Shellcheck is one of those rare tools that made me a significantly better developer. In part because the more bash a dev knows the more effective they are at life in general, in part because it made it easy to follow rigorous coding standards- allowing me to take the quality-code mindset to less rigorous environments.
> In part because the more bash a dev knows the more effective they are at life in general
On that note this article ( on bash completion scripts has been a big boon for my effectiveness recently. I've been creating simulations of our complex interactions with third party systems and the completions scripts are doing things like pulling the correct values from the database rather than having to type them in manually.
I knew I'd saved a bunch of time but it really hit home yesterday when I had to explain to QA how to repeat the process and it's "open this file, change these values, save it here, open other file, set these values from previous file, save here". For me the whole thing is "cmd<tab><tab>".
Does anyone have any tips on taking scripts like that and generalizing them for whole teams? At the moment they're very much built for my personal needs.
If you can move them over to a slackbot and direct people to a slack channel to use it.
Then you get the benefit of
* everyone using the latest version
* a history of commands run. People can then use it as a built in FAQ and see what to do based on what others do
* they don’t have to have any software installed locally
Of course it doesn’t work for everything but if you can try it out.
Usually I just add the script to our wiki (Confluence/Jira) with background information and usage examples. Then I export as a PDF copy for those without access.
I wrote a short book for novices on shell usage, because it is extremely important for developers to know. Bash one-liners are usually even pretty defensible. But I dream about how the world would be if Bash were actually a good scripting language. It compares favorably to csh, and I fear that's about the best you can say for it.
> But I dream about how the world would be if Bash were actually a good scripting language. It compares favorably to csh, and I fear that's about the best you can say for it.
I finally started appreciating Perl after having to write some nontrivial Bash scripts.
(My hierarchy is: default to Bash when my task is mostly running commands. If there's a bit of text-processing or regex required, Perl. If I need any hierarchical datastructures, Python)
> It compares favorably to csh, and I fear that's about the best you can say for it.
Ha. Talk about 'damned with faint praise'.
I'm not really in the Unix admin world, but can't you just bite the bullet and use a 'real scripting language' like Python? Other than for things like configure scripts, is the universality of BASH/POSIX really non-negotiable?
It's starting to get there, recently, so I am hopeful Python can be a good alternative to Bash more often nowadays!
There is also the cultural difference. In Python, it's so easy use pip and modules, but if you want something to replace Bash, you need to resist the temptation and only use what's in the standard library. The thing with Bash scripts is that they are often self contained and you can grab a huge snippet of it and it will work pretty much everywhere. (Exceptions of course, the script may do some fancy include or use a program not available, but you get my drift with this.)
Bash has been stable a long time, and the Bourne shell compatible part of it for even longer.
> There is also the cultural difference. In Python, it's so easy use pip and modules, but if you want something to replace Bash, you need to resist the temptation and only use what's in the standard library.
I don't think it's fair to say that bash programs are not without dependencies, just that the developers (tended to be?) are more thoughtful about portability. For example I've seen scripts that use wget or fall back to curl when it's not available. I've never seen a python script fall back to urllib3 when requests wasn't available on the system.
The focus is on usage as opposed to scripting, and it was written in a few days as a somewhat visceral reaction to seeing a single-page introduction to the shell in a coding academy. It may be that the term "booklet" is more appropriate than "book", and it is certainly the case that "wrote" in the context above should not imply "edited" or "published". However, at the moment I am between projects, and I am very happy to take your interest as a spur to complete this work. However, if you had some time to indulge, I might be able to repay your interest somewhat sooner; having other people review one's final copy is probably the next thing to a necessity.
Totally agree. I'm using bash only for scripts that are at most (say) 10 lines long. More complicated than that, and I'm off to a real programming language.
What sucks is that if you're e.g. in GRUB2 then you HAVE to use "function" [1], so you have to know when to use both styles... you can't just pick one and ignore the other entirely. (Not sure if there are other sorta-POSIX places where 'function' is required, though?)
Yup. Writing function is a PITA anywho; maaaybe use it for one-liners wo braces. IIRC syntastic can use shellcheck and/or bashate. Most checks are good but trying to eliminate them all with awkward & unclear constructs is usually a bad idea™.
Nitpick: although the linked page states that defining functions as
compund commands is a `bash` feature, it is actually in the POSIX `sh`
standard [1] so it should work with any POSIX-compliant shell.
