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It seems to me that the answer really depends on application.

There are two kinds of scalability requirements. Some applications scale almost linearly with number of users, for example, Google Maps. That happens if users need interact with each other in limited ways. For such, horizontal scalability of a monolith is almost always a better answer than microservices, and splitting the data before processing is almost always better solution than Spark or Hadoop.

The second kind of scalability requirement is where the users interact, and so the processing required scales more than linearly (quadratically) with number of users. The examples are social networks, the more users you have, then you need to deliver quadratically more messages to all of them. In this case, microservices (and Spark and Hadoop) are probably better, since you can't solve the problem just by scaling the monolith horizontally.

> For such, horizontal scalability of a monolith is almost always a better answer

This would be scaling vertically since your only option is to increase the resources dedicated to that single application instance (more CPU, RAM, Disk, etc). The definition of a monolith is a single application running on a single platform so scaling a true monolithic application horizontally (adding more instances of the application) is not usually possible.

Maybe I just understand the word "monolith" differently. I understand it as an application that cannot be easily broken to pieces that run on different machines. So the only option is to scale horizontally, if at all.

What I mean is that you can e.g. run two monoliths on two machines, and process half of your users at the 1st machine, and the 2nd half of your users at the 2nd machine. If the users don't need to interact (or in a limited way, for instance, you need to recalculate something each day or so), it's a good enough solution just using horizontal scaling.

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