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I've been a sysadmin, I've been a software engineer, and now they call what I do devops. My experience is that the title is useless in terms of identifying what people actually do or how companies actually use them.

Some places just rebrand administration as devops. Shiny new title for you, stakeholders can be told we're not missing the trendy new hotness, carry on.

Some places will pull in a "devops person" and drop them on the IT team. This seems to usually result in something between "Jenkins? The devops guy sites over there" and incremental improvements.

Better than that is the model where the "devops person" is something of a liaison as well as an individual contributor - they sit in engineering standups, collaborate on how things are going to be built with an eye towards deployment and manageability, and generally play both sides of the fence. This, however, requires a "devops person" who is also a bit of a politician, and that's not usually contemplated when hiring. It also requires engineering to let the person meaningfully take part, which can become even more political some places.

Best, in theory, is more of less of a merger, but that does ignore that IT is a very different beast than engineering, and that the workplace has been dealing with the distinction for a very long time. Changing that is not a technical issue, it is a (big) management and perception issue. If you get it wrong, the power balance gets wonky and causes the usual problems when you have managers who are IT-clueless managing IT people[1].

All that said, and putting aside org-chart and political issues, I like to think two things are true:

- That someone who has done both engineering and administration is more likely to spot friction, second-order effects, and various traps and dead ends than someone who hasn't.

- That treating the various "devopsy" things - deployment, integration, monitoring, etc. as first-class requirements alongside product features leads to better results along multiple dimensions.

So it reduces to people-problems. There just aren't many folks who have lived on both sides of the fence who also want to do this sort of role[2]. And if you adopt "devops" as a cost-savings measure, you're doomed up-front.

[1] You never see IT managers promoted over engineering, for obvious reasons. The reasons why the reverse happens are obvious to me in descriptive terms, but not in normative terms.

[2] Of course, keep in mind that I'm in this category. I don't write this as ego fluffing - I believe these things to be true - but here's my disclaimer.

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