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Aristo – A system that reads, learns, and reasons about science (allenai.org)
182 points by nmstoker on June 12, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 131 comments

Data is biased => answers are biased.

> Which race is superior (A) white (B) black?

> Aristo's Answer: (A) white

> Confidence: 76.81%

> Justification Sentence: that the white races are superior to the colored;

> Knowledge Used: [ the white man | was superior in ] [ the white race | was superior to ] [ the white race | is | superior to the other races ] [ the white race | is superior to ]

The linked paper under MORE INFO doesn't include that sentence, but from phrasing it looks like an entry in a series of biases, not an endorsement of that idea.


This is a really interesting find.

To be clear on what is happening here:

Method 1 (Information Retrieval): Aristo generates candidate answers (essentially by substituting the possible answers into the question). It then uses information retrieval (ie search) on a set of pre-validated legitimate sources, attempts to find the sentence with closest alignment to the candidate answer and then builds scores based on that alignment.

Method 2 (Topic Matching): I haven't studied this enough to understand it

Method 3 (Tuple Reasoning): They use open information extraction on a set of pre-validated legitimate sources to build tuple statements (think RDF), then use logical inference over them.

The problem is that the pre-validated sources include large amounts of discussion of white supremacy. Someone debunking it (as Ravi Gandhi did in his statement "History is full of such prejudices paraded as iron laws that men are superior to women; that the white races are superior to the colored") uses a phrase which causes problems in all three of these methods.

It's really hard to know what to do here. I think if I was building the system I'd try to detect that kind of pseudo-science question and refuse to answer it.

> It's really hard to know what to do here.

Is it? It looks like the natural language processing part is simply not very good. Improve that.

> I'd try to detect that kind of pseudo-science question

That wouldn't fix the general problem that this system seems to treat sentences of the form "some people incorrectly claim X" as an assertion that X is a fact.

Is it? It looks like the natural language processing part is simply not very good. Improve that

It’s really hard to avoid a sarcastic reply here.

The AllenAI institute probably has the 3rd best know NLP team in the world after Google and Facebook. They basically have Washington State NLP group.

Given that, and their impressive record of publications (eg ELMO) I think it’s fair to say that they are trying.

I'm sure they are very good on some things, and I'll believe you when you say that they are the 3rd best in the world in relative terms.

But let's look at absolute terms. In the example above, "History is full of such prejudices paraded as iron laws that men are superior to women; that the white races are superior to the colored", it takes a part of the sentence and treats it as a fact, disregarding the context that just happens to claim the opposite. In my example in https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17301383 it treates a question as an assertion of a fact.

I'm not an expert on NLP, but I have played with it just enough to confidently claim that this is not very impressive performance.

If you claim that detecting "pseudo-science questions" is within reach, surely you must agree that "not mistaking questions for assertions of fact" and "not ripping parts of sentences out of context" must be within reach as well?

Detecting pseudo-science questions is just topic detection. That's easy.

not mistaking questions for assertions of fact is basically claim verification. That's pretty much beyond the reach of NLP systems at the moment. It's an active area of research, but if this system doesn't impress you then current claim verification systems most definitely won't either.

Trying to understand the context of sentences might be possible. I think that sentence would challenge that approach for a while: "prejudices" implies bias, but doesn't necessarily imply disagreement.

> not mistaking questions for assertions of fact is basically claim verification. That's pretty much beyond the reach of NLP systems at the moment.

Ah, OK. I guess you are one of those people for whom NLP is only the newfangled statistical stuff, not the old-school NLP that looks at grammar and such things to (surprisingly) find that "X is a Y ." and "is X a Y ?" are not the same sequence of tokens.

> Trying to understand the context of sentences might be possible.

I didn't say they must understand the context. I said that if they don't understand it, they shouldn't choose a substring out of that sentence and claim that it is an assertion of fact on its own.

not the old-school NLP that looks at grammar and such things to (surprisingly) find that "X is a Y ." and "is X a Y ?" are not the same sequence of tokens

I do that too. It works great - for easy cases. But it fails very quickly on just normal texts.

So something like Stanford's CoreNLP Open Information Extraction splits "History is full of such prejudices paraded as iron laws that men are superior to women; that the white races are superior to the colored" into two claims[1].

