky bastards, but their stuff still sucks the least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's not sneaky just because you're not looking. I have found the CoreOS group to be guarded in their responses to future directions but never sneaky. There have been multiple times where an API/design/etc change in a WWDC session didn't make sense. I would follow up in the labs and be told the reason is because X is happening in the future. Granted I'm not always told. In that case a diff of kernel sources between releases along with some years working in the XNU kernel is enough to figure it out. Sometimes you're just lucky and hint it in the actual session. For example the 2013 WWDC Session titled "What's New in Kext Development" ( leaked SIP well before it was officially announced. They key line was:
So in the future, we are going to tighten down access to the system hierarchy, the whole hierarchy down from /System and everything in there.
Another example of them sharing future plans was user space networking. I forgot what year it was but in the session they noted something about network kernel extensions (NKE) going away and to use Network Extensions instead. NKEs weren't the best but for Apple to send all the effort to recreate the 'same' thing in a new framework was odd. A visit to the labs and you were instantly told of the move to user space networking.
One last example. Apple ships in the default OS a number of third party mass storage kernel drivers. Take a look at /Library/Extensions on a new install. This ensure when you try to install that new OS or boot that new OS, you can see you're drives. Apple likely needs to work with those third-parties to make that happen.
I understand why it might appear sneaky but I don't think that's the case.
Yep, there a couple of interviews where Chris Lattner states that Objective-C 2.0 and later improvements where already a long term roadmap to what would eventually become Swift.
You can load kernel extensions with SIP enabled: the extension just needs to be “soft-approved” (i.e. you need to be in the developer program and explain why you need a kernel extension to Apple; no stringent requirements like the App Store review process obviously). With SIP disabled you can load extensions that have not gone through this process.
I think kernel modules will go away at some point. Having no third party Kexts would increase the security of the OS for in use systems. That's a nice way of saying not all third-party Kexts are created equal.
I could see an argument where moving existing hardware Kexts to user space is easier because IOKit uses the libkern C++ Runtime. The OO design of IOKit may lend itself very nicely to the driver approach BarrelFish takes ( The real hard one to move to user space would be third-party filesystems. That's mainly because of dated VFS architecture used in *NIX systems. I could see Apple completely moving away from that at a future point too.
The UIKit on macOS API is supposed to be coming to developers next year. I don’t see ARM Macs or the deprecation of an API like this with no warning happening by then.
These APIs are already deemphasized, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were to deprecate/remove them altogether when they release the ARM version of macOS. They’ll probably do it with the update that introduces UIKit on macOS (as Craig Federighi said on this year’s WWDC) to divert the attention. Sneaky bastards, but their stuff still sucks the least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