That said, I'm curious what are the nifty tricks that one can do by
using functions as "aliases" for compound commands -- I cannot see
much of a difference between `function sleep1 () { while true; do "$@";
sleep 1; done; }` and the similar definition without the curly braces.
Only once in my life I have had to use the `function foo () ( ... )`
syntax (i.e., using subshell instead of normal `{ ... }` grouping).
... instead of all the pushd popd nonsense, and so much easier to follow.
You can also do this:
( set -e
if_anything_fails ) < redirect || echo 'Something went wrong here, carrying on...'
And that won't set -e in your outer shell. You can also set -v to see what's being run just for those commands.
As far as writing functions without braces, I don't. It doesn't do anything useful, it's magical and weird to bash n00bs, and when you have to add a command you'll wind up adding the braces then.
The reason bourne shells have that is because the shell's raison d'etre is composing processes, so it makes sense that compound statements are simply processes themselves. (Maybe process is the wrong term here...) To expose that in the syntax, though, is just being overly clever, and it's more obvious now that people find it confusing.
I'm always amazed at how many Unix features I assume are GNUisms or bashisms that turn out to be in POSIX and be much more portable than I've expected!
Yeah, for anything that I want to be portable, I explicitly run it with bash, dash, mksh, and heirloom sh. I figure that if it works in all of those, then the result is either truly portable... or nobody will ever notice:)
It also should really help that Debian, IIRC, actually sets /bin/sh to dash by default?
I am always impressed how powerful and efficient shell scripts are but the syntax is just a killer. Is there a strong reason why all shells have this crazy syntax? Is it not possible to create a shell with a more expressive syntax like Java, C# or whatever?
I've thought about this a lot, but assuming you want to be pleasant for interactive use, you're subject to a tremendous number of constraints. Just to start with:
rm foo bar
rm -rf *
must be invocations of the rm command with the appropriate arguments.
You need bare strings, you need variable interpolation, you need redirects.
I think there's some room to break a few idioms and make something nicer, but it really is a hard problem. The choice to break things has to be based on how common an idiom is, how painful it is to not use it, and how much benefit you can get.
I think you've hit the nail on the head there. I've been experimenting with writing my own shell and the original syntax was a lot more like Javascript but having to encapsulate parameters in parentheses, comma delimited and quotation was a massive pain in the arse. So I dropped the requirement for quotation marks, then made commas optional, then I dropped using periods to pipe (ala methods in OOP) and then eventually ended up rewriting the entire parser to follow a more traditional POSIX syntax. As it turns out, as ugly as Bash et al is, it actually makes a lot of sense for writing one liners in an interactive shell (as you stated yourself)
So where I decided to deviate was areas I felt could be enhanced without breaking the POSIX syntax too significantly:
* shell configuration,
* error handling (something traditional shells are appallingly bad at)
* and support for complex data structures (eg so you can grep through items in a minified JSON array as smartly as you can with a traditional stream of lines.
I always respected the power of POSIX shells even before embarking on my pet project. However I never quite appreciated just how sane it's ugly syntax was until I attempted to replace it with something more readable. I mean sure there are still some specific areas I really don't agree with but that can always be argued as personal preference.
As an aside note, one thing I didn't quite appreciate until writing my shell is just how much shells have in common with functional programming. Yes I know it's a far cry from LISP machines; but if you take away the variable interpolation and environmental variables then you're left with a functional pipeline that take something from STDIN and write it to STDOUT and STDERR and does so in a multi-threaded, concurrent, workflow by default. Weirdly this still makes POSIX shells more efficient for some types of data processing than writing a monolithic routine in a more powerful (or should that be "more descriptive"?) programming language.
So there is some surprising elegance amongst all that ugliness.
Why don't we have something similar to vi modes to jump between different 'interpretations'? I believe scsh had something to that effect using chars to switch modes ala quote/unquote.
Because that wouldn't work for copying and pasting code nor writing shell scripts. If you're going down that route then really you need a printable character to prefix the command line (or similar solution)
For what it's worth though, most shells (including my own one) do support switching between different text entry / hotkey modes - such as vi - even if the syntax is consistent.
Pretty well thank you. I now use it everyday as my primary shell, but the documentation isnt where I'd want it yet so I can imagine it would trip new users up in areas I've chosen to break from POSIX / "Bashisms". There are also a few areas of subtle bugs I'm still running into, but that is to be expected with anything on this kind of scale.
It is already open source but I'm the only contributer currently. Which is fine as it's a personal project anyway. So anything beyond that is a bonus.
