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I've always been an engineer and enjoyed being that for almost 25 years now. Learning new things was kind of my way to end my work days.

One thing I admired and never really understood was people that went out every day posting new content, tech tutorials etc. almost daily, being active on Twitter, engaging with other people. Being a kid from the 1970s these things were really weird for me because they are digital and not analog.

So I decided to actually try it out and try living as one of the guys producing helpful tutorials and engaging/mentoring on Twitter and other platforms.

I think it might be a great habit to cultivate because it pretty much fits into moving beyond my comfort zone.

Would be nice to hear from others who tried this thing and hear if it actually was rewarding. For now, I just suspect it will pay off in the long run.

[1]: https://twitter.com/marenkay/status/1006286995767877634 [2]: https://marenkay.com/2018/06/11/symfony-user-provider/

Your blog looks quite nice. Which blogging software or static site generator do you use if I may ask?

I use Hugo ([1]), combined with a custom theme called Cactus ([2]).

Content is stored in my own Gitea.io instance and automatically built and deployed using my own Drone.io instance.

[1]: http://gohugo.io/ [2]: https://git01.kogitoapp.com/danielsreichenbach/hugo-cactus-t...

from the source

> <meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.41" />

Agreed, it's a solid-looking blog.

I noticed your "imprint" page https://marenkay.com/imprint/ has a bunch of legalese relating to cookies and use of GA. Would you mind sharing where you got the text? ie, from a lawyer?

Thanks :-)

The imprint is based on legal advice from a lawyer. Will be receiving an update soonish though because I wanted to rewrite it in non-lawyer speak (which sadly requires consulting a lawyer to verify "normal" language expresses the same).

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