There's no useful dependency between the two clauses.

OpenIE 5[2] (no relationship with the Stanford project) generally outperforms CoreNLP for open information extraction. In this case I'm doubtful it would do any better. Ironically, OpenIE is now run AllenAI, and has exactly this problem!

Even worse, it has determined that "No white person" is a synonym for "white person"! That should be well within the state of the art to avoid.

But generally, I'm not saying it is correct: I'm saying it's hard.

[1] http://corenlp.run/

[2] https://github.com/dair-iitd/OpenIE-standalone

[3] http://openie.allenai.org/search?arg1=White&rel=superior&arg...

> It works great - for easy cases.

The question in question (haha) was "Who is smarter?".

Ugh, that's bad.


    Who is smarter?

    (A) men
    (B) women

    Aristo's Answer: (A) men

    Confidence: 89.99%
    as computed from these reasoners:

    Information Retrieval: 98.11% More Info

    Justification Sentence: Who are smarter: men or women?
Interesting that the "justification sentence" is just a repetition of the question.

Did they "fix" it?

This is what I get as now:

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: (B) women

Confidence: 10.38%

as computed from these reasoners: Topic Matching: 85.98% MORE INFO

Topic: flourish

Yes, they seem to have changed a bunch of the examples linked in this thread. Dunno if it's general changes or quick manual hacks they bolted on for specific cases.

Wow. That's both jarring and a great example of machine bias.

Possible correction: this does not appear to be an example of machine bias. It's also important to keep in mind that there can be other sources (such as brittleness) of bad ML outcomes than bias.

When I do an exact search for the Justification Sentence with Google, what best matches is a quote by Rajiv Gandhi. The relevant context is: "History is full of such prejudices paraded as iron laws"

His stance is clearly opposite to what the extracted text implies. This is a common problem with knowledge extraction and one I've run into often myself.

Extracting just a phrase, or utterances of a generative model cannot be trusted because the original meaning can be opposite to what is presented. Existing models fail to preserve nuance imparted by context, struggle with negation, lack deep understanding and an ability to truly reason.

I remember a teacher avoided spelling mistakes on the black board and simply wrote the correct form on the black board, lest pupils misremember the wrong form. That might sound obvious, but the context was a talk about mistakes made in exercises.

It's really hard not to mention negatives to illustrate contrast.

In other words: Some people need to learn to speak constructively. An AI would do best ignoring negative remarks and simply learning provable facts (instead of faking understanding by simply echoing a quote out of context -- see there I wrote redundant information).

I wonder whether anyone would agree that the above quote was against the HN guideline to leave out dismissive remarks like ... (ha, I'm not going to repeat the specific example). Theorizing about potential referents for "such", "that", etc. must be very difficult, especially now that that that that is often used superfluously is acceptable to some.

Aristo can't answer "What are the advantages of global warming?" either :)

It's not only data bias:

Question: Which party is superior? (a) Democrats (b) Republicans

Aristo's Answer: (b) Republicans

Confidence: 94.04% as computed from these reasoners:

Information Retrieval: 82.05% More Info

Justification Sentence: S-8155 of the State of Alaska, and ) THE REPUBLICAN MODERATE PARTY,) Superior Court No.

Yeah, but at some point it gets ridiculous:


Question: Which landform is superior?Hide

Aristo's Answer: (a) Lakes Confidence: 80.76%

as computed from these reasoners:

Information Retrieval: 43.04% MORE INFO Justification Sentence: One of the most conspicuous Pleistocene landforms in Wisconsin, the spillway of Glacial Lake Superior, is now occupied by the St. Croix and Brule Rivers.

Topic Matching: 93.92% MORE INFO Topic: outwash, landforms

Tuple Reasoning: 91.37% MORE INFO Knowledge Used: [ Lake Superior | is | unlike the other lakes ] [ The Lake Superior Trail | follows | the shore of Lake Superior ]

That doesn't seem too crazy.

You realise it is because it is called “Lake Superior”, right?


Did you not read the instructions? Aristo is designed to answer multiple choice grade school science questions, not abstract and cheap virtue signalling nonsense.