The readline API I wrote for it is pretty nifty though. I'm thinking of spinning that off into its own repo since I've been a little disappointed with the existing realine APIs for Go so I think other people might genuinely benefit from that even if they're not particularly interested in a semi-Bash compatible alternative $SHELL.
Cool. Good luck with it. Interesting about the readline stuff. Can you share the link to the shell project? I'd like to look at the code, with a view to learning something about the techniques involved, as command-line tools and shells is an interest of mine.
jq is a great tool but I wanted something that was more seamless than piping data to jq with a jq script quoted as a parameter. I wanted something where the shell itself could fragment and understand structured data (and not just JSON but YAML, TOML, HCL, CSV, XML, etc - though XML is proving more a great deal more troublesome than I'd hoped).
I'm not suggesting the work I'm doing is any better that jq though - there's a lot of areas where jq will run circles around my shell. I see it more as different design goals but with a fairly large area of overlap.
I have a few more blog posts on that topic I haven't published, but hopefully that gives the idea.
I probably used to agree with you (if I'm understanding correctly; it's not entirely clear what the conflict you see is). But after writing the parser in this style, I don't think it's too big a deal.
I plan to use the same technique to parse the Oil language, which is a new language without the legacy. The command syntax is largely the same, but compound constructs like function, if, while/for, etc. are different.
The parser is regularly tested on over a million lines of shell:
I call it "failure by success". Unix is so incredibly successful that we are bound by decisions made 40 years ago.
There is an unbroken chain from the Thompson shell circa 1972 to modern day bash.
The language wasn't designed; it was accreted over decades.
Looking at the difficulty of the Python 2 -> 3 transition might give you an idea of how hard it is to make incompatible changes, so that's what we're stuck with.
It's a little bit like asking why C has so many warts -- e.g. the insecure standard library, "holes" in the type system like silently converting pointers to bools.
But it's easier to "clean up" compiled languages than interpreted languages, and it was somewhat done with C89, C99, etc. You can have different compilation modes, and the user is more likely to fix things that a compile error flags.
With something like shell, you don't have a good chance to surface errors and clean up corner cases. It just evolved over time until it was out of control.
We have a little hubris too. I spent years talking about how dumb Perl was. Then I learned Awk, Bash, and Unix and saw that Perl was a natural and evolutionary powerup with a massive script archive. Perl wasn't dumb, I just didn't understand the design decisions. Bash and many dynamic languages are similar. On another note, when I use Java/C# (languages I have little experience in), I always can't help but notice the lack of expressivity. I mean it takes 1/2 page of code to read a text file and print all lines that say "hello". In the Linux shell this could be:
cat filename | grep -i "hello"
Someone else will probably point out a better way. It is also only a couple of lines of Python.
> Someone else will probably point out a better way. It is also only a couple of lines of Python.
grep -i "hello" filename # ;)
> I always can't help but notice the lack of expressivity. I mean it takes 1/2 page of code to read a text file and print all lines that say "hello"
I think you hit the nail on the head there. I've used just about every build system known to man and we're currently using cake at work, which is uses c# as a scripting language. Everything is 10 times more verbose than the equivalent shell/makefile would be. Things like concatenating sql files are 30 lines instead of code instead of one liners.
Was glad to look up his CV and see that he's still around.. I'm not sure that 90s grumpy nerd humor has aged well into 2018, but I do appreciate the throwback to a different time
Unlike (ba)sh, those languages are not a DSL for manipulating processes and files. (Ba)sh is more accurately framed as an ancient DSL than as a general-purpose language that has now been exposed as subpar.
A shell script is designed with file operators, environment variables, file handle redirection, process control, pipes/ipc, etc as first class primitives. It's just far easier to write a shell script if all you need to do is manipulate some executable programs.
Number one reason is availability. Do all of your current and future targets have the right version of Ruby installed? What if you have a mix of python 2.7 and 3.6?
It really depends on target environment. At work? Sure, every single machine comes out of provisioning with Python 2.7 installed. For something that gets distributed to be used by other people? No way I'd trust anything but POSIX, and that's pushing it some days.
I'm strongly considering making it a point to do just that: include Ruby in all the images I can, just to not have to use Bash. For one-liners it's fine, but I don't get ten lines into a Bash script before missing scripting-language features. However, if someone were to try to talk me out of what they consider to be an absurd notion, I would be prepared to take their criticism seriously.
