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Your blog looks quite nice. Which blogging software or static site generator do you use if I may ask?

I use Hugo ([1]), combined with a custom theme called Cactus ([2]).

Content is stored in my own Gitea.io instance and automatically built and deployed using my own Drone.io instance.

[1]: http://gohugo.io/ [2]: https://git01.kogitoapp.com/danielsreichenbach/hugo-cactus-t...

from the source

> <meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.41" />

Agreed, it's a solid-looking blog.

I noticed your "imprint" page https://marenkay.com/imprint/ has a bunch of legalese relating to cookies and use of GA. Would you mind sharing where you got the text? ie, from a lawyer?

Thanks :-)

The imprint is based on legal advice from a lawyer. Will be receiving an update soonish though because I wanted to rewrite it in non-lawyer speak (which sadly requires consulting a lawyer to verify "normal" language expresses the same).

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