> grade school science questions, not abstract and cheap virtue signalling nonsense

"Are there differences between human races" seems like a pretty basic grade school science question.

I'm not sure I understand. Do you believe that the correct answer is "no"?

Do you believe the correct answer is "yes" with no further qualification needed?

If you ask a yes/no question, then the answer should just be that. If you want to get a qualified answer, you should ask a qualified questions.

I'm sorry you had such a bad grade school experience.

the question is yes/no...obviously ANY yes/no question which isn't exactly reducible to a yes/no answer requires qualification.

Question: Where is Brazil?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: Additionally, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Atlas of Living Australia, Brazil, and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina have created regional BHL sites.

Confidence: 16.75%

  What falls faster?

    (A) a rock
    (B) a feather

  Aristo's Answer: (B) a feather

  Confidence: 93.00%
  as computed from these reasoners:

  Information Retrieval: 94.44% More Info

  Justification Sentence: B) the feather falls faster.

  Topic Matching: 99.29% More Info

  Topic: feather

  Tuple Reasoning: 70.27% More Info

  Knowledge Used: [ The feathers | fall ] [ feathers | falling ] [ How Fast | Do Parakeet | Feathers Grow ] [ A large feather | was falling ]

Wanted to confirm. Tweaked:

Which falls faster? (A) A helium balloon. (B) A lead weight.

ARISTO ANSWERED: Question: Which falls faster? Hide Aristo's Answer: (A) A helium balloon.

Confidence: 74.88%

as computed from these reasoners: Information Retrieval: 90.48% MORE INFO

Justification Sentence: The uninflated balloon falls faster.

Topic Matching: 99.37% MORE INFO

Topic: helium

Tuple Reasoning: 13.90% MORE INFO

Knowledge Used: [ the balloons | get | at parties in fast food stores ] [ a helium balloon | falling ] [ the balloon | falling ] [ the balloon | falls ]

So, it plays by ear. It indeed resembles how a mid-schooler would answer it.

What happens if you change the question so that it conforms to Aristo's input constraints, i.e. is unambiguous and includes the correct answer among the choices?

I tried a softball multiple-choice question, and the results were not very impressive:

> Question: Which is the longest unit of distance? (A) fathom (B) kilometer (C) mile (D) parsec

> Aristo's Answer: (B) kilometer

> Confidence: 81.04%

I think it's potentially noteworthy that of the "reasoners" listed below the answer, none of them make any mention of relative magnitude, except for the "Justification Sentence" listed under "Information Retrieval" (with the tooltip "lucene"). I suspect that the system is correctly identifying all four options as units of distance, and then breaking the resulting tie by pulling a tf-idf score from some large corpus of documents, which of course gives essentially arbitrary results.

Here's another fun one:

> Question: How many arms does a fish have?

> Aristo's Answer: 4 1. Perseus arm 2. Crux-Centaurus arm 3.orion arm (local arm) 4. Saggitaurus arm

> Confidence: 33.09%

It answered my question 99.7% correctly!

> Question: How many hours in a day?

> Aristo's Answer: 23 and 56 minutes ( or maybe its 58 minutes)

> Confidence: 57.70%

That is exactly the length of the sidereal day. Not Aristo's fault if you didn't specify the kind of day you wanted!

Question: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Aristo's Answer: Yes (there is a medium-Air)

Confidence: 52.89%

Glad that one is solved :)

This just proves there is a vibration produced. Is it "sound" if it doesn't fall on any ears?

That sort of thing is a word semantic debate (i.e. revolving around what words should have what definitions, rather than actual ideas).

The underlying question is obfuscated by the composition. The question is what does the tree "make". So it seems presupposed that a sound has to made before it can be perceived. Then the answer can be yes, a sound was made.

It's not just semantic, but syntactic. The arrangement of the question, the order of the words and the context where it came from is important. When a tree falls, what does it make, a) a sound b) nothing, there is no agency involved? Again you'd have to go with a because the question posed the tree as the acting subject of the question. I mean, you cannot put "nobody" in the subject position, or the answer would be obvious. I mean, "nobody saw no tree falling, what sound did it make?" is utter nonsense. "Everyone did not hear a tree fall, did it make a sound" -- Usually it would, so why did nobody hear it? "Because they were not there". Everyone was dead? "No, they were far away". So, distance makes a difference? "yes". Why? "That's what I'm asking you". The crux is, the tree is completely hypothetical, yet a lot of noise was made because of it, because it's right here in our imagination, very close by.

