Power will corrupt any interesting intellectual movement. Still, postmodernism cannot be discredited just because it does not make sense to people outside of its paradigm. It must have been quite irritating for the old art establishment when Abby Rockefeller put together the Museum of Modern Art... one among many cases of funding chasing what appears to be insane.
Lastly, I'd argue if people do not want to deal with what is "funded", they can rebel and create a new movement. This is how humanity moves forward.
> Still, postmodernism cannot be discredited just because it does not make sense to people outside of its paradigm.
The idea that outsiders do not understand pomo is handled well in the article. The physicists, specifically focused on mathematical and physics jargon in the writings. They concluded that it was complete gibberish. Stuff like 1 = sqrt(-1) and so on.
The claim that there are some for whom this stuff does make sense is a little scary, as that implies some kind of secret coded language that makes sense, but has to be decoded, or the fact that they are just as crazy as the author.
Lastly, I'd argue if people do not want to deal with what is "funded", they can rebel and create a new movement. This is how humanity moves forward.