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If you divide your project so self-contained components with scoped set of responsibilities that are not coupled to the rest, that's fine as well. I've used that pattern with great success.

Microservices are a way of achieving this, but as you describe it, is not the only way. Discipline is another way.

Now, as you have more people involved, or release deadlines get tighter, chances that tech debt gets introduced increase. Unless you go back and repay the tech debt, situation would worsen.

In that sense, microservices are some sort of cap on the impact of tech debt from rushed deadlines and lack of discipline.

Just saying that you're using microservices doesn't guarantee that you'll be avoiding or capping tech debt. I've seen some hopelessly entangled "microservices" that are so full of assumptions about how other parts operate that they're essentially unusable anywhere except for one or two places. You need that discipline whether you are separating components by service boundaries or just by organization of code within a monolith.

I agree that microservices tend to make it harder to accrue tech debt past a certain point, though. Although they can also dramatically complexify the process of figuring out what is going on in an app if log files are spread around a ton of places (which is mainly a tooling problem).

That's what log aggregators are for.

Yes, that's why I said it's a tooling problem. But not everyone has log aggregators set up (or set up in a sane/totally adequate way), and even with log aggregators, it takes a little more care to make sure you're exposing the right information and exposing it in a way where it's easy to trace the important stuff that's happening chronologically.

I'm not saying that it's an unsolvable, or even unusually difficult problem, I'm just saying that it's very possible to do wrong. If an organization can fill a monolith with tech debt, they can probably find a way to do the same with microservices.

This is true but for meaningful aggregation is not easy. You need to provide correlation identifiers to identify log entries which are part of user request invocation. This complicates the protocol between distributed services if they are in different business domains with APIs using unrelated resource identifiers. Usually correlation ID is dispatched over e.g. HTTP header or separate API parameter. With monolith the issue also occurs but loggers usually take care of this with thread local variables or some other contextual storage.

You will have to do it anyways, irregardless of how you structure your project since logging is considered to be a cross-cutting concern.

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