I like these suggestions. Networking is hard but really the best way to find fulfilling work. Implicit networking (meetups, hack nights, hacker spaces) are things I love and come easy which is great. I do also make a strong effort to maintain relationships with former colleagues and have a high success rate leaving a job with a positive impression and mutual interest in maintaining contact.
Interview practice is something I haven't done enough and could stand to do more of. I think one of the things I need to do is take a hard look at all the reasons why I may have failed and see where I can improve. At the very least, unfortunately, most interviews are inconsistent and expectations haven't been set appropriately before hand. Some on-site right away; some never on-site; some a miniscule phone conversation plus a 6 hour coding take-home project. Oddly, intense algorithms haven't come up yet.
Interview practice is something I haven't done enough and could stand to do more of. I think one of the things I need to do is take a hard look at all the reasons why I may have failed and see where I can improve. At the very least, unfortunately, most interviews are inconsistent and expectations haven't been set appropriately before hand. Some on-site right away; some never on-site; some a miniscule phone conversation plus a 6 hour coding take-home project. Oddly, intense algorithms haven't come up yet.