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Back by Popular Demand: All You Can Jet (jetblue.com)
55 points by _pius on Aug 17, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 28 comments

Dustin Curtis (dcurtis) and Alaska Miller (alaskamiller) took as many flights as possible in 30 days, the last time this deal was up. They used to have a page at http://dustincurtis.com/30dayflight.html but it's broken now. I can only find one story (which is really interesting!): http://dustincurtis.com/to-fasten-your-seatbelt.html

dcurtis, where's your 30-day flight site now?

I don't think there was anymore than this. I remember the first post with a big lead up to the 30 day trip - but I don't remember many other posts other than the one you linked to.

I finished the trip, ended up being the only one that hit all 42 cities plus Puerto Rico. Lots of mini-adventures inside airports and outside big cities. One of the top experiences I've had. Would recommend but it gets expensive if you do a city tour vs straight flights. Pictures are here: http://30dayjetset.com

Two Redditers galavanted across 14 cities and did some fun hunts and nerdy stuff. They manage to get a lot of support from random Redditers too: http://www.reddit.com/r/reddittraveljetblue/

Wired sponsored someone to fly around as well. I met him on day 3 and we chatted a bit. I think he got pretty cool content since Wired's PR team hooked him up well. Check his travel blog: http://www.wired.com/autopia/tag/terminal-man/

I did this last year. Literally life-changing. While in school, I traveled every weekend. I spent 3 days visiting a friend in Bogota, Colombia. Incredible experience.

One of the best parts is that you only have to book 3 days in advance, so you can pick when you leave pretty casually instead of planning ahead. You can also cancel any time at least 3 days before, so you can extend your trip if things are going well.

Because of this, it's almost worth it even if you take just 2 round-trip flights in the month.

Online booking now will make things easier too (before it was by phone).

I wonder if you could make airports your startup 'office' for 30 days like this. I always seem to be more productive on trains or planes.

Are you kidding me? An airport is the last place I'd want to work. Expensive and crappy food, tired and annoyed people, and the endless noise of foot-traffic and zooming carts and loud-speaker announcements make airports one of the worst places on planet Earth.

Isn't it weird? Two people talking in a library can be more distracting than a crowd.

Ah! Trying to up upvote on an iPhone gone wrong! Meant to upvote and downvoted.. Might two people proxy their votes to correct my error?

Only partially. Maybe Airports would not make a good fit, but I'm positive trains would. Or at least the fairly comfortable high-speed rail we have over here in Europe.

That would make for some seriously expensive coffee, at least between flights. Airports aren't, at least in my experience, exactly known for their competetive pricing on food and beverages.

Yeah, I get a lot of work done in airport lounges. I think it's because there's a feeling of having a deadline (the plane leaves in an hour), and there is a feeling of having no obligation to do anything (you're in an airport, for cryin-out-loud). Combined with flaky 3g-dongle internets that makes web surfing a pain, it ends up being very productive for me.

(I have thought about structuring an office like an airport lounge. Comfy chairs, snacks, and people walking around asking you if you want them to bring you coffee. Yes, please!)

does jetblue have onboard wireless? you'd want a cellular modem for the time you are in the airports.

Only on their BetaBlue plane. If only Virgin had all-you-can-fly.

oh man. It's probably less fun than it sounds? but it sounds pretty fun. I'm currently trying to think of a justification. A whirlwind tour of USian data centres, perhaps?

Dude, aren't you a biker? Fuck it, go ride instead.

I sold my bike to a friendly pair of VAX SysAdmins a few months back, in exchange for the largest stack of twenties I've ever touched. It must have taken north of a week to get those out of the ATM. My girl has commandeered my "disposable" maxima (now that I finally replaced the window and fixed the brakes, it's a reasonable ride. Man, that window was out for two years, and it turns out that replacing the window was a 20 minute job and a $40 part. who knew?)

My current ride is a 2002 Toyota Sienna with the seats ripped out. It's damn useful, really; I now have freight capabilities, and the seats are serving in my new office. But it's about as far from a bike as you can get; I get to keep it until my parents decide if they want to actually get rid of it or not.

If you, like me, are in Europe remember we have ryanair. You fly pretty much everywhere for $50 or less on a lot of days. $499 pass gets you 10 flights and not just in a month.

Still, I'd love to do this if I was in the US since it would force me to keep traveling

Is this $50 + fuel tax + carry-on fee + baggage charge + a quid for the bog + check-in costs?

depends on the day but 50€ incl all fees is not uncommon for ryanair.last trip to london was 65€ for 2 persons without additional bags. my trip to the airport +parking was more than my ticket.

What are the extra taxes/fees for going to the Caribbean or Costa Rica with the pass?

You too can maximize your output of greenhouse gases.

Edit: Changed from "impact on the ozone layer".

I assume that JetBlue is making this offer for the same reason that any airline offers a discount tied to an abnormal schedule: they can’t sell enough full-price (or even normal-discount-price) tickets to fill their seats during September, but they don’t want to reduce the number of flights they offer, and once they’ve committed to flying the plane then the marginal cost per passenger is trivial.

In other words, the plane is going to pump out those greenhouse gases whether it’s half full or three-quarters full, so your decision to accept this offer isn’t going to make much of a difference.

Well, it'll pump out slightly more greenhouse gases when it has to support the marginal weight of one additional passenger. But the marginal energy expenditure for one passenger is most likely pretty thin.

Greenhouse gases have nothing to do with the ozone layer. The ozone hole was caused by CFCs from refrigerants and spray cans.

I stand corrected.

Super lame that people upvoted this story. Way off topic for HN.

I hate to do this, but I'm going to quote the guidelines at you:

"Please don't submit comments complaining that a submission is inappropriate for the site. If you think something is spam or offtopic, flag it by going to its page and clicking on the "flag" link. (Not all users will see this; there is a karma threshold.) If you flag something, please don't also comment that you did."

I respectfully disagree; there was a very robust HN discussion about the "All-You-Can-Fly" last time it came around.

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