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I wonder if you could make airports your startup 'office' for 30 days like this. I always seem to be more productive on trains or planes.

Are you kidding me? An airport is the last place I'd want to work. Expensive and crappy food, tired and annoyed people, and the endless noise of foot-traffic and zooming carts and loud-speaker announcements make airports one of the worst places on planet Earth.

Isn't it weird? Two people talking in a library can be more distracting than a crowd.

Ah! Trying to up upvote on an iPhone gone wrong! Meant to upvote and downvoted.. Might two people proxy their votes to correct my error?

Only partially. Maybe Airports would not make a good fit, but I'm positive trains would. Or at least the fairly comfortable high-speed rail we have over here in Europe.

That would make for some seriously expensive coffee, at least between flights. Airports aren't, at least in my experience, exactly known for their competetive pricing on food and beverages.

Yeah, I get a lot of work done in airport lounges. I think it's because there's a feeling of having a deadline (the plane leaves in an hour), and there is a feeling of having no obligation to do anything (you're in an airport, for cryin-out-loud). Combined with flaky 3g-dongle internets that makes web surfing a pain, it ends up being very productive for me.

(I have thought about structuring an office like an airport lounge. Comfy chairs, snacks, and people walking around asking you if you want them to bring you coffee. Yes, please!)

does jetblue have onboard wireless? you'd want a cellular modem for the time you are in the airports.

Only on their BetaBlue plane. If only Virgin had all-you-can-fly.

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