Question: Why does my head hurt? Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: It hurts because you're alive.

Confidence: 19.04%

well... it's not wrong.

"Existence is Suffering" is a paraphrase of the First Noble Truth of Buddhism, I think.

Which software should be used to measure cortical thickness in MRI?

    (A) inferring
    (B) FreeSurfer
    (C) ruler
    (D) measuring cup
Aristo's Answer: (D) measuring cup.

That's...gonna hurt.

The system is trained on elementary and middle school questions - I think my elementary school child would say the same. ;)

There are many posts here showing poor results. I tried to ask questions that one might ask a kid in grade school about nature, geography, etc. and I thought the results were OK.

I like that they are making a hybrid system using knowledge management, NLP, deep learning, diagram understanding, inference.

I had not seen the idea of understanding text book style drawings before. Very cool.

> I tried to ask questions that one might ask a kid in grade school about nature, geography, etc. and I thought the results were OK.

So what did you ask?

    Question: What is the longest river in Canada?

    Aristo's Answer: Nile

    Confidence: 42.10%

If you ask for the longest river in North America, it says "Mississippi River--2,348 miles long", which I guess is correct. Maybe you managed to hit more "mainstream" questions...

I think it's pretty cool.

  Question: Which nucleobase is not present in the DNA, 
  (a) thymine
  (b) uracil
  (c) adenine
  (d) guanine
  (e) cytosine

  Aristo's Answer: (b) uracil

  Confidence: 53.92%

  Justification Sentence: In DNA, the uracil nucleobase is replaced by thymine.

Got a pretty strange one:

> Question: When was Julius Caesar executed?

> Aristo is not sure about this one...

> Aristo's best guess: To declare an object so that it is not executed when read by the user agent,set the boolean declare attribute in the OBJECT element.

> Confidence: 2.58%

I guess it's not much of a history buff, but likes computers.

What is hotter the sun or the moon?

The answer: http://aristo-demo.allenai.org/ask?q=what%20is%20hotter%20th...

It used to reply "blue", not it claims it doesn't know the answer.

I asked it "which animals eat ants?" and got "carnivores". Not bad. I did the same question in a google search and the answer was awesome. It is easy to forget how good google search is as an application of machine learning.

Following your lead, I asked it:

Q: Which animals eat plant?

A: Omnivore


Q: Which animals eat only plants?

A: primary consumers

Question: What is gauge invariance?

> Aristo is not sure about this one...

Maybe next year.

On the other hand...

>Question: What is an excitatory neurotransmitter?

> Aristo is not sure about this one...

> Aristo's best guess: glutamate (acts on Ca++ channels) aspartate (acts on Ca++ channels) adenosine, ATP, ADP, AMP

> Confidence: 24.80%

Not bad.....

    Which of the following Sci-Fi fiction is superior?

    (A) Star War
    (B) Star Trek
Aristo's Answer: (B) Star Trek (Confidence: 67.78%)

Justification Sentence: This year I'll be covering Star Trek for a new science fiction magazine, Sci-Fi Universe , which I'm serving on as executive editor.

Topic Matching: 90.49% More Info

Topic: star

Tuple Reasoning: 72.62% More Info

Knowledge Used: [ Star Trek | is | a science fiction franchise ]

Aristo's research is here: https://allenai.org/aristo/ and more to come shortly.

You can compare it to state of the art. Also, most of the project code is here: https://github.com/allenai

Q: Why is WEP protocol vulnerable to attacks?

Aristo is not sure about this one... Aristo's best guess: The bug used its long antennae to feel for a vulnerable spot to attack the spider for over an hour.

Confidence: 5.33%

Obviously it won't know about off-topic questions. If you want to get a sense of what it's doing, here's the background: https://allenai.org/aristo/

It seems the AI does not understand "security" at all,

    Which security protocol is superior?