I have multiple ~10 line POSIX shell scripts in my dotfiles. I also have a bunch each of Perl and Python ones [1]. I'd rather not rewrite my shell scripts with neither of that languages, or Ruby (which I like and use a bit).
When scripting, I find general-purpose languages are better when you have structured data (i.e. some JSON coming in) or you want to use libraries, and shell scripting better when you're wiring up multiple programs to work together, or starting up a program after setting up the environment for it.
IIRC, the FreeBSD sh(1) man page was a good entry to writing POSIX compliant, thus quite portable shell scripts.
And now that JigSaw landed with JDK9 and with single file running coming in JDK11(?) and with precompiling bytecode to native, it becomes easier and easier to deploy good quality code as quick and fast scripts, tools, utilities, etc.
Yes, of course, I still use bash, because it's there. But habits are easy to form and very hard to break. (Because why form re-form an old habit into a new?)
I will give Microsoft credit that Powershell is a very pleasant to use shell language. There are a few quirks, but I encounter them a lot more rarely than in POSIX shells.
That said, my brain does still think in POSIX scripting, so it always takes me a little while to get back in the swing of Powershell.
and the result was the file content visible on screen. Then you were happy with your code and you put it in a function for reuse:
function test {
get-content file.txt
and now there's no output. PowerShell pipeline is not stdout, get-content doesn't display anything on screen, only the output formatters at the end of the pipeline do. If the function has no output by default then you would see nothing. That would be an annoying behaviour the other way. In PS, braces {} make anonymous codeblocks and they're used often, e.g. in code like
# square the first 5 numbers
1..5 | foreach { $_ * $_ }
# rename some files
Get-ChildItem | where { $_.Name -notmatch '[0-9]' } | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name + "2" }
That would be really annoying if you always had to 'return' results out of scriptblocks. And it would be annoying if scriptblocks in functions behaved differently to scriptblocks in filterscripts or calculated properties.
Do you have any examples? This doesn't sound familiar.
Dictionaries are often used for return values, as they can be cast to PSCustomObject for a quick way to make objects for the pipeline. But in that use case they aren't passed in, and that's not anything to do with the `return` keyword or all output from all commands becoming function output.
That is... not the way I generally work around it or see it.
Normally you just use Write-Host when you need it and otherwise just collect return values inside the function by assigning them to variables.
It's basically solved if you never call a command without storing the return value somewhere. Which is not optimal in a scripting language where you just want to get things done, but it's not the end of the world.
My biggest issue with PowerShell is the lack of a good, web-indexed, resource for exposing what SHOULD be expected in a normal operating environment. It makes looking for features that are expected in a standard library just not worth the effort. By comparison every other language I like programming in actually has a very strong set of documentation in an easily found repository.
What do you mean by "a normal operating environment"?
Different versions of Windows came with different versions of PowerShell. Some can be patched to have the newer language features (Windows Management Framework 5.1 can be installed on Windows 7), but that won't bring in all the same cmdlets as Windows 10 has, because there aren't the required internals in Windows 7.
If you have different things installed (Hyper-V, ActiveDirectory, any big Windows role/feature) you'll have different modules available, and if you install things like RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) then you'll get server management cmdlets on workstation operating systems.
It's not so much like you download Python 3.6 and get one standard library everywhere, its origins are more in "companies managing their own Windows server estate", so your environment is not standard, it's whatever environment you have.
The standard library, though, is mostly .Net, so depending on your Windows and PS version, it's ".Net Framework 4.5" (or 3.5 or etc.) for .Net framework library features accessed directly from PS.
I was going to agree entirely as I had been mucking with Powershell ISE and was surprised that it didn't have their normal standard of documentation, but I did find an okay reference online.[1]
Looking more, it's kind of bad, because they break the sections in the reference up by the modules, and it's utterly mysterious what the modules are for. I mean, they all seem to be for doing incredibly obscure stuff in Windows, which I'm sure is useful, but I can't figure out obvious things like the syntax or types.
This may be because the intended audience is liable to just copy and paste stuff and hammer away it until it works...
The fish shell was primarily created to be a shell language with a nicer syntax. I tried it for a few months a few years ago, and while the syntax is nicer, it misses a lot, and I mean a lot, of features. Adding those features would have, of course, complicated the syntax and gotten us back to something like zsh, so... I've been back on zsh ever since.
Really, the only complaint I could make is why chose something silly like `fi` or `esac` to end compound statements, but such an issue is too superficial to abandon everything else that comes with these shells.
