Top penetration of broadband: 1. Netherlands 2. Norway 3. Germany 4. Hong Kong 5. Canada 6. Israel 7. UK
Best countries for small business based on regulatory climate 1. Singapore 2. Hong Kong 3. UK 4. Canada 5. Norway
Lowest corporate tax rates 1. Hong Kong 2. Russia 3. Chile 4. Singapore 5. Poland
Countries with the least debt (asked by the OP below) 1. Singapore 2. Chile 3. Poland 4. India 5. China
Top quality programmers (oDesk) 1. Hong Kong 2. Israel 3. Finland 4. Poland 5. France 6. Chile
I appreciate the research. I'm still working my way thru the response to the original question.
EDIT: I found a better link here for ease of business:
as well as tax rates:
Top penetration of broadband: 1. Netherlands 2. Norway 3. Germany 4. Hong Kong 5. Canada 6. Israel 7. UK
Best countries for small business based on regulatory climate 1. Singapore 2. Hong Kong 3. UK 4. Canada 5. Norway
Lowest corporate tax rates 1. Hong Kong 2. Russia 3. Chile 4. Singapore 5. Poland
Countries with the least debt (asked by the OP below) 1. Singapore 2. Chile 3. Poland 4. India 5. China
Top quality programmers (oDesk) 1. Hong Kong 2. Israel 3. Finland 4. Poland 5. France 6. Chile