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I love #9: You can't afford to make a mistake.

Look Steve Jobs has set up the chess board very well. He attacked in all the right places and his SPEED was incredible. By the time the market had any chance to react even slightly BOOM new revolutionary product. iPod finally got some competitors... BOOM iPhone. The tried this with the iPad but... not cheap enough means that Android can fill the needed gaps since android does not have the Apple Markup. As more and more developers flock to Android Apple will lose.

The thing is that Apple makes it's money in a correct way. Just use our damn products because our hardware is where the money's at. Apple does not have the insane-o license checking for their operating systems, a battle that microsoft is fighting, and an uphill battle it is. They make 40% on iMac, 22% on iPhone, they don't care about the rest, the rest is to boost these numbers.

The problem was that a mistake was made. The iPad is too expensive and there is no iPad lite. If there was a 300 dollar iPad and a 500 dollar one, then android would have gotten shot in the kneecaps and would be dragging it's useless bottom across the moble battlefield... Apple tried the leap of iPod -> iPhone -> iPad, but the last leap was not as grand.

Yet they did succeed in one area. MS is dead. We are just waiting for the vultures. Unless Steve Jobs switches to Microsoft, all hope is lost. Why? Because windows is irrelevant. Windows 7 is CATCHING UP to Mac OS. And that is the CORE of Microsoft. MS Office is available on mac yet again, Steam (games) just moved to mac and is promoting mac development. Pretty soon people will simply jump ship with MS. Now apple does not allow Mac OS to be installed on non apple machines because... 40% of their revenue is in the apple hardware. If Mac OS was released as available on all hardware, nobody would by mac hardware... its expensive. We can't all afford the apple premium. It'll be the super upper class hardware that dell offers, but it's not. Apple will be forced to make up profits on the iPad/iPod/iPhone sales, which it can't. So apple does the right thing: Compete on less fronts with vendor lock-in.

O well. Farewell Microsoft, we hardly knew ye. All Hail Google.

"The iPad is too expensive and there is no iPad lite" - this is were the Android people go off the rails. Comparing the iPad to the Mac for pricing is off base, compare it to the iPod. The original iPod was $399 and has spawned other, lower cost models. The $499 price on the iPad doesn't leave a whole lot of room for competitors to make a profit and Apple is now set to buy parts in large quantities with cheaper, custom silicon.

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