C# actually already has most of that except for "compilation to a (possibly static) native binary", which is really just a convenience for shipping. It's also not really very cross-platform, it's definitely a "Windows First" language.
I'd recommend continuing to look into .NET Core. It's really quite stable these days and has all of the features you've mentioned, as well as C# having a lengthy history as a language. Knowledge is relatively transferrable amongst JS (especially TypeScript) developers, as well as Java developers. This puts you into an area where finding capable people is easy and cost-conscious (vs. niche languages.) Historical baggage has also been trimmed with .NET Core, and Microsoft has done well maintaining the language over time (adding new concepts and removing old ones.)
In a couple years, .NET Core will be even more stable and will surely have convinced the stragglers in the community to adopt it. (I'm seeing this is already mostly the case, because everyone likes not being locked into Windows.)
I'm a pretty big fan of .NET Core (coming from Node.JS) and I really do expect it to grow a lot in the next few years as people discover how easy and sane it is.