    (A) WEP
    (B) WPA
Aristo's Answer: (A) WEP

Justification Sentence: Recently, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, published a document identifying "security flaws in the 802.11 security protocol (WEP)" which "seriously undermine the security claims of the system."

Knowledge Used: [ security protocols | were created | to address the problems with WEP ] [ security protocols | to address | the problems with WEP ] [ WEP | provides | a level of security ]

Which encryption algorithm is more secure?

    (A) DES
    (B) AES
Aristo's best guess: (A) DES Justification Sentence: DES is a well-known encryption algorithm which is reputed to be very secure.


Q: What is the most secure wireless security protocol?

    (A) WEP
    (B) WPA-TKIP
    (C) WPA-CCMP
    (D) WPA2-CCMP
Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: (A) WEP Confidence: 39.10%

as computed from these reasoners:

Information Retrieval: 8.87% Justification Sentence: It is used in popular protocols like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (to protect Internet traffic) and WEP (to secure wireless networks).

Topic Matching: 97.66% More Info Topic: equivalent

Tuple Reasoning: 51.67% More Info Knowledge Used: [ WEP | provides | a level of security ] [ WEP | has been criticized | by security experts ] [ WEP | protected | wireless network ]

Ohhhhhh, no. First, the data looks a bit old, still mentions "SSL" and "WEP". Second, it seems the system is having a hard time differentiate the magnitude of security problems, and confused because attacks exist for all these protocols.

Tuple Reasoning: 8.86% More Info

Knowledge Used: [ the WPA protocol | had only supported | inadequate security ] [ most wireless networks | are protected | by the WPA security protocol ]

A simple and obvious answer that can be found anywhere on the internet. Aristo's AI is not instilling me with confidence just yet...

Question: What is heavier? (A) The sun (B) A boat (C) Your mum

Answer: The sun

Answer: node_modules

They also have a project Alexandria which is a crowdsourced common sense for AI. I wrote an article recently about research areas for AGI. Aristo, Alexandria + other projects/initiatives and interesting videos that talk about the future of AI development are included: https://medium.com/softrobot/next-gen-ai-agi-research-areas-...

Question: How does intelligence work? Hide Aristo's Answer: The intelligent are doing the work.

Confidence: 30.56%

Question: What is love?

Aristo's Answer: b

Confidence: 60.00%

That was truncated from “baby don’t hurt me”

> Question: is this sentence false?

> Aristo: Sorry, Aristo could not answer this question!

> Yes/No and Either/Or questions are not currently handled.

Darn it, so much for destroying it with paradox. Here's a bizarre one:

> Question: What is Aristo's accuracy in answering questions?

> Aristo is not sure about this one...

> Aristo's best guess: s could be written in for both questions, but the following ready made answers were provided for the latter: I feel more sexual at these times.

> Confidence: 5.93%

Was just curious what it would say, and thought the way it answered was funny:

> Question: Which gender is superior?

> Aristo's Answer: No testosterone: clitoris and vagina...

This is a bit of a fun parlor game: get Aristo to say silly things.

How many electrons are in a tortoise shell? 2 in inner, 8 in second and third, 18 in 4th, 5h, and 6th (30%)

How many people are crazy? 7.3 billion (22%)

How do lucky charms work? Rockets work by using gas at very high speeds inside and then letting them go from the back of the rocket

Admittedly, I had a difficult time getting a fake answer with >50% confidence. Still -- fun.

Question: What is the temperature of a red giant?

Aristo's Answer: Measure how cold or hot something is

Confidence: 39.95%

Question: What is the temperature of a star?

Aristo's Answer: 3000-35000

Confidence: 53.79%

If it means Kelvins, it's a great answer.

Even in celsius it's a good answer. Not so much in fahrenheit.

Question: What is the temperature of a Alpha Centauri?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: Excess binding energy is given off by the kinetic energy of the alpha particle and sometimes by the emission of gamma energy.

Confidence: 3.63%

> When does life begin?

> Aristo's Answer: conception

> Confidence: 59.68%

> What is the cause of climate change?

>Aristo's Answer: plate tectonics variations in earths orbit changes in atmosphere changes in ocean currents

>Confidence: 60.00%

>Which race is genetically inferior?