Out of curiosity, what features were you missing in fish? I've been using it for a while and haven't noticed anything, but I am probably not in need of heavy on shell scripting.
I've heard of plenty of people choosing zsh instead of fish, but I started on fish and never felt the need to switch, so I'm kind of wondering what I might be missing out on.
Substitution via `=()`, `<()`, and `>()`. `=()` save's a process output in a temporary file that I don't have to mess with explicitly and substitutes itself with the path. An example of use is `viewnior =(maim -s)` which shows in an image viewer a window that I select; `diff -u <(...) <(...)` or `cmp`, or `comm` instead of `diff` compares the output of multiple processes without having to save them to files; `tee >(...) >(...) | ...` feeds the output of one command to multiple commands without needing to save files
Subshells. I've used them interactively, and I prefer to not have troubles with quoting doing `fish -c '...'` in my commands.
Extended globbing. It's far more concise and less error prone than using a combination of `find` and text processing tools.
Dynamic directories. ~some_project/ for me expands to ~/work-for/client/some_client/some_project/ and works great with completion.
What attracted me the most to fish was the ability to work with multi-line commands as a single command in the history. However, I've seen that zsh has better support for this.
What killed fish for me back then was that their pipes were fake back then. This is something that they've since fixed, but back then, instead of running all commands at the same time with their inputs and outputs linked, I think fish would run the first command, save it to a file and then ran the second command with that file as input. I mean, the behaviour that I saw was that I wouldn't see any output until the first command finished, and some of the commands that I wanted to run took very long to finish or never were supposed to finish without me seeing some of the output first. I'm talking about watching file changes under a directory and manipulating the presentation of the output of the file watching command (e.g. `inotifywait -m ... | awk ...`) or looking for specific events in the system log as they happened (e.g. `journalctl -f | grep ...`) or looking for specific system calls of a never-ending running process (e.g. `strace -fe trace=file -p $pid | grep ...`). That made fish pipelines useless for me.
Anyway I wrote a more lengthy post once describing the differences between bash and zsh that I liked:
However, there must be more differences between fish and zsh. I can think of history syntax, right now. I can get an argument from any command I've ever typed based on a substring by doing !?substring?%. If I find myself calling two commands in succession multiple times, I can combine them in a single command without retyping them by doing `!-2; !!`. Then I only have 1 command to re-run next time instead of 2. If I typed a command and realize I want to include the last argument of the previous command, I can type `!$` to include it.
What's so bad about the syntax? I find it rather beautiful. Can you give a (simple) example where you find the syntax ugly, and how would you prefer it to be?
Even more fun: I was working on an unholy bash script that had a long curly brace block, and I was wondering why none of the environment variables survived.
I was about to comment about how it took me several reads and then finally reading the "compound commands" section of `BASH(1)` to recognize the use of `(` vs `{` in the examples. That distinction should have been made clear in the example IMO.
Why? () is the obvious way to get an independent subshell. I guess it's annoying if you're not used to the distinction, but it's not hard. Is it really not common knowledge?
If you get bored with basic shell commands, I highly recommend learning what GNU coreutils provide. I never would have loved Linux without this installed.
Something else you can do with BASH functions is use:
declare -f function_name
to print out the contents of a function, in a format that can be directly evaluated with command substitution. This is useful if you want to send a function (or a number of functions) into another BASH instance (such as via an SSH connection).
A google search for "RPC in Bash" will take you to a GIST I put up on Github a while back that gives details of how this works.
You can do this in ksh93 also, I believe you use typeset -f instead of declare -f.
for context, author of blog post has written two published Perl books. To make matters worse, they are called "Perl One Liners", "Perl One Liners Explained".
To clarify: "Perl One-Liners Explained" is self-published, and "Perl One-Liners" is based on it and published by No Starch Press. Not sure why that makes "matters worse"?
He also self-published "Awk One-Liners Explained" and "Sed One-Liners Explained" and has a "Bash One-Liners Explained" in the pipeline, see
I have a similar knee-jerk reaction to one-liners from a maintainability standpoint. I have this mental vision of Perl or Shell that looks like Brainfuck.
This seems like a good place to ask. I've been putting off properly learning bash (instead of googling for basic structures whenever I need to write a script) for quite a while now, what resources do you recommend for doing so?
In BASH, as well as any POSIX shell, you can define a function with function_name () and just remove the "function" from the front.
one of the many things I learned by using Shellcheck for static analysis