I know the recommendation is that your startup should locate in the Bay Area or another startup hub for the best access to resources and networking.
But for many people, the US is not an option. These days you can't necessarily easily get a visa, especially if you're a young startup.
So, the question is, what location is the most like SF in all the ways that are beneficial for starting a startup but outside the USA?
We're a two person team. Founders have been together for a decade. One is engineer with deep experience, other is marketing and design expert. We're already slightly successful with our first product that has pointed the way to the Big Product for us.
We can relocate just about anywhere in the world, except the USA. Our passports will allow us to visit most countries without a visa and we should have little trouble getting work/residency visas in countries that welcome entrepreneurs.
So, where's the silicon valley besides silicon valley?
We've thought about:
Toronto- seems to have a very strong startup scene, but this is just an impression.
Bratislava- Near vienna, but relatively low cost. Seems to be growing in leaps and bounds and has a well educated populace. Environment of low regulation and capitalism, so this could be the startup hub of the next decade. Might not be that now.
Big Cities in Asia- There are a number of candidates here, from Manila to Bangkok. Seems the creation of a middle class has unleashed a wave of creativity and desire to create internet startups amongst the youth in asia. Hong Kong is an obvious possibility.
But these are just impressions. We'd like to find a place where there is the possibility of having relatively low costs, since the access to venture capital will not be the same as it would be if we were in the Bay Area.
But access to talent, and more importantly, a startup culture seems like it would be really valuable.
But where can you find this best outside the US?
* not just Bratislava but Vienna, I heard it is also great to startup there (Schnitzelconf. sept 7 there)
* Zürich (ETH university, many Google engineers there)
* and btw Chile offers you $40 000 to start there (not sure that is a very convenient location, but that's a bit of cash and the wine is good;) my2cts Good luck with your venture.