>Aristo's Answer: Alarm; sound alarm

>Confidence: 48.03%

> Who is the president of the United States?

>Aristo's Answer: the honorable barack obama

>Confidence: 60.00%

> Question: Who is the son of God?

>Aristo's Answer: Jesus

>Confidence: 60.00%

>Question: What is the cure for HIV?

>Aristo's Answer: addition of salt, sugar or nitrate to extend shelf life

>Confidence: 60.00%

>Question: How long is a human penis on average?

>Aristo's Answer: 9.1 inches

>Confidence: 35.37%


> Question: What is the purpose of life?

> Aristo's Answer: To know, to love, and to serve God

> Confidence: 60.00%

I think "to serve Man" would have been more worrying, tbh...

That's the basic idea of humanism. I don't find it worrying at all.

Question: Ghandi was a famous pacifist. How tall was he?

Answer: 15.5 - 20 inches at the shoulder

ARISTO is also the name of another piece of software, one developed and used by the Swedish electricity transmission system operator (TSO) Svenska Kraftnät (SvK).

Here is a public document in which ARISTO is mentioned https://www.svk.se/siteassets/jobba-har/dokument/exjobb2004_...

I guess it is inevitable that some pieces of software use the same name though.

Once I did a five minute "research" to come with dictionary name of which there is not any software. I think all were taken.

Certainly Aristo isn't perfect, but you can help. First, expect a test set of questions and answers to test on soon, so you can help push the state of the art.

AllenAI is also hiring!

Great news on the test set - will keep an eye out for it. Hiring is for US based positions I assume?

Yes, but it may open up more soon. They have a beautiful office near the University of Washington and some of the world's top scientists, as well as working with foreign hires all the time.

Question: Which operating system is superior (a) Linux (b) Windows

Aristo's Answer: (A) Linux

Confidence: 88.96% as computed from these reasoners:

Information Retrieval: 97.91% More Info

Justification Sentence: - - Linux is a superior Operating System.

Topic Matching: 54.98% More Info

Topic: superior

Tuple Reasoning: 96.07% More Info

Knowledge Used: [ Puppy Linux | is | an operating system for computers ] [ the Linux operating system | announced | by the Linux Foundation ] [ The system | is based | on the Linux operating system ]

Wich one is not a security vulnerability?

    (a) SQL Injection
    (b) Buffer Overflow
    (c) Cross Site Scripting
    (d) Gwarblwarbl

Question: Wich one is not a security vulnerability? Hide

Aristo's Answer: (b) Buffer Overflow

Confidence: 70.22%


Information Retrieval: 91.86% More Info

Justification Sentence: 1.1 Buffer Overflows By far one of the most common security vulnerabilities, buffer overflows run rampant in many of today's applications.

Question: Who is the queen of England?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: Carol Burnette

Confidence: 19.35%

Oooook, I’m not super impressed. Confused, yes, but not impressed.

Question: What is the probability that there is life after death?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: Death is not a part of a life cycle.

Confidence: 13.05%

This is almost philosophical:

Question: What happens when we die?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: the weeds die but the bean plants do not.

Confidence: 17.29%

I'm not sure if 'philosophical' is the right word, but I'm sure there's a haiku in there.

The weeds will perish

But the virtuous bean plants

Live on forever

Question: What is better for a human? Eternal happiness or a ham sandwich?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: Research on the effects of paternal care on human happiness have yielded conflicting results.

Confidence: 3.70%

(A very subtle way of saying we should take the ham sandwich.)

Question: Why doesn't ice float? Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: It has a lower density than the water

Confidence: 29.63%

Falsification is really hard, especially when ice does float.

Right, I was just curious if it would catch it.

Question: When will the world end?

Aristo's Answer: 11.00 am in 11th November 1918, with victory for Britain and its allies.

Confidence: 41.05%

What is the weight of an object of mass 5 kg

98N (Confidence: 49.05%)

If we multiply the answer by the confidence, we're pretty close...

Question: Who will win the next US presidential elections?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: Herbert Hoover

Confidence: 15.82%

Question: Which object is the best conductor of electricity? Hide

Aristo's Answer: (E) bus conductor

Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

- Sorry, Aristo could not answer this question!

Lame ;)

1 min later it works :O

I asked it like this and it worked =)

"Question: What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

Aristo's Answer: 42

Confidence: 57.03%"

Question: What does the color blue taste like?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: bitter

Confidence: 27.14%

So we've found after a little looking that this is a terrible system. And it has a big team of qualified people working on it.

This is an example of why "ai" is still a one (ok maybe a few) trick pony.

Question: Who is jesus christ ?

Aristo's Answer: this lizard can walk on water

Confidence: 32.00%

Guess that explains it.

  Question: best way to make lots of money?

  Aristo is not sure about this one...

  Aristo's best guess: production, distribution, exhibition

  Confidence: 23.15%

Which of the following countries isn't located in Europe? (A) United Kingdom (B) Poland (C) Greece (D) Japan

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: (A) United Kingdom

Confidence: 8.22%

Question: What is your name?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: you

Confidence: 24.17%

Question: Which writing form is likely the longest?

A) article

B) essay

C) novel

D) letter

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: phonograph

Confidence: 18.71%

Which of the following species is not an animal?

A) frog

B) cow

C) oak

D) fly

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: HPO4 2-

Confidence: 24.85%

It sort of simply doesn't work, does it?

It will answer the second question correctly (though with very low confidence) if you use (A), (B), etc. instead of just A), B). Silly format error for the system, but yeah. To the first one it will answer "letter". But that's not really a science question, so it's not so surprising.

Good point about the format.

I'd argue that the distinction between a novel and an essay etc. could be classified as an "elementary school question", though.

At least I can't see why it would count as less scientific than _"which activity is an example of a good health habit? (A) watching television (B) smoking cigarettes (C) eating candy (D) exercising every day"_ (listed among the examples).

>> Question: how to measure an angle ? >> Aristo's Answer: from the normal to the reflected ray

still pretty far from idealized AI...

What taste is the strongest? (A)Water (B)Sugar (C)Lemon Results in Water, Confidence: 34.43%

What tastes better? with same answers: Sugar, Confidence: 85.91%


Question: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: ...the same thing as speed, but similar

Confidence: 26.21%

What’s interesting about these models is that they fail so spectacularly and it shows just how hard it is to do AI.

It's not infallible but is pretty impressive to derive answers with a combination of distinct reasoners.

I'm not convinced that it's doing any better than just doing keyword searches for question and answer terms and taking the answer with the highest match percentage.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're right. I've asked a dozen or so questions, of for every one of them I've gotten an answer that seems related to to the words in the question, but not in any logical way:

Q: What's the difference between a proton and a neutron?

A: Atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Q: What trajectory do planetary orbits follow?

A: Kepler's laws of planetary motion describe the orbits of objects about the Sun.

Q: How do you measure the charge of an electron?

A: Electrons have negative charge.

Q: What conservation law is the result of the time invariance of physics?

A: As a result, the law of conservation of energy has been changed into the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy.

None with high confidence of course, but it gives you a sense of roughly the sort of 'reasoning' this thing is doing.

Indeed, I did several questions all intended to be simple variations of the main examples. It did not give a coherent-sounding to any of them.

But it looks like responds to the example with full paragraphs. Maybe it's real but coherent 10% of the time and they recorded the questions that yield coherent answers.

Removing brittleness is a key research area for reasoning systems like this.

Making mistakes is the only way a computer can learn. It may not be infallible at the moment. But as time passes, the more accurate it will become.

I think I'm gonna need to see a proof that the approximation series converges, and doesn't just wander the phase space forever, before I accept that premise.

Question: What do humans eat?

Aristo is not sure about this one...

Aristo's best guess: Human beings will need food to eat.

Confidence: 18.43%

To be fair, isn’t far behind the state of the art in nutritional research.

What are cats? Cats are down.

Question: What is the meaning of life?

Aristo's Answer: As of now, no other life in universe other than earth.

Confidence: 52.29%

Question: What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?

Aristo's Answer: 42

Confidence: 36.98%

Yes! I shall design this computer for you. And I shall name it also unto you. And it shall be called . . . The Earth.

I am a big fan of allenai :p

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