The parenting analogy is good, except ... we tolerate our children because they are our own.
I'm a parent myself and I have infinite patience with my son. But few people have the energy and patience to tolerate and educate other people's children and those that do usually work in education.
I can't stand other people's children running amok in restaurants for example.
And I won't try to educate them, after all, I'm there to eat and maybe have a nice conversation with people I care about. I also won't try to educate their parents either. If they left their kids to run amok in that restaurant, then they are probably beyond educating.
What I will do instead is to complain to the waiter. And then leave without leaving a tip if s/he does nothing about it. Because unless you have a big sign on your door that suggests "screaming children are welcome", then having other people's children screaming in my ear and running between the tables while I'm eating is not OK and I couldn't give a damn about the context that made that happen. Not my problem.
And so it is with online communities in general ;-)
If you're the educator type, good for you, I'm very grateful that such people exist. Other people are not and think they have better things to do.
On HN, the mods do a lot of the educating. You can do your part by just following the guidelines, which already admonish us to not engage in personal attacks and to just not reply to ugly comments instead of putting out the fire with gasoline.
Following the guidelines yourself so as to leave room for other people to do some educating is sufficient. It isn't necessary for every single member to proactively educate newcomers. (In fact, that can go bad places. It can lead to newcomers being obnoxiously swamped with nitpicky "advice" every time they open their mouth, which is the opposite of welcoming and kind.)
I will note that I didn't tolerate my kids. I adored them. I thought they were cute and funny and interesting and cuddly. But, boy, did they have a lot to learn about how life worked. I was happy to talk at them about life, the universe and everything while they soaked it up like little sponges.
HN is the perfect example of a community that is being defended.
My account is almost ten years old and I've seen countless of comments and articles being censored and accounts being banned or soft-banned. And before that the community itself is pretty ruthless in downvoting any dissenting opinion.
It actually gets pretty bad sometimes, because it encourages the hive mind effect, but if the alternative is the aggressiveness of Reddit, then I'm fine with how things are, because I still keep coming to HN, having given up on Reddit.
> I will note that I didn't tolerate my kids. I adored them.
It's pretty bad if you don't tolerate your own children.
Yes, I know what you mean, any sane parent should adore their children, but note that I was talking of behavior when they do mistakes, not feelings. Invoking feelings in this conversation is eliciting an emotional response that detracts from the purpose of the conversation.
The point was that really few people tolerate other people's children. That people don't say anything has to do with politeness, fear of repercussions or simply because they've got children of their own doing the same things. But even so, the sociological effect is pretty clear, it's for example the number one reason for why people that don't have small children stop hanging out with those that do.
> The point was that really few people tolerate other people's children. That people don't say anything has to do with politeness, fear of repercussions or simply because they've got children of their own doing the same things.
This is the very definition of tolerate:
allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) without interference
You are both stretching the parenting analogy too far and not far enough at the same time.
I liked my kids, even though they both had special needs and we're often difficult to deal with. Similarly, I generally enjoy talking with people. I don't want to deal with abusive nastiness, but I also don't expect everything to go perfectly smoothly all the time. Communication is a process.
I like talking about social phenomenon. I enjoy talking about group dynamics and group culture.
I see a lot of harm in just saying "Not my problem. They just need to know how to behave." A lot of people grew up in crappy households where people don't know how to be civil. If we aren't willing to talk to them until they learn to be civil, they have no opportunity to learn to be civil. If everyone is as intolerant as you, then some people are basically headed to jail with no hope of redemption because they grew up poor, were possibly abused and never learned manners.
I think about this a lot: How do we help the most unfortunate in society to have a shot at joining the ranks of the privileged? And I think one baseline thing that works is we talk with them, we engage them in a civil and mutually respectful fashion and we help them learn what that looks like.
There is an excellent detail in the movie Dangerous Minds where a kid goes to the principal's office and the principal throws him out and won't discuss his issue with him because he burst in without knocking. The boy ends up dead.
Some people are in constant crisis. They are ill or being beaten by their spouse or struggling to get enough to eat. Trying to be adequately well mannered to engage in polite society is a real challenge. And many privileged people will cut them out because of it.
You aren't required to be one of the people willing to talk with those who are failing to be polished. But you are free to do that without pissing on the idea that this is how we create a civil culture. I don't understand why you feel compelled to shoot the suggestion down. To my mind, it is an argument that advocates that anyone who wasn't born into privilege is not welcome to try to shoot for a better life by getting online and trying to talk with polished people even though they lack polish themselves.
The internet is the best way for the Haves and Have Nots to mingle. You don't need enough money to dress properly. You don't need enough money to hang out in the right places, like the local country club. You can be dirt poor and still talk to those who know how to get things done.
I would hate to see more of your attitude in the world. When I was homeless, I was treated quite abusively on Metafilter by privileged people who like to brag about what good people they are, making the world a better place. I still am quite angry about that and I hope some of those people burn in hell. It makes me have some sympathy for people who go postal and kill a bunch of people.
The insistence that you aren't welcome unless you are capable of fitting in from the start is an insidious form of classism that is actively harmful to people who have any kind of serious personal problem. I feel that anyone who genuinely wants to see some of the serious problems in the world resolved should eschew such a policy.
> I will note that I didn't tolerate my kids. I adored them.
> It's pretty bad if you don't tolerate your own children.
This was a good tolerant reply.
The “i adore them” comment reads as a cheap snipe, whether it was actually designed to be or the author was just tone deaf is another matter.
On balance, i find it was a calculated remark. An example of toxic commentary yet entirely within the rules because the problem was not the words but the implication.
And yet the reply didnt antogonise the situation further.
A catalog of examples like this could be a useful reference in moderation.
I'm a parent myself and I have infinite patience with my son. But few people have the energy and patience to tolerate and educate other people's children and those that do usually work in education.
I can't stand other people's children running amok in restaurants for example. And I won't try to educate them, after all, I'm there to eat and maybe have a nice conversation with people I care about. I also won't try to educate their parents either. If they left their kids to run amok in that restaurant, then they are probably beyond educating.
What I will do instead is to complain to the waiter. And then leave without leaving a tip if s/he does nothing about it. Because unless you have a big sign on your door that suggests "screaming children are welcome", then having other people's children screaming in my ear and running between the tables while I'm eating is not OK and I couldn't give a damn about the context that made that happen. Not my problem.
And so it is with online communities in general ;-)
If you're the educator type, good for you, I'm very grateful that such people exist. Other people are not and think they have better things to do.