A lot of efficiency and responsibility/insurance issues will be solved if the store used its own fleet of delivery cars. Other than that, we can hope this materializes. Domestic robots will be a revolution.
I'm not sure. I'm thinking it will be on my way home my car stops at the grocery store for a few minutes to fill my trunk, thus saving the energy to drive my car and their car to my house.
I've had a smart fridge, I will never own one again, my fridge should not need a reboot. I will also not buy Samsung again. They use a bunch of custom software for no reason.
1) Fridge finds several items low and proceeds to order groceries.
2) Website schedules car to be driven to store.
3) Store Robot packs groceries and finds car in car-park.
4) Negotiation between Car and Robot occurs, groceries placed in trunk.
5) Car drives off home.
6) Car notifies domestic robot that groceries have arrived.
7) Groceries put into fridge by domestic robot.
8) Lazy human requests that domestic robot gets them a can of beer. Unaware that the whole process occurred.