Seems to me the rs232 link could be much faster by bypassing the Kernal's bit-banged implementation and going direct to the hardware serial interface on the CIA. You'd have to rewire from the user port a bit.
If you make this allow for an all black theme (INCLUDING the main chat window) I'll happily use it. I use a black theme (there's a few forks of but Slack breaks them beyond just dumping the code back into the css files constantly.
Glad to hear it! I'm undecided re open source, two reasons: I wouldn't mind trying to sell it and take a chance at the 'indie developer' dream, and also managing a community project i think is beyond me.
Is anyone working on this? I don't even use Slack but could be interesting to reverse engineer the protocol and all and implement at least an API library or something for Windows
Yes, it is slow, memory hog and visually ugly (for me). I'd rather prefer a slick pure win32 app, including the visuals - real win32 buttons, lists, text edit controls, etc...
Reminds me of my IRC days when I still had to share the family computer. Siblings would get computer time which obviously cut into my irc time, so i did the sane thing and wrote an irc gateway to run on the family computer that’d use the serial port for proxy clients. Then i connected the old 8088 (by serial port) we still had and built a barebones irc client with qbasic. All so i could be on irc while siblings were